Chapter 14

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Mary's POV:
When I get home, I go watch them. When I walk in, Michael stands there smirking at me.
"Nothing, just deciding wether I should tell him or not."
I just ignore him, he's been really mean to me lately and he's been messing with me more.
"Michael, seriously stop acting like you're nine." Calum says
"Guys we need to start." Ashton says
"Where's Luke?" Calum asks
"Yeah, it's not like him to be late." Ashton says
"I don't know, probably cuddling with his fucking penguin somewhere."
Luke walks through the door.
"Hey guys, sorry. I was busy and lost track of time."
"Finally, we can start! Where were you?" Michael asks
"I told you, I had to do something."
I sit in my usual spot and watch them. Luke grabs his guitar and raises his eyebrows while looking at me. Something's.... Different about him, he's behaving strangely.
When they finish, they go into the living room and order their pizza like they do after every practice. I decide to head upstairs. I need to take some pictures of the boys, so I have to get my camera.
When I open my door, the smell of vanilla and roses hits me. Sitting on my bed is a stuffed penguin with a pink bag and a candle with some red roses. I figure my mom just put it in here as a late birthday present, so I pick up the card preparing to read the 'I can't believe how fast you've grown up' speech.
But it's not anything close. This is what it says:
I just wanted to get you some things as a sort of thank you. Thank you for putting up with me and being my best friend. I really don't know what I would do without you. I love you Mary.
"Do you like it?" I hear him say
I turn around and see him leaning against the door, smirking.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Open up the bag."
I sit down on my bed and he sits next to me. I open up the pink bag and pull out it's contents. A few pairs of sweatpants, a hoodie, and.... underwear.
Luke's POV:
She seems to like her presents, and I'm really happy.
"A penguin?"
"Well," I say "I freaking love penguins, and I freakin love you, so I got it for you. And I wanted to give you this too."
I take off one of my bracelets and hand it to her.
"Thank you Luke,"she says "but I can't accept all of this."
"Yes you can, I didn't get you anything for your birthday and I felt guilty."
"So um... what are you doing for the rest of the evening?" I ask
"Well, I need to take pictures of you guys, some group and single pictures."
"Oh ok, and after that?"
"I guess I'll just finish my homework and go to sleep."
"Hm." is all I say
"Nothing, just.... nothing. I gotta go, I told the guys I was going to the bathroom."
I walk into the bathroom and flush the toilet, then run the water. I go downstairs and tell the guys about the pictures.
"Hey guys, so I ran into Mary upstairs and she said that she needs to take pictures of us."
"Well can we at least eat first?" Michael asks
"Yeah I guess. She said she wanted to take the group picture first, then individuals."
"Yeah yeah whatever, we have pizza coming." Calum says
All four of us file into the garage so Mary can take our pictures, and stand there for a while.
"At least Mary will be able to get Luke to actually smile" Michael says
"Shut up Michael!"
"Ok guys, how do you want to do this? With your instruments or without?" Mary asks
"With." Michael says
"With." Ashton says
"Without." Calum says
"Luke, it's up to you." she says
"Without." I say
"Well, it's two to two, so I get to choose. I choose without for the group and with for individuals."she says
We attempt to take the pictures, but stuff keeps going wrong. Michael sneezed, Calum blinked, Ashton started giggling too much, and I wasn't looking in the right direction. So after about three hundred photos, we could move on to the individual ones.
Ashton went first, and sat behind his drums. Then Michael went, holding his guitar. I watched Mary as she snapped the pictures and ran around trying to get the right angle. She's kind of cute whenever she's doing something, it's almost like she's channeled in on it and nothing can distract her.
"Luke? Luke? It's your turn." she turns around and says
My face reddens a little and I stand in front of her.
"How exactly do I do this?"
"Well, you pose, I snap the picture."
"Ok, I can do that." I stand, holding my guitar
"Luke, your feet." she says calmly
"Oh! Sorry, it's a habit."
She starts taking the pictures, then stops.
"You look like you'd rather be somewhere else." she says
'I'd actually rather be alone with you, pushing you up against a wall,but no I'm getting cock blocked by Ashton.' I think'Calm down Luke, think holy thoughts.'
"Have fun, after all, you love what you do." she says
So I start smiling a little more.
"That's it, right like that!"
I feel kind of awkward, so I try being cute. I make a fishy face, then a kissy face.
"Luke, you little fucker stop fucking around!" Michael yells
"Actually I think that's good, I'll have the fliers made by tomorrow."
Mary's POV:
I go through the pictures on my camera. The ones of Luke give me chest pains. He's being so cute, biting his lip, making cute little faces. I'm loading one on my computer, staring at it, when Ashton comes in.
"What was that?"
"Oh um you know just research for a history paper."
"Hmm, I didn't know the guys they teach you about in history have blond quiffs." he say
I stare at him, trying not to seem weird.
"I know," he says "I know you have feelings for each other."
"Ashton, it's not like that. We're friends, that's all."
"Mary I'm not stupid, or blind. I see the way you guys are around each other. He can't take his eyes off of you, and his eyes light up whenever he's looking at you. You do the same thing, too."
"I'm fine with you being friends with him, but just remember what I said earlier."
"Ok." I say
"Goodnight Mary, I love you."
"I love you too, Ash." I say hugging him
I decide to stay up late, since we don't have school tomorrow, and make the fliers. I look at the time and see it's 12 am, and hear something hit my window.

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