Chapter 35

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Mary's POV:
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. This is about to happen. I repeat, this is about to happen.
But then it doesn't.
'What the actual fuck Luke?'
He goes back to sitting beside me and clears his throat. Soon I realize why.
"Oh, hi guys."
"Hey Mom." He says awkwardly
"I got off early today so I figured I would come straight home and fix dinner. Your father will be home soon."
"Ok Mom, if it's ok, we'll just go upstairs."
"That's fine, just be back down for dinner."
We go upstairs and Luke stops me at his door.
"Now, where were we?" He says, leaning me against the door and kissing me
"Luke," I say, taking a deep breath "I don't think we should right now, with your mom home and all..."
"She doesn't care." He says, kissing me again "She told me that as long as she didn't see anything, she didn't know anything."
"Wait, you talked to your mom about us?"
"Yeah..." he says shyly "I needed a woman's advice."
I study him, and he studies me. Suddenly, I have the urge to kiss him. I do, gently, but I make it obvious that I'm not going any further right now.
"You know, it stopped raining." Luke says after dinner
"Mhm." I say
"Stay right here, I'll be back in a minute."
Ten minutes later he beckons me outside. I go out into his backyard and see him standing there beside a blow up pool filled with pillows. I walk over and he tells me to lay down.
"You know, I saw this on the Internet somewhere, and I thought it was a great idea. Plus no one can see us back here, so we have some privacy."
There is a pathway from his house to a large wooden wall, which cuts off the backyard from the rest of the house. It's extremely private.
The clouds from the storm earlier have moved out, and now we can see the sun setting and the stars coming out. We lay with our hands intertwined while gazing up at the sky.
"Where would you want to go on a honeymoon?" He asks
"Mm...Definitely Disney Land."
He starts laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, I just thought of something."
"I can't say."
"Tell me."
He shakes his head.
"Fine," I say, getting up, "I guess I'll just go home."
"No, I'll tell you."
"Ok." I say, sitting down "What could possibly be so funny?"
"Like, what if you remained a virgin until you were married and you had sex on your honeymoon? You would have lost your virginity at fucking Disney Land."
"Really Luke?"
"Sorry." He says, trying to be serious even though he's giggling
"I swear it's like I'm dating a little boy inside a grown man's body sometimes."
"Of course," I say "why wouldn't we be?"
  "I just didn't know if you wanted us to be 'dating.'" He says, putting air quotes around dating
"And why not?" I ask
"I don't know...we don't always see each other...and eventually we won't for months at a time. I don't want to keep you from finding someone who will be there for you all the time, like a boyfriend should."
"Luke," I say "I would wait years of it meant I would get to spend the rest of my life with you. I won't ever love anyone else."
He looks a little insecure.
"Luke, I will love you until the day I die."
He smiles and I kiss him on his cute little nose.
We sit in silence until he looks at his phone.
"7 o'clock." He says "In less than twelve hours, I'll be up there."
"Yeah, I'm really going to miss you this time."
"I can't even say how much I'll miss you."
"Luke," I say, looking down "there's something serious I need to talk to you about."
"Me too." He says
"I...I don't really know how to say this, but I'll just say it. I got this other ring a long time ago. It's like the ring you have, your purity ring. But instead of taking it off to symbolize you not being pure anymore, you give it to the person you think is worthy of having it before. That person wears it as a symbol of their commitment. And if for any reason they take it off, it means they aren't committed." I slip it off and hold it in my hand
"Wait...are you?" He asks
"Yes," I say, looking down "I am. Maybe not right now, but I want it to be with you."
He starts to play with his own ring.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He says 
"I think we're at a point in our relationship where this is...acceptable to talk about." I say
My heart starts to race a little because I don't know what's going to happen next.
"Are you sure?" He asks me
I nod.
"You already know I'm technically not a virgin."
"I know, but that isn't your fault. You're the one I choose."
"We're not going to do it like in that movie we watched, are we?" He asks
"I hope not."
  I can sense what we both want to happen. My heart is racing even more now, so I decide to make the first move. I grab his shirt and pull him closer to me, then kiss him. It isn't enough, the kiss plants some kind of need, some kind of want inside of me. I kiss him longer, harder, and it still isn't enough. His cold fingers start to work their way down to the space between the waist of my jeans and the end of my shirt and find their way under my shirt.
