Chapter 30

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Luke's POV:
Soon we're so high up, I can't see the airport anymore.
Audrey wasn't there, she didn't want to come. I asked her why but she wouldn't say. I guess it's because I'm like a brother to her and she just wanted to be alone.
I look out the window and start to think of Mary, how she hugged me and didn't want to let go.
I didn't want to leave, but I had to. I knew she'd be upset if I didn't go. The only thing is she'll be in college by the time I get back. I'm sure she'll meet plenty of guys who are a whole lot better than me. Guys who aren't still insecure about their bodies, or guys who aren't losers like me.
Mary's POV:
I feel numb.
The few people who I care about are now up in the clouds, flying thousands of miles away from me.
I get in the car and stare out the window.
My mom comes to my side before getting in and wraps me in a hug. As soon as my head touches her, I feel the hot tears run down my face.
"You really do care about him, don't you?" She says after a few minutes
I nod my head and continue to cry.
"Don't worry, he'll still think of you. I know for a fact he'll miss you."
"He's going to meet someone else, I know it."
"He won't, but if he does, he'll come back to you."
"How do you know?"
"I'm a mom, moms know these things."
It starts to rain on the way home and it gets pretty cold.
We get back to the house and I go up to my room, then bury myself under the blankets.
I wake up and see it's dark out. I check the time but it's only 11 am, it must be because of the weather.
My eyes feel heavy from all of the crying and I can see tears on my eyelashes.
I go into the bathroom and step on the scales.
God, why am I so fat?
I go downstairs and find mom at the table.
"You ok, sweetie?"
"Yeah, just had to get away for a while."
"I was thinking we could go get some lunch."
"Sure." I say
We go out to a restaurant and sit down.
"You know," she says after we order "you should be getting your letter soon."
"Mom, I just graduated. It probably won't come for a while."
"I hope you get in. I can't believe my little girl is going to college."
"I'll be able to drive back and forth, so at least you'll see me everyday."
"Speaking of driving," she says "Liz said that Luke told her to tell you that you could use his car while he's gone."
I look at her.
"Only until you can get one."
"If that's ok with them then...I guess I could handle it. I just don't see how we are going to get the money for a car."
"You've been saving since your 14th birthday, and you could get a job."
"I-I can't do that, you now how I am with people. I can't talk to them."
"What about the bookstore? You can work in a position that doesn't require interacting with people."
"I guess that would be fine," I say "but how do we know they're even hiring?"
Luke's POV:
  After what feels like days, we finally land. When we get off the plane, I see it's dark outside.
  "What time is it?"
  "8:30, it's also June 14th." Someone says
"Wait what?"
  "Time zones, Luke, time zones." Ashton says
  We get to where we're staying and I lay down on a couch.
  "You guys will probably experience some jet lag, so get some sleep."
I close my eyes and am almost asleep when I remember to call her.
  "Hi," I say sleepily
"Hi." I can hear a smile spread across her face
  "We got here safely, and we're getting settled in."
  "I'm glad you're okay, tell the guys I said hi."
"Hey Mary said hi, everyone."
  "So what have you been up to?"
"Oh, you know," she says "just staying home. I started my first job yesterday."
  "A book store."
  "Well then, you're in your natural habitat."
Neither of us speak for a few minutes.
  "You're tired, aren't you?" She asks
"I'm a little sleepy."
"I'll let you go then, call me when you can."
  "Okay, I love you."
  "I love you too, and I hope you have a great day."
  "Mary...we'll be back before you know it."
  I hear a sniffle.
"What time is it there?"
I look at my phone
  "9:30 at night."
  "Okay, now I know the time difference. Tell Ash I miss him and that he can call me if he wants."
  "Okay, see you soon."


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