What we'll do.

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"I think we should go sooner then a week" Jeremy commented, "oh yeah please, kill me earlier" Dylan joked. "I think we'll be fine theres a lot of us and any way the sooner we get Anna back the better" Jeremy argued. "You're right we'll go tomorrow then" Bill said, "well i didn't mean that soon" Jeremy change his tone which made Bill laugh. "He wont do anything to harm you really until you've figured the riddles out or anything thats what James is like he'll just trap you and play with you mind" Bill explained, "charming" Isla remarked sarcastically. "Stick together" Dipper advised, "and have a partner" he added "wow you're making this dangerous mistion seem like a field trip to the zoo or something" Dylan laughed,"Dylan I'm serious" Dipper said. "By the way i have communication devises so you can talk to us and stuff" Bill said casully. "Better go and tell Phoebe" Jeremy said, "well were meeting her soon to practise any way" Emilia said.

"Don't demons hate humans?" Evanna asked, "yes mostly. But they don't give us a reason to dislike them just the fact that there all powerless and week, half demons are worse though for some reason i dunno i don't really listen in school or anything" he explained. "Oh right. But what about er whats her face Rossalin Eversomething? Shes a half right?" Evanna asked him. "Well i know this part well. Rossalina Everblack is a famous good half demon becuase shes the daughter of the great James Everblack and he didn't fall in love with Rossalinas mother and he didn't creat her in his form however he took other someones body like a puppet to consive her and also becuase she has a rare power" Grey explained. "Well thats stupid, so shes famous becuase of her power and becuase of her dad and due to her dad taking advantage of her mother? Thats so rediclus " Evanna commented. "You wouldn't understand becuase you're a human" Grey said, "whatever" she said. "Can humans eat demon food?" Evanna asked Grey, "no" Grey laughed. "Oh great" she sighed sarcasticly. "Oh wait" she said pulling chocolate from her bag. "Whats that?" He asked her, "its chocolate do you want some?" She asked him. "No thanks" he shook his head. "What kind of a demon are you, not like i care" She said, "well I'm a element type but earth is my strongest power" he explained. "Oh so you're not all mind readers?" She asked, "nope. You get mind demons like Bill Cipher he's speciality was dreams but then he fell in love with a human and had children. You get health demons that deal with, well health there like doctors and nurses i don't know a lot about that. Theres element demons like me that have the power of elements and then they get a speciality like mine is earth and there animal demons like Rossalina who can talk and shift into different animals, hers is woodland animals and theres others but i cant think from the top of my head" he explained. "Can you kill demons?" Evanna asked him, "why do you wanna kill me? good luck becuase you can't, well its hard to explain" he told her, "explain" she demanded. "Well you cant really kill a demon but you can banish them but they are never truly gone, they'll rencarenate into something. So no not like humans die any way" he explained , this confused Evanna. "See all these trees here?" Grey  asked her, "yeah what about them?" She answered "i grew them, well created them" he told her. "Oh cool" she said back. "Well i have to go now, it was nice walking with you bye" he said walking away. "Bye" Evanna said. When Grey was completly out of sight she started climbing up one of his trees and decided to hide from James there.

The next day, "we all ready? Yeah ok good then lets go. If anyone's asks you're demons in human form and make up a random name" Bill said, "me and Dipper cant really go with you never the less have fun" Bill said whilst making a portal. "Stick toget her guys and don't die" Bill said as they walked through the portal. "Dude this is so cool" Emila said becuase the demention looks a lot different to earths. "Just act calm" Jeremy said, "yeah well thats kinda hard when you're in A place where you know where nothing is and surrounded by powerful evil demons yeah ok" said Rowan really quickly. "Come on lets go and explore" Phoebe said, "Mia can you like not run off please?" Jeremy said with a slight laugh. "Guys how the fuck are we going to find James?" Dylan asked "lets just keep on being positive" Emilia smiled it went salient for a bit "this would be the part when Anna would say something negative" Jeremy said. "Wait wheres Isla?" Rowan panicked, "I'm standing next to you" she answered, "oh" Rowan said. "I say we find so where and think of a plan" Jeremy said, they all nodded.