"Maybe. We. Should. Go. Inside." He says in between kisses
  We break apart long enough for him to move the pool and for us to make our way up to his room. When we get to the top of the stairs, he pushes me up against the wall and starts kissing me again. He starts to unbutton my jeans and I try to take off his shirt. But we restrain ourselves long enough to bust through his door. He closes and locks it behind him before pushing me down on the bed.
I finally get my jeans off and he gets his shirt off. Then I lay down and he slowly gets on top of me, putting his knees on the outside of my legs. He looks at me and runs his fingers over my lips before kissing me again. He takes his jeans off, so now there are only two layers between us. He puts his hands on my hips and then works his way up under my shirt. He pulls it over my head, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. Thank goodness I'm matching today.
"Luke," I say touching his broad shoulders "are you ok with my body?"
"What do you mean?"
"Is it okay?"
He kisses my neck, "I love it. Just the way it is."
I take my hand and run it down his chest to his stomach, which is surprisingly tone since he doesn't really come across as someone who works out.
Soon the feeling of his cold hands on my legs makes me shudder. He makes enough room for his body between them, but he seems nervous.
"Luke..." I say
"I just...I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"You won't."
"Tell me if I do."
I nod and pull him down, so my lips
smash into his. He starts out slow, and I'm kind of shocked when he first starts.
I feel his cold fingers dance to my back to the clasp of my bra.
"Luke," I say "not right now."
There's an explosion of warmth inside of me, and I feel a moan try to come out.
"Are you ok?"
"Shh." I say "Just, don't talk."
Luke's POV:
I take my shirt off because I know she won't judge me, even though I don't like my body. She takes her hand and goes from my chest all the way down my stomach, leaving this weird feeling there. I feel a knot tighten in my stomach after she does.
As soon as I start I see the expression on her face, but I don't really know how to interpret it. I start out slow, not really knowing how much she can handle before this becomes uncomfortable for her. Soon I pick up the pace and I hear a faint moan escape her lips. She wraps her fingers around the sheet on my bed, trying to keep her moans in.
Soon I start kissing her collar bone and neck, even though she always says she doesn't like that...I know she secretly does. Pretty soon I start to feel a moan building up it my chest, but I bite my lip to keep it from getting out.
She starts kissing me on the lips, a lot harder than she ever has. She leaves a trail of kisses from there to my collar bone. I feel her giving me a hickey, I didn't even know she knew how to do that.
"Wait, how do you know how to do that? You said you'd never had a boyfriend before me."
"It's not that difficult to figure out." She says "Do you not like it?"
"Oh God no, I love it."
She gives me another on my neck and then I go back to the pace I was at.
"Luke!" She says
"Shh, we don't want anyone overhearing." 
I go back up to the head of my bed.
"That doesn't mean we can't do this." I say, kissing her
She plays with my lip ring.
"You know that drives me crazy." I say
"That's why I did it."
I get back on top of her again, and kiss all the way down to her stomach. I leave a mark here or there, but I make sure they're places where they won't be visible to anyone else.
She tells me to lay down and I do. She gets on her knees near my head and looks at me. I see the corner of her mouth twitch and she quickly licks her lips. She bends down and kisses me, again.
"You know," I say "you're kinda hot when you're like this."
She stands on her knees so she's straddling my legs. She props herself up on her hands and puts her face right above mine.
She starts kissing me, but it's different than any kiss we've shared before. I squirm a little and she moves down a bit and bites  my lip.
"Ow!" I say
"Oh my god, sorry!" She says, sitting back
"No...I like it."
She does it again and makes her way down. She leaves a trail of marks from my chest all the way to the waistband of my boxers, and then stops there.
"Luke, I can't do that." She says
I don't respond, I just sit up against my wall. I pat my leg, letting her know it's ok. She straddles my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.
I thought we were done, but apparently not. I take her down with me and start to grind between her legs. I'm starting to pick up the pace when she starts to say my name.
"Luke." She says
I don't even acknowledge it, I just figure she' know...
"Luke!" She says again
It was more exasperated, so I look at her. Her breathing has become a bit heavier, so I stop.
"Maybe. Maybe we should-we should stop."
"Why?" I ask, smirking
"You know why." She says "I promise next time we do this you'll be able to be as loud as you want."
"I wasn't the one being loud." I say
"Excuse the fuck out of you! You were the one moaning so loud they could probably here you all the way down the block!"
I lay down beside her and look at her.
"What?" She asks
"You're beautiful."
She leans over and kisses me.
"That was..." she says
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing."
"It's ok," I say, kissing her forehead "neither did I."
