Chapter 47

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*four months later*
Luke's POV:
It's been three months since I've seen her. I feel really bad about this because I left her to deal with all the stress while I'm away.
I catch myself thinking about that night, how it's something we can both keep a secret. I just felt so vulnerable because it was just her and me, no clothes or anything.
Leaving wasn't easy. I hated to do it, but I had to. She wouldn't come with me because she didn't want to distract me but little does she know her not being here is the real distraction.
I just can't wait to get back home and finally marry her.
"Luke, you ready?" Ashton asks, putting a hand on my shoulder
"Yeah," I say, taking a deep breath and exhaling, "let's do this."
The screams and the energy get my adrenaline pumping. I've been wanting to do this all my life and I'm finally getting to look be my dream. Ashton walks out and I here the screaming get even louder. Then Calum, then Michael. Finally it's my turn. I walk out and see thousands of faces and it still surprises me. All these people are here to see us.
We play a song and everyone sings along, which is crazy. We're actually doing this right now.
"How we doing tonight?" Ashton asks after a few songs
Everyone screams.
"You ready to rock tonight?"
More screaming.
I look out at all the faces, smiling and laughing and singing. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I could pick her out of all those faces. If she was here tonight, would I be able to look out and spot her? Or has it been so long I couldn't?
Two hours go by and within minutes I'm getting back on the bus to be taken somewhere new. After I shower I her, which I have done every single night since I left.
"Hey, how was the show?"
"It was great. Hot, but great. I'm having so much fun."
"I know, you've told me almost every day we have talked. Where were you guys tonight?"
"Pennsylvania. Next stop is North Carolina. How is the wedding planning going?"
"Ugh, it's getting so stressful. But Sarah is helping because this is pretty much what she wants to do her whole life."
"Have you already picked out your dress?"
"Yeah, I did that months ago."
"Can I see it?"
"No, it's a surprise. You can't see it until the wedding day."
"Just a few more months."
"Yeah and then you're all mine." She says, and I can hear her smiling
"Are you okay by yourself?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Do you like the house?"
"Luke, I've already told you a thousand times: I love it."
"I do too. But we can't move in until after we get married."
"I can wait."
*four months earlier*
"Keep your eyes closed." I say, leading her up to the house
"Luke, I'm blindfolded. All I see when I open my eyes is more darkness."
"Almost there. Just a few more steps."
I position her so she can see the whole thing.
She takes the bandana off and her eyes light up.
"Wow...this is ours?"
"Mhm. Do you like it?" I ask, jingling the keys
"I love it!"
"I know it isn't much, but I wanted us to have a place of our own."
"Luke it''s perfect."
"You can go in if you want." I say, holding the keys out
She takes them and unlocks the door. I walk in behind her and I get excited, even though I have already been inside.
There is a small room when you first walk in that leads to a hallways that leads to a door that then leads to the living room. There is a staircase in the living room that leads upstairs where all the bedrooms are.
"That is the kitchen," I say, pointing to a doorway, "and the bathroom is at the bottom of the steps. Then there are two bedrooms upstairs, a bathroom and an extra room. But this is what I wanted to show you."
I take her to a spot in the living room that can't be seen when you first walk in.
"A built in bookcase?"
"Mhm. Now you can have all the books you want. I know it's kind of small when you compare it to our old houses, but I thought this would be a good first home."
"How did you afford this?"
"Dad knows the guy who was selling it and we got it like, half price."
"Will we be able to keep it?" She asks, leaning her head into my chest
"As long as we love it. Who knows? We might have six kids and have to move somewhere else!"
She wraps her arms around my waist and pecks me on the lips.
"It's perfect. Thank you."
"I love you Luke."
"I love you too."
"I can't wait to see you."
"Me too. I've been counting down the days since the day you left."
"I think I might have a surprise for you when I get home."
"I'll be waiting."
"Goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
I don't want to hang up so I let her. She silently sits on the other end until she finally hangs up after a few minutes.
Mary's POV:
Sarah and I have been sitting in silence, editing and revising every single detail for the past two hours.
"Sarah." I say, looking up from the millionth list She has made
"What?" She says a few minutes later, looking up from her laptop
"My final fitting is tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know."
"My final fitting is tomorrow."
"Oh...that's crazy."
"You do realize six months from now I'll be married?"
"And I'm still single."
