Chapter 6

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Luke's POV:
I ended up inviting Mary over today at lunch.
I wait outside for her. When I see her I wave a little and smile, like a big dork. She walks over to me. Her make up is a little messed up from her crying today.
"How was the rest of your day?" I ask
"It was ok. Kaitlin didn't mess with me anymore."
"Good, I don't know why I dated her. If I would have known what was going on, I would've broke up with her."
She just smiles.
"So where's your car?"
"Oh I parked it over there, come on." I say
Mary's POV:
We pull up to Luke's house. It's pretty big, and it's in a really nice neighborhood.
"Well, this is it." he says
We get out and walk up the sidewalk to his house. He pulls out his key and opens the door.
When we get inside, it's very quiet. He takes my bag and sits it with his and starts to walk into the kitchen and I just stand at the door, he stops and turns around.
"Are you coming?"
I follow him into the kitchen and sit down at the counter he's standing at. He looks at a note on the fridge.
"My mom's gone grocery shopping and will be back later. Want a drink?"
"Um yeah sure, I'll take water."
He opens the fridge and takes out two bottles of water, then sits them on the counter and sits down.
"You remember what I said in math?"
I shake my head.
"Well in the last year of middle school, there were these guys and they'd make fun of me for doing my hair like this." he motions to his hair.
"Seriously?" I ask
"Yeah but they stopped in high school when I got taller and tougher. The joke was on them because who did puberty hit well? Me."
I start to laugh.
"Well I wish Kaitlin would stop making fun of me. I never even did anything to her, one day she just started hating me."
"I know why," he says staring at me "she's jealous of you."
"Yeah right." I say
"She is, I've seen it. She has to put on so much make up to be pretty, she has to do all of this stuff just to be slightly attractive. She also has a terrible attitude problem. But you wear what, maybe some mascara? And you're a really good person. She's jealous if you, so she makes fun of you."
I just sit in silence, staring at him. His bright blue eyes flicker to look at me, but then flicker away.
"So um, do you want to go upstairs?" he asks me
"Yeah sure."
Luke's POV:
I just told Mary about when I was bullied. I can't believe I opened up to her like that so soon. I mean, I've known her for a while but I talked to her for the first time yesterday.
She follows me upstairs to my room. I open the door to my room and look at her.
"I know, it's messy." I say
"It's fine, I'm not really a neat freak."
I take the blanket off my bed to make room for her to sit.
"Sit down." I say
She sits on the edge of the bed, almost as if she's afraid I'll do something.
"I'm not like that, I'd never do that." I say
She just looks up at me "Oh I wasn't- I wasn't thinking of that, I'm just really tense when I go to other peoples houses for the first time." she says
"Ok, but I was just saying, take off your shoes if you want to." I say, kicking mine off and sitting on my bed across from her.
She kicks off her shoes and looks at me.
"What?" she says
I must have been staring at her, so I just mumble "Nothing." and look away.
"So," she she says "is it just you and your mom?"
"I have two older brothers and my dad." I say "What about you? Is it just you, Ashton and your mom?"
She looks out my window before answering "Yeah, and um, my dad's not in the picture. He left a long time ago."
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"No it's fine," she says "I don't even remember him so I don't miss him."
What else could I say? I could never understand, I've always had my dad in my life. I decide to change the subject.
"So um, besides Green Day, what music do you like?"
"Well, I like different types of artists, you could probably tell that when you were in my room."
"Yeah." is all I can say
I look at her and she's looking at me. I decide to not look away, I keep looking at her. I start biting my lip and playing with my lip ring, which is something I do when I want to kiss someone.
Stop it! I think
I can't help it, the urge is too strong. I get on my knees, ready to lean in, when I hear my mom call me from downstairs.

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