Mary's POV:
I hear a knock on the door.
"Luke, why didn't you tell me Mary was spending the night?"
I hurry up and get under the covers and try to quietly wake Luke up.
"Luke!" I whisper "Luke wake up!"
He does and throws a shirt on before opening the door.
"Sorry, we fell asleep." He says
"Well, shouldn't you tell someone?"
"Mom, we're adults. You let Ben and Jack have girls over when they were  my age without telling you."
"Oh alright!"
"What time is it?" I ask
He looks at his phone, "One."
  "Go back to sleep," I say "I'm exhausted."
"Mhm, I bet you are."
"Shut up and go to be Lucas."
I kiss him and go back to sleep.
I roll over and lay my head on his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. It's slow, and his breathing is steady, but j hear it speed up when I put my hand on his chest.
"You're not asleep, are you?" I say
"No." He says
"What time do you have to wake up?"
He looks at his phone, "3 hours."
"How long has it been since we went to sleep?"
"Since my mom came up? An hour."
"I can't sleep." I say
"Me neither."
"If I do, it feels like you leaving will come faster."
I grab my phone and open up my music.
"I feel like we should listen to this." I tap on Lay Me Down by Sam Smith
"Fitting." He says
When the song finishes, we sit in silence. All of a sudden it's 4.
"Let's get dressed so we don't have to get up as early." I say
I grab my clothes off the floor and cover myself up with them. I didn't really feel awkward around Luke getting dressed until now. I've never just been in my bra and underwear around him before.
"Cute underwear." He says
I cover myself up even more.
"Did you bring a change of clothes?" He asks
"I didn't really plan on spending the night...but I can just wear these."
"No I'll give you something. Well, you definitely can't wear any of my jeans."
"What, all two pairs?"
"Haha,very funny.  I didn't pack all my sweatpants, do you need a shirt?"
"I have my hoodie- your hoodie."
"Here you go." He says, handing me a pair of grey sweatpants
"Thanks." I say
We get dressed and lay back down like the way we were. I look out his window and watch dawn take over.
"Do you have to go?" I ask
"I don't want to leave you for who knows how long, but this is my dream."
"I know, just promise you won't forget me. That's all I need."
"I promise."
"I just...I'm scared. I'm scared you won't feel the same when you see me again."
"Trust me, I could never lose my feelings for you. If anything they'll be even stronger, if that's even possible."
What feels like five seconds later there's a soft knock, meaning it's time to leave.
"What about that?" I say, touching the love bite on his collarbone
"Leave it." he says
I realize that I need to suck it up, this is going to happen no matter what. Luke will go away for a while and come back just to be yanked away again. My life isn't going to end whenever he leaves, I'll just pause the life I have with him until he comes back.
Luke's POV:
I walk into the airport holding the handle of my suitcase in one hand and Mary's hand in the other. The closer we get to the gate, the tighter she squeezes my hand.
"It'll be ok." I say
We get to the gate and she wraps in a hug.
"Hey," I say "it's ok. I'll talk to you whenever I can."
I feel numb and she looks lost.
"I can't do this anymore," she says "things between us are too serious to keep doing this every now and then."
I look down at our hands.
"Maybe we...maybe we should just..."
"Do you want to?"
"No." I say
"Me neither."
"Taking our relationship to a less serious one wouldn't help anything." I say
"I don't even want to consider it."
"Luke," Michael says, "we gotta go."
"Mary, I have to go. I love you so much."
She takes something out of her pocket and looks down at it.
"Don't forget this." She says
She hands her ring to me. I smile because it's too small for my ring finger, so I have to put it on my pinky. I kiss her, as if to say thank you.
"Just so I know things are good between us."
I walk away and try not to turn around because I know if I do, the tears will start to pour. Right before I m enter the tunnel that leads to the plane, I turn around and see her standing there. It breaks my heart so fucking much. She's standing there, looking around and looking like a kid who just lost their mom.
"I love you!" I yell
She nods and waves, then walks away. I watch her for as long as I can until I absolutely have to get on the plane.
I just watched the love of my life walk away.
And who knows when I'll see her again.

AN: OMG this sounds like it was written by a twelve year old. YOU GUYS PROBABLY THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO GET MAKE (the awful ship name I came up with cuz Muke was taken *glares at Michael and Luke*) SEX BUT THEY GOT REALLY CLOSE CUZ IDK IF YOU GUYS WANT THAT TO HAPPEN

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