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*One year later*
Third Person POV:
Luke and Mary have been happily married for a year now and a lot has changed. Both are still in touch with their families and friends.
The night of the wedding Calum and Sarah ended up going home together, leading to their engagement only a few short weeks ago. Everyone knew it was going to eventually happen, therefore no one was really surprised.
Audrey and Michael got engaged shortly after Luke and Mary's wedding. Although none of the couples have decided whether they are having children, it is already settled that there will be uncle Mikey, uncle Luke, uncle Ash and uncle Cal, since they are all going to be together.
Ashton on the other hand is still putting marriage off. He is now dating his girlfriend of five months, Landyn.
The boys are becoming very successful at balancing their music and lives. Each day they become more and more popular. Luke and Mary have struggled with distance, but they have made it work.
"Luke who was that?"
"No one."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure. It was just someone who called the wrong number."
"You've been getting an awful lot of those lately," Mary says, looking down at his phone, "are you sure everything is okay?"
"Everything is fine! Someone must just have a number that's close to mine."
His phone vibrates and Mary looks down at it.
"Is that-is that that girl?"
"What? No!"
"Really? Her name is right there!"
"Okay so it is that girl-"
"But I don't know how she got my number. I changed it!"
"Luke you told me you weren't going to talk to her! You promised!"
"I already told you! It wasn't anything! After a while it didn't mean anything!"
"Luke I am not having a baby with someone who is going to cheat on me!"
"What?" He asks, any anger inside of him dying
"I'm late."
"For what?"
"No, Luke. I'm late."
Luke looks over at her, not realizing what she is saying.
"Wait...you mean-" he asks
"I'm not sure yet...but I think I might be...pregnant."
"You're pregnant?"
"I don't know I have to go to the store and-"
"Mary!" Luke says, wrapping his wife in a hug, "There is a chance we made a human."
"I'll drive to the store and get whatever you need. I'll go right now."
"Luke, it's midnight."
"There will be a drug store open...I'll drive until I find one."
She sets the tests on the bathroom counter and takes a step back, waiting. Her life could change in just a few minutes. Fifteen minutes go by and she checks the tests.
Positive. Positive. Positive.
She drops the test in her hand on the floor and jerks the bathroom door open. Luke runs to the bathroom, anxious.
"What did they say?"
"You're pregnant?"
"Yeah." She squeaks out, nodding
"Holy shit babe!" He says, wrapping her in a hug
"I'm...I'm pregnant." She says, everything all of a sudden hitting her
*7 months later*
Luke and Mary sit in the parking lot of the doctors office, having just gotten out of one of their final doctor's appointments.
"Wow." Luke finally says
"Yeah..." she mumbles, "two."
"Do you want to go into the drugstore with me or would you rather stay here."
"I'll go, I need to walk."
"I just can't believe we're going to have two!"
"I know...two of everything."
"Two strollers, two cribs, double the amount of diapers, two diapers to change..."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah it's just, in a few months I'm going to be pushing not one but two human beings out of my body."
"What are we going to name them?"
"I don't know but I do know their names are not rhyming."
"How about Jack?"
"No, I am not naming my child after Jack Barakat."
"Okay, we'll name him after his uncle."
"But how are you so certain we're going to have a boy?"
"Because I just know."
"I think we're going to have girls."
"Oh and you know?"
"Well, no. But I really want a girl."
"Okay how about-"
"I like the name Charlotte."
"I like it."
"How about Alexander?"
"Oh I like that."
Luke stops in the middle of the aisle and wraps his arms around his wife, "Were going to be okay."
"Mary, Dr. Williams needs to know if you want to do this naturally."
"No! Hell no! Give me any drug you can!"
"Mary listen," Dr. Williams says in a soothing voice, "I am 60 years old and I have had 3 children. This isn't my first rodeo."
"See? You're in good hands."
"Now I'm going to hook you up to a drip for pain and we'll get this show on the road. I intend to have all four of you leave this hospital together and healthy."
Mary looks over at her husband, hoping it would help calm herself down.
"Okay," she says "let's do this."
Hours later they are still in the delivery room, neither baby born yet.
"Ok just breath like I told you to. Okay?"
"Come on babe, you're doing great." Luke nervously assures his wife
"Luke," the doctor says
"I'm going to need you to step out with me for a minute."
They leave Mary to rest for now.
"Listen, we knew from the start this was high risk."
"No, don't tell me that. My girl is going to pull through this and my babies are going to be fine."
"Just listen. We knew this was going to be high risk. Women in their early twenties sometimes have difficulties. And one baby is hard enough, two babies are even worse. It's been hours and she is any better." I think we're going to have to put her in the OR and perform C-section."
"I...will she be okay?"
"It's a much more safe alternative."
There is a knock at the door of their room and Luke jerks up. After hours of labor, Mary and their two babies were safe.
"Mr. Hemmings?" The nurse asks
"Yes? Did something happen?"
"No, everything is perfectly fine. Your wife is still in the delivery room and your beautiful baby girls are getting washed up."
"Girls? Did you say girls?"
"Yes. Two beautiful little girls."
"Well, what do they look like?"
"You can come to the nursery if you'd like. Your wife should be okay and we'll be taking the babies to her soon."
"Aren't they precious?" Mary asks
"They're absolutely beautiful."
"And to think, Mr. Tough Guy wanted boys."
"I'm happy they're healthy," he says, staring down at his little girl in his arms, "my little blue eyed princess and my little brown eyed girl."
"What are we going to name them?"
"You said you liked Charlotte," Luke says, motioning towards the baby he is holding, "and we can name that one..."
"Yeah, I like it. Do you?"
"Yeah, I like it. Charlotte and Mason. Mason and Charlotte."

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