You idiot

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Soon enough when Dylan had he's cast on the whole family was there. By that i mean all the adults and Jeremy. "Ok Dylan what happened?" Bill asked seriously, "Bill don't be so pushy he's hurt real bad" Mabel said. "Dylan i need to know this Mabel please" Bill said in a calm voice. "I fell out a tree" Dylan explained a little embarrassed. "You did what?you idiot!" Bill sounded shocked and a little angry. "Bill you in a hospital" Mabel whisper yelled. "It looked fun, any way Phoebe dose it all the time" Dylan said, "well Phoebes a lumberjack princess" Mabel explained still in a calm voice. "Shes a what?" Jeremy asked. "On her mums side of the family there all lumberjacks, all phoebes uncles, her grandad even Wendy. Its in phoebes blood" Dipper chimed in. "I wanna be a lumberjack princess" Dylan said with a jokey sigh. "Dylan its not funny so can you tell me what happened in detail" Bill asked. "Jeremy you tell i must of hit my head i cant really remember it?" Dylan asked. "Ok so we found that thing you wanted in the forest and then we decided to walk around a bit because the forest was pretty cool. Dylan wanted to climb a tree just some random tree so i told him that i would record him and then he climbed it got a bit far up then lost his balance. Then a kind man with a funny accent walked us back to dipper and Pacifica's house and now were here" Jeremy explained. "By the way the kind man" Dipper said sarcastically "was Gideon".Mabel gulped "Gideon no what duh he cant be here, he must of pushed Dylan out the tree" Mabel said in a panicked voice. "No he didn't" Jeremy said, "Jeremy wheres that thing i asked you both to get?" Bill said annoyed, Jeremy put his hands in both pockets "i swear i put it in here" Jeremy said. Bill closed his eyes and sighed "Gideon must of taken it" Bill explained. Jeremy just shrugged in response. "why is Gideon messing with Dylan, the sicko" Pacifica asked. Bill and Dipper didn't want to tell Mabel or Pacifica about them being on James wheel. "no idea" Dipper lied, "well we need to go Bill left Isla by herself which was silly" Mabel said, (Mabel came strait from work by the way). "yeah my girls are probably arguing and Rowans probably got a bunch of questions about this" Dipper explained getting keys out of his pockets.

so they all got in there cars "why cant I get a cool wheel chair or something why these crutches?" Dylan moaned. "well your leg isn't hurt that badly and I'm sure I can get soos to make you one" Mabel said. "Dylan you were a total idiot you don't deserve one your lucky your not grounded" Bill said half joking. "what why am I in trouble, I basically almost died from falling out a tree in the middle of a forest plus was forced to listen to Dipper lecture me and then had to watch mean girls whilst in a lot of pain" Dylan complained. "you looked like you were enjoying mean girls" Jeremy smiled, "mean girls? I love mean girls" Mabel said. "we should get it. for Isla I mean" Dylan said with a nervous laugh. Mabel and Bill both looked at each other and just laughed at what Dylan said.

"Were home" Dipper called up walking into his house, "good for you" Evanna called down. "What happened with Dylan?" Rowan asked. "He fell out a tree his leg is in a cast and he's on crutches" Dipper explained quickly, "what an idiot" Evanna came down laughing. "Its not funny Evanna" Pacifica said a little annoyed. "Oh come on Him and Jeremy are probably laughing about it right now" Evanna rolled her eyes. Then suddenly Mia cane running down stairs "is Jeremy's leg in a cast?" Emilia asked a little excited "yeah" Rowan said, then "yes yay" Emilia said with a little laugh then went to run back upstairs "erm Emilia?" Dipper asked confused. "Oh i finally get to use my Bedazzle" she got all excited and couldn't stop moving. "Yeah I'm sure Dylan would love that" Evanna said sarcastically.

"Isla were back from the hospital" Mabel called hoping she would here. "Hi" Isla said loudly back. "How am i gunner get up stairs?" Dylan asked, "your dads gunner levitate you" Mabel explained. Then Isla came down stairs "Dylan Mia inboxed me she wants to bedazzle your cast" Isla explained. "Oh lovely" Dylan said sarcastically. "Dylan do you need any pain killers?" Mabel asked, Dylan thought for a minute "no thanks to be honest it doesn't hurt at all now" he said honestly. "Oh well thats good" Mabel said. "Your going back to wrok tomorrow so just be safe dont be an idiot ok?" Bill said.

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