"Why don't you talk to anyone?"
"All the guys I've talked to are asshats."
"Then you haven't found the right one."
"But you found the one right off the bat. He was the first guy you ever dated and now you're marrying him. How?"
"I just got lucky, I guess."
She flips through some papers and then hands them to me.
"Who are you going to take to the fitting?"
"Mom, of course. You, And Liz."
"When is Luke coming home?"
"In a few weeks. He said he has a 'Surprise'  for me when he gets back."
"I wonder what that could be?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows
"Not what you're thinking."
"It's exactly what I'm thinking," She says, going back to her laptop, "the boy is wanting sex."
"That isn't all our relationship is about."
"So you have had sex."
"I- no." I lie
I didn't know if having sex with your boyfriend is something you discuss with your best friend...I'm new to this.
"What do you mean?"
"You had sex! With Luke!"
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did!" She sings
"What makes you say we had sex? Are you just saying that?"
"There was that one morning I called you and you sounded so different. That's because you got laid."
"You can't tell that just from hearing someone talk."
"Honey, I've known you since middle had sex."
"I'd want to have sex with him too."
"You had sex."
"Mary Jade Irwin had sex with Luke Robert Hemmings!" She shouts through a rolled up piece of paper
"Shut up!"
"What? Who's going to hear me?"
"Can you just stop saying the word 'sex'?"
"Not until you tell me you"
I ignore her.
"Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex-"
"Please stop."
"I'll go get Michael so he can say 'penis' while I say 'sex'"
"Why am I friends with you?"
"Sex sex sex-"
"You're acting like you're twelve."
"Okay! We had sex!"
"Don't make me repeat it!"
"See? I knew it!"
"Why are you so fascinated by me having sex with Luke? It's bound to happen. I'm a female, he is a male."
"Did he give you any hickies?"
"What? No." I lie
"Liar. I saw them."
"I got shot in the neck with a Nerf gun."
"Stop lying."
"Yes! My boyfriend gave me a hickie. The world is ending!"
She sits back in her chair and stares at me.
"It's just...I can't believe you had sex."
"Can we please stop saying that word? That's about the thirtieth time."
I slip the white dress on and look at myself in the mirror.
"You look beautiful." The seamstress says
"Thank you." I say quietly
I wasn't nervous when I bought the dress, but now that I'm putting it on I can feel the knot in my stomach.
I slowly pull the curtain back to show everyone else. I don't even have to look at Mom to know she's crying. Everyone walks around me, looking at the dress. I feel Liz's hand on my arm and look over at her.
"You're going to make a beautiful bride," she says, pulling me into a hug, "I'm glad you're the one he's marrying. I had always hoped it was you."
"Thank you."
This is the first time Liz and I have ever had a moment like this. I knew she liked me, but she has never shown this much affection.
Mom is the next to hug me.
"I've been dreaming of this day ever since I found out I was having a girl. I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you Mom." I whisper
"He sure is lucky." Sarah says, "You look beautiful."
"Hopefully you'll be next."
"No, I plan to be single and maybe make as much as Oprah does."
"Then I guess it's going to be Audrey and Michael."
"I don't know about that..." Liz says, looking up at me
"What?" I ask, raising my arms so the seamstress can make some alterations, "Why?"
"Audrey told me things aren't going so well right now. I guess it's the same thing that happened between you and Luke."
"But they were cute!" I whine as I turn around
"I think they will make things work." Anne says
"Michael is a great guy," I say, "he would do anything to keep them together."
"You're all done sweetie."
I take a final look in the mirror. I can't really believe I'm seeing myself in a wedding dress. I never thought the day would come when I would be getting married.
"Thank you very much, Ms. O'Brien. I really appreciate this."
"I enjoyed it. I hope you're happy. From what you have told me, this Luke sounds like a wonderful boy."
"He is."
I stand in the airport, anxiously waiting for Luke. They caught the earliest flight home, so I expect he's tired. I guess there won't be any tackling like last time.
I see Michael's hair, which is now a bright purple and get excited. I see Luke's hair before I see the rest of him. Then I see his smile and run to meet him halfway.
"The Notebook!" Luke yells, referencing to the movie we watched together once. I know he means the part where they run to each other and kiss.
I jump and he catches me. We kiss while I wrap my legs around his waist.
