In trouble

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"Hey tiny where did that other demon go? He was suppose to watch you, not like you can escape or anything" he asked her confused, "he thought he saw a fairy and tried to find it" Isla answered kind of lying, James tutted "Typical" he sat down where he normally did and started writing things. Isla got very bored and so she just randomly started to quietly hum a song to herself she didn't even know what the song was something she just heard on the radio once. "Stop that humming Luna" James told her sighing, but not in a angry way. Isla realised something strange "wait a second did you just call me by one of my names?" She asked him slightly confused. James cleared his the a and ripped pages out of his book and grabbed a pen "right I get it you're bored, here knock yourself out" he gave her paper and a strange pen, "oh thank you" she said.

Jeremy was sitting in the dungeon with his face in his hands, he was afraid and hurt and had no idea how everyone else was or if they were even alive except for Mia. He heard footsteps and sighed. Julius Tree the second the demon who captured Jeremy and Phoebe was breathing heavy as if he were extremely angry "Well?" He yelled at Jeremy. "Well what?" Jeremy answered, "what do you mean well what you idiot where is she? Where's Everblack?" He demanded an answer. "She got out" he answered, "how?" Julius snapped. "Her powers allow her to change into animals she fit through the bars" He said with no energy. "I can't believe this" Julius moaned, "right tell me, how many of there are you?" Julius asked him. "There's only me and her" he unconvincingly lied, because he had already told him earlier that his dad had three children. "Don't lie to me I know how many symbols there are!" Julius shouted, "if you know then why are you asking me?" Jeremy argued. "To see how smart you were and it turns out you're not so bright Cipher!so answer my question and don't be stupid" Julius answered, "or maybe really don't know how many symbols there are and you're trying to trick me into telling you" Jeremy said smartly snaring at him. Then Julius levitated him and dropped him on the floor, Jeremy rolled on his side and crouched inwards in pain.

"I know you have cousins and I'm well aware you have siblings!" Julius laughed but was still angry "in fact your sister is going to be sold off and married to some random rich demon" Julius smiled. Jeremy sat up "what did you say?" He said loudly