A deal with a demon and everyone now knows.

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Emilia had been walking for around 20 minuets just steaming off "Ugh Rowan think he's better than everyone else I'll show him" Emilia said to herself tutting. "I'll punch James right in the face" she continued to. "Excuse me but i couldn't help over hearing yourself. I've never seen you before. Who are you?" A young demon asked her, "oh me err,Email definitely not human" she coughed and nervously laughed, "found one" The demon said into a walkie talkie type thing grabbing her arm, "wait what?" She said . "No no no this cannot be happing i need to prove a point to my brother, and ow you're hurting my arm" she pleaded, the demon sighed "no sorry false alam" he threw her arm down. "There" he said slightly angry, "thank you" she said, "i cant believe i touched a human ugh" he tutted this made Emilia laugh "what?" He answered. "Oh nothing you just remind me of someone thats all" she told him. "I'm Mia by the way and you are?" Emilia asked, "Julius Tree the 3rd" he said, "that sounds fancy" she said, "i hate it" he sighed. "What are you trying to prove?" Julius asked her, "oh well my brother thinks I'm an idiot and thinks that I'm not take this seriously" she said crossing her arms. "Are you a full human or a half?" He asked her, "full human" she answered.

he laughed "good luck" he rolled his eyes. "Oh not you to, don't you take me for an idiot before you even know me" she said to him, he laughed harder "Mia was it? You're a teenage human girl walking around in broad day light with Samurai swords on your back wearing bright colours in a world full of evil demons with no magic or anyone around you. Come on face it you're pathetic" he told her smirking. "Thats unfair, you cant use the fact that I'm a girl as a weakness and cant you admire my bravery" she said starting to cry in the slightest he smirked and sarcastically clapped her "oh congratulations for failing at being a hero Mia" he nodded slowly and sarcastic. "Oh piss off Julius Tree the 3rd" she told him angrily, "oh I'm so hurt" he said sarcastically and dramatically.  "I know where James is i can take you to him and you can fail. Or you let me train you, as a project" Julius said putting his hand out for her to shake it. "Project?" She questioned. "Yeah I'll be ahead in school"he said. "Why would i want to help you?" Emilia asked him crossing her arms tight, "I'm helping you to, you're going to die out here on your own Doll so you might as well shake my hand" he sighed putting his hand closer to her. She pulsed for a moment and looked at him and then at his hand, "come on Mia" he told her. "Ok fine" she said reaching to grab his hand which he gasped forcefully.

Wendy, Pacifica, Mable and Lee were all sitting in Bills house waiting for either Bill or Dipper to talk. "Erm well this is hard to say, you know I'm a demon and i use to be evil" Bill started off the conversation, "well this is heading in a good direction" Pacifica said. "Well there are other demons who haven't changed in there ways" Bill added. "Oh" Wendy said realising what he's about to tell them all. "You know the symbols, you were a lama, a bag of ice, shooting star Lee you didn't have one" Bill went on to say. "Well what Bill is trying to say is that all of our kids are a symbol for an evil demon named James and right now as we speak there in a demon dimension. Also because James kidnapped Anna" Dipper explained nevous. "And when were planning to tell me this?" Pafcifica said angrily, "now?" Dipper said in a high voice. "What the heck Bill!" Mabel shouted. "Phoebe is where? Get her back now!" Lee demanded.

Bill attempted to calm them all down "Look there safe i swear. I can even keep in touch with them. Look I'll call Rowan" Bill said calling Rowan on a phone looking device putting it on loud speaker and everyone leaning in forward. He out it on a setting where Rowan could here everything that was going on there but the adults could only really hear Rowan. "Dad? Bill?" Rowan answered. "Rowan hows everything?" Dipper asked him, "erm fine i guess OW DYLAN!" Rowan said the last part annoyed, "what happened?" Bill asked "Dylan ran over my foot" Rowan moaned, "what oh my god My son is Driving?!" Mabel yelled shocked, "Mabel he's in a wheel chair"  Dipper calmed her down. "Auntie Mabel?" Rowan asked confused, "your mothers here to" Pacifica said "oh hi. so they know everything now?" Rowan asked, "yes" Bill answered. They all heard really faint coughing in the back ground "whose coughing?" Wendy asked him, "its Dylan, he's fine though" Rowan answered. "Who are you with?" Mabel asked him. "Its just me and Dylan" Rowan answered. "What where are the rest of you?" Pacfica said with a worried voice. "Phoebe a Jeremy are are together and..." Rowan pulsed  "and what?" Pacifica said angrily. "Me and Mia kinda had an argument and she kinda ran off" Rowan said nervously "what?" Pacifica yelled, "Rowan how could you let this happen that your sister" Dipper said annoyed. "I tried to run after her but shes really fast and Dylan's in a wheel chair" Rowan said in a apologetic voice. "We'll call her after. Where is Isla?" Dipper said in a very serous tone, "oh erm Isla, oh haha i forgot shes here with us but don't call her shes sleeping" Rowan laughed nervously. "Rowan Stanford Pines do not lie to you family where is Isla?" Pacifica said in a forceful mother voice. "There was a bunch of demon chasing us that worked for James and we all ran and when we all met up Isla wasn't there and we haven't found her since" Rowan said sadly and scared. "What?" Mabel yelled "I'm gunner throw up" Mabel added.

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