Oh for god shake

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"Hey dude i wanna climb that tree" Dylan said pointing at a tree with twisted branches. "Wow dude Il record you" Jeremy said getting his phone out. "Haha yeah cool man" Dylan said. "In 3,2,1 and were recording" Jeremy laughed. "Hey guys I'm Dylan Alfie Pines and i am about to climb this tree for some random reason" Dylan said then did some random pose and then he started climbing. The wind started to pick up a bit and the leaves on the floor started flying around a bit. "Ugh hair get out of my eyes" Dylan said to himself. Dylan got pretty high up "dude maybe you should get down now" Jeremy said a little nervous.then Dylan looked down and swallowed "wow I'm really high up" Dylan said. "Hey you scared of heights man?" Jeremy laughed. "Yeah yeah laugh it up any way I'm not scared anyways" Dylan said pretty scared. Then it got really windy "wow dude why is it so windy?" Jeremy questioned. Then all of Dylan's hair got in his eyes and the wind got really heavy and out of control. "Dude i cant see, but i cant let go" Dylan panicked. Jeremy put his phone away "dude go slowly dont rush" Jeremy instructed. Dylan was panicing quite a lot because he was high up and the wind was strong also his hair was all up in his grill. "Don't freak out" Jeremy said, "I'm freaking out man" Dylan said nit really hearing what Jeremy said. With that Dylan fell off the tree. Ouch.

Whilst this was happing 

"James you got me at a bad time I'm in a rush so sorry bye" Bill grabbed Isla and tried to drag her away.they stopped when James just appeared in front of them "Hey aren't you the man on the..." Before Isla finished her sentence Bill  kinda squished her hand a little so she stopped talking. "On the what? Oh wait i could just read your mind couldn't i?" James laughed. "James you need to leave my family alone ok" bill got a little angry. "Yes i am half moon or should i say luna, i am the man on the paper well demon" James answered Islas question. "James stop it just leave my family out of this" Bill got more agitated. "Ok well Fox isn't family, or phoebe as you call her you know the red head like ice. Both your boys got a thing for her and berry" James babbled on a bit. "Berry?" Bill said confused, "berries is Rowan remember, its funny how dumb you are" James said laughing again.  Bill was really annoyed at him now but he didnt want to do anything he would regret in front of his child, so his and james just stared at each other with a lot of tention . "My first name is isla acutlly not Luna thats my second name" Isla said casuly and pretty bravely, the tention broke between Bill and james and they both looked at Isla who was half away with the fairys day dreaming a little, "wow how interesting" James said sarcastically. "Well why should i be afraid of you if you dont know my first name when your ment to be a mind reading powerful demond? It dosnt really make any sense to me to be honest" Isla shrugged, this comment was pretty smart, Bill was quit impressed. "Well arnt you the clever one" james said smirking not answering islas question, isla shook her head "no not really and any way shouldn't you know that?" Luna asked pointing out the obvious without realising. "Well your not the bumb one" james said. "Ok thats enough Isla were leaving" Bill grabbed Islas hand and started walking away. "Why do you have this book bill?" James asked smiling, Bill turned around and the boom he got suddenly apeared in james had. "James give it back" bill said through his teeth , "nah"James  simply replied "oh i get it you wanna find out if half moon has powers" James said looking at the book and flicking the pages. "James give it back now" Bill said very angry, James laughed "wow bill I'm not one of your half breed kids" James said back to Bill. "Fine keep the book just leave my family or Phoebe" Bill said really angry. "Wish i could stay but i have work to do so bye" James vanished with some flames. "What a fucking dick head" Bill said coldly then looked at Isla "don't tell your mother i said that" Bill spoke, then he saw a demon casually walking Bill shot his head in his direction and ran to him "sorry but is it that if a demon were to have a child with a human and it was a girl dose that girl get powers?" bill asked. "Erm basically if there is one girl then definitely I'm pretty sure" he said trying to think "oh thank you so much" Bill then ran backwards back to Isla. "Got the answer i needed, you wont need what your brothers are getting now" Bill said "come on they'll be home now and Dylan will be begging for apples" Bill said he perked up a bit. Isla nodded in reply.   

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