"I missed you." He whispers into my hair
"I missed you too." I whisper back, now holding on to him for dear life
We pull apart and he grabs his suitcase while grabbing my hand.
"Let's go home."
I don't know what he means by 'home' because we aren't moving into our house until after the wedding.
"You know, it's September 30th." He says, putting his suitcase in my trunk
"Yes, it is."
"You know what that means, right?"
"Tomorrow is the first day of October?" I ask, messing with him
"No...we're getting married, silly! In three weeks!"
"I know."
"I'm excited!"
"I can tell."
"And then we will be Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings. Or should we combine our names to be Irwin-Hemmings? Or Hemmings-Irwin? We could just mash them together! Hemmwin? Irwimmings? That'd be cool, right?"
"Luke, what are you on?"
"I'm sleep deprived."
"Why didn't you sleep on the plane?"
"I couldn't, I was too excited to see you."
"Let's get you home so you can sleep."
I drive him to his house and help him get in. His parents had to work, so it's just us. He goes into the kitchen and eats everything in sight, then goes to get a shower. After he gets out I make him go to bed.
"There, now please go to sleep." I say, tucking him in
"Will you cuddle with me?" He asks, yawning
"Here, cuddle with this." I say handing him his penguin, "I have to go now. Call me when you wake up."
I kiss him on the forehead and he mumbles an 'I love you.'
"I love you too, now go to sleep."
I plant a kiss on his nose and boop it. I make sure to lock the door before I leave since he's going to be asleep.
It's hard to believe that boy in there is going to be my husband in a few short weeks.
Luke's POV:
"It really doesn't matter to me." Mary says
"Yeah, it doesn't matter to me either."
"Come on guys," Sarah groans, "just pick a flavor."
"I'm not a big cake eater."
"Me neither."
"You two are so alike, it isn't even funny. Just pick one."
Sarah had us meet at my house and sit in two chairs beside each other with her in front of us so we could, 'Make the big decisions.'
"When did cake become so important?" I ask, playing with the strings of my hoodie
"When you decided to get married." Sarah retorts
"Cake is cake."
Just then Calum walks in, not knowing what he's walking into.
"Calum!" Sarah yells
"Tell Luke that cake is very important."
He looks at me, confused, and I just shake my head.
"Cake is very important?"
"Thank you."
"Luke, I needed to ask you something."
"Do I have to wear the tie?" He asks, holding the tie up
"Um...I guess. I'm being forced to wear one."
"I feel like I'm going to choke."
"Then it's too tight."
"I have something else to ask you."
"Do you want me to keep the rings until the day of the wedding?"
Neither of us have any relatives to be the flower girl or ring bearer, and we needed someone to keep the rings, so Calum volunteered. Ashton is giving Mary away, so he couldn't do both. We all agreed Michael was the last person who should do it. But he is my best man, even though I probably should have picked one of my brothers. They understand though.
"Yeah, then you'll just give them to me."
"Okay...that's all I needed to ask. See ya!"
"Now, back to the cake-"
"Vanilla. Just get vanilla." Mary says
"Okay. Now everything is in place. All we have to do is get you two hitched and ship you off to your honeymoon."
"That's it? We're done just like that?" I ask
"We spent the past hour and a half discussing cake."
"You know what?" Mary says out of the blue
"What?" I ask
"I think Sarah and Calum should go out."
"What?" Sarah asks
"You should go out."
"You should! I think you guys would be cute. Don't you Luke?"
"Fucking adorable."
"I don't have time right now."
"Eventually you will."
"I'm done. I'm going home."
"Thank you!" Mary shouts as Sarah slams the door
A few seconds later Sarah quickly opens the door.
"Fuck you."
"That's my job." I say
She slams the door again and is gone.
"Does she always get like that?"
"It's just because I brought up Calum. She's secretly had a crush on him since freshman year but she didn't know I knew."
We walk into the kitchen, which seems to be our usual meeting place.
"I have a question." She says, hopping up on the counter
"I have an answer."
"One time you said you had a surprise for me when you get home. What's the surprise?"
I stand up from bending over to look in the fridge and walk over to her sitting on the counter.
"I guess it's close enough to the wedding to tell you. Do you remember when we started talking about getting married that night in the pool in my backyard?"
She nods.
"And I asked you where you would want to go for our honeymoon."
"Yeah, I said Disney Land."
I look at her and smile.
