Chapter 13

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Luke's POV:
Well I'm screwed. Ashton walks up to us.
"What's this?" he says. I can't tell if he's mad or not.
"Well Ashton," I say "someone was messing with Mary and it really hurt her. No one else would stick up for her, and you weren't here,so I stepped in. I figured 'Hey, why not help my friends little sister out?' I was just going to take her to the library so she can calm down before school starts."
"Oh, ok. Well thanks Luke. Mary are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Meet me after school, okay? Luke, can we maybe push practice back a few minutes?"
"Yeah sure." I say
"Okay, see you later Mary. You're in good hands, I trust Luke."
By now everyone's moved on, I guess since Ashton didn't punch me in the face they all lost interest.
"Well that was close." I say
"Yeah it was. Are you really taking me to the library?"
"Of course."
We head up to the library.
"Roam free," I say "go into your natural habitat."
She starts to browse and I sit at a table while watching her. A concentrated look comes over her face while she goes up and down the rows. She pulls out a book and opens it, reads a few pages, then adds it to her stack. I notice, only just now, how happy she is when she's around books. I try to sneak a picture of her, but it makes the shutter noise.
She looks over at me.
"Screenshot." I say
She walks over to me with a stack of books.
"Here you go." she says while putting the stack in front of me.
"I picked out books for you. I've noticed you do fine in math and science, but you struggle in English class. So I've chosen some books for you. You can only get better at reading by reading."
So I check out the books and carry them down to my locker. I have to admit, it was sweet of her to try and help me.
Mary's POV:
I walk out of school to meet Ashton, and he's already there with a big smile on his face.
"Hey Ash." I say
"Hey, Mary." he says with a smile
"Why did you want me to meet you?"
"You'll see, come on."
He starts walking and I follow him.
"It's a surprise Mary!" he says while giggling
He stops in front of a frozen yogurt shop. Then he opens the door.
We go in and get two cups, then go outside and sit down.
"Luke wasn't really holding your hand because he was helping you, was he?"
I stop eating.
"Well, actually-"
"Because if there's anything going on between you two, you know I won't allow it. I mean I know he has a thing for you, but I won't let it get any further than a wee little crush. Now I trust you to not get involved with Luke. He's a nice guy and all, but he can be trouble. I've gone to parties with him, and I know he can party a little too much. Just promise me nothing will happen. Can you do that for me?"
What am I supposed to do? I always try to be honest with Ashton. But Luke does just have a thing for me. Everything that happened Friday doesn't matter, he just thinks he wants to go out with me.
"Okay." I say
"Good. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I need to ask you a few things. First, can you listen to us today? Second, do you think you could help us?"
"With what?"
"We're having a concert at the end of the month. You know, just to get ourselves out there. I was wondering if you could maybe make some posters and put them up around school?"
"The end of the month? Ashton, that's in less than three weeks!"
"It is? Oh it is!"
"Yeah and I have other things to do, like homework. And you want me to draw, take pictures and print out flyers?"
"I'll help you with homework!"
"Ok I guess that'll work."
"Thank you you're the best sister ever!"
"Calm down Ashton. And I know, I'm amazing." I say
Luke's POV:
I go out before practice to get something for Mary. I don't really know what , but I want to get her something. I go and walk around the mall for a while and then I call my mom.
"Hey mom, I need your advice."
"Oh Lord, Lucas Robert Hemmings did you get a girl pregnant?"
"No mom! I need to know what to get a girl-"
"Candles, Victoria's Secret stuff, food!"
"Mom you didn't let me finish. What do you get a girl who is your friend but is also a little more than your friend but you want her to think you're just friends when you want to surprise her?"
"Aww Luke, are we talking about Mary? Did you finally admit your feelings for her?"
"Mom, seriously, what do I get her? .......And yes I did."
"Well, I think you should get her the things I told you. Wait, how'd you get the money?"
"I don't have enough."
"I'll bring you my card, ok?"
"Thanks mom..... I love you." I mumble
She brings it to me and I attempt to get something for her. I end up taking Mom's advice and I go to this candle store and get a candle that reminds me of her for some reason. I'm kind of hesitant about going into Victoria's Secret at first, but I decide to go in.
At first I feel embarrassed and confused, but a lady helps me. I end up getting Mary sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and decided it was best to steer clear of the underwear. Actually I got her one pair. I walked by a store and saw a stuffed penguin and almost freaked out, so I went in and bought it for her.
I check the time and see that practice starts in fifteen minutes, so I go to the flower shop and get her a card and roses.

AN: I know I said I wanted to update once a week but I really wanted to update more

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