"James, there all here all of the signs" someone said to James. "Well then send half to get the kids at the portal entrance and half to find Blondy and I'll take a quick trip to earth" James said still a little annoyed.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" Dipper asked Bill, "yeah I'm sure of it, with Rowans and Jeremy's smartness. Mia's courageousness and positivity , Phoebes wendysness, Dylans strengh, Anna's years of gymnastic and cheerleading and Islas helpfulness" Bill explained. "I think you mean Dylans and Mia's goofiness, Rowans awkward panickyness , Anna's bad attitude, Islas obliviousness, Phoebes bad stress levels and Jeremy's relying on the fact that he's a demon. Not to mention that Dylans in a wheelchair and Islas what 4 foot 5?" Dipper panicked. "Jeaus Christ Dipper there not that bad. Any way get the Riddels out and lets crack them" Bill said as Dipper got the paper out of his pocket. "Wait how comes Islas only helpful?" Dipper asked bill because thats how bill described her, "well to tell the truth shes the only one that I'm scared of becuase of how she is, you know what i mean. That is why i gave her bow and arrow that means that she'll have to b partnered with someone becuase eventually she'll run out of arrows" Bill sighed. "Oh ok thats interesting so you're most worrid about the short one? Well then thats funny" said a familia voice. "And why is that so funny?" Bill asked him angry, "it just is. I hve a message for you Cipher" he told him. "Yeah Everblack?" He asked him, "one of these Riddels cannot be answered by them but they can help get the answers. Only you will know the true answer" James explained. "Which one?" Bill asked, "now why would i tell you that?" James laughed. "Your daughters really funny by the way. You know she gets all emotional when shes drunk she starts crying like has a brake down its halrious" James laughed, "you had no right to take my daughter James" Dipper told him. "Yeah i know, oh well" James shurgged, "well shes safe for now bye" he vanished.

They were sitting in a circle on a field "If any think happens We'll split off into pairs i have your names written on a piece of paper just each pick out a name and thats your partner" Rowan explained. "Il go first" Phoebe said she picked out a name "Jermey" she said. "K my turn" Dylan said a little jelous "i got Phoebes name" he said "no Phoebes with me you need to pick out another name "oh ok" Dylan said putting Phoebes name back with the rest and then picking out an other name "its my own name" he sighed "third time luck" Dylan said putting his name back in the pile "no don't put it back with the rest" Rowan sighed. "This is stupid if something happens go with whoever you're closet to ok" Dylan explained. "Ok fine" Rowan answered. "Hey what are you doing sitting in our place!" A boy demon came up to them with others some in human and others in shape form. "sorry we'll move" Rowan gulped terrified, Dylan was trying not to laugh at how silly the floating shapes looked he even tapped Mia who was also trying not to laugh. Jeremy tapped Phoebe who then stood up and looked at them all "oh um were really sorry you can stay there" the demon boy changed his tone and they all ran away. "Well that was weird. You like stood up and then they all ran, or floated" Mia laughed at the last part. "Yeah my dad was telling me they demon teens and children have a fear of gingers" Jeremy said quite casually. "A fear of gingers, why because they have no souls?" Dylan laughed. "The only way were gunner find James is if we ask other people sorry other demons" Jeremy said, "no thanks" Rowan said. "There not that scary" Isla said, "yeah seeing floating shapes everywhere just reminds me of things we watched when we were babies" Dylan said. "Hello its me dad can you hear me?" dippers voice came through one of there ear pieces "since when were you my dad?" Dylan laughed. "Oh well i just wanted to check up on everything" Dipper explained, "yeah everything's fine" Dylan answered, "ok good"'Dipper said then disconnected.

"Wait guys shut up can you hear that?" Jeremy whispered, "hear what?" Emilia said loudly "shh!" Jeremy said to her. There was voices not to far away, they all stood up, "there they are get them!" Yelled a demon pointing at the group "run!" Jeremy said, "or roll" Dylan said with a laugh, for some reason he wasn't really taking this seriously. Emilia grabbed the back of Dylans wheel chair and ran with him, Jeremy grabbed Phoebes hand and they ran together. They were all running away from 3 demons and they all spilt off into little groups of two or on there own. Phoebe and Jeremy ran into a forest area, Rowan hid behind a builden in the arch way but and Emilia and Dylan went inside that builden for some reason, Isla kept running. "You let go of my hand now" Phoebe told Jeremy "oh, i thought you were Isla sorry" he said quickly letting go of her hand. "My secret isn't gunner last much longer huh" Phoebe said.Suddenly Isla was running she ran into a net "oh well thats not good is it?" She said to her self and then she heard foot steps behind her.

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