"Wait." She says, understanding what I'm trying to say
"Luke!" She yells, hugging my neck
"We will have to wait a while, but we're going."
"Why did you do that?"
"You said you had never been and you wanted to we're going."
"But how? It's really expensive."
"Like I've said before, don't worry."
"Don't worry. I don't want you to worry about anything anymore. I'm going to take care of you. Because I love you."
"You can't keep doing this."
"Doing what?"
"The wedding, the ring, the house and now this. You can't keep doing stuff like this."
"Don't worry. We won't run out of money or anything. Just please...let me take care of you."
"And," I say, sliding in between her legs and leaning against the counter, "I have another surprise for you, but that has to wait until later."
"Oh really?" She asks, kissing me, "What's that?"
"It's a secret." I say, kissing her back
"You know I hate secrets."
"I know," I say, kissing her collarbone, "that's why I told you."
"You drive me crazy, you know."
"Yeah, I know."
I hear the front door open and know Dad is home.
"We'll continue this later." I whisper
Mary's POV:
"Surprise!" Luke yells
"What's this?" I ask, walking into his dining room
"It's your surprise!" He says, pulling out my chair for me
"What's the occasion?"
"I love you...I guess that's the occasion. I made your favorite food and for dessert..." he points to himself
"Oh please."
He sits a plate down in front of me and rests his chin on his hand, watching and smiling at me.
"I love you." He says, flashing a big smile
"I love you too."
He grabs my hand and holds it while we eat.
"How about dessert?" Luke asks
"Eh...I don't know."
He quickly kisses me on the lips.
"How about now?"
He kisses me again.
"You know you're just saying that." He says, putting a hand on my neck
"Yeah...I am."
I get up from the table and run upstairs to his bedroom.
"Hey! That's not fair!"
I sit down in his bed, waiting for him. A few seconds later he bursts through the door, breathing slightly harder than he was a minute ago. He rushes over to his bed and sits down, feverishly kissing me as soon as his lips were within reach of mine. Suddenly he stops and looks at me, something he seems to like to do when we're kissing. His eyes lock with mine and I feel myself tense up. His hands travel to the neck of his shirt and he yanks it off over his head, never breaking eye contact. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his lips to my neck, tipping me back and getting on top of me. Within seconds all our clothes are off.
A few minutes later I realize he forgot something.
"Luke. You forgot something."
"Oh shit." He groans
"Maybe you should-"
"But I don't wanna." He whines, going back to what he was doing
"It...should be okay," I let out, "Just this once."
He doesn't say anything. I guess he heard me.
The past week I've been nervous because of what we did, even though Mom had me start taking birth control pills. I should have made him stop for a few seconds just so we didn't risk anything but I just...couldn't. I don't know how many tests I've taken, but so far they've all been the same: negative.
It's not that I don't want to have kids. I just don't want to have kids now. Id love for us to start a family, but we're a little young.
"Is everything okay?" Mom asks as she knocks on the bathroom door
"Yeah, you can come in." I say, staring down at the three newest pregnancy tests
"That's good. I know you're on the pill, but things happen."
I look over at her and give her a weak smile.
"You okay?"
"Yeah...there's just a lot going on."
"Just think, a week from now will be your wedding day and all of this stress will go away."
"Yeah, I know. I just feel so...overwhelmed."
"You have every right to."
"I don't see why we can't just get married without the dress and cake and all the people. I've dreamed of this since I was five, but I never realized how stressful it was going to be."
"It's only going to be a few people," she says, trying to calm me down, "most of them are going to be standing up there with you. The only people who aren't going to be up there are the close relatives. It's not like you invited your long lost twentieth cousin."
"You're right. It'll be okay."
"Yes it will."
Luke's POV:
"Mom, I'm getting nervous." I say, rocking back and forth, "It's coming so fast."
"Luke, it'll be okay."
"Maybe we could just get married in private."
"No, you can't." she grabs my shoulders, "Luke, you have been for years now."
"What if I mess up? What if I can't even croak out 'I do?'"
"Honey, if you can sing in front of thousands of people, I think you might be able to manage saying two words in front of twenty."
"I can't breathe."
"Calm down."
"I can't."
"Please calm down."
"I'm just so excited, yet so terrified."
"Luke." She says, grabbing my face, "Everything will be okay."
"Do you think so?"
"I know so."

AN: this chapter was really long but I don't want to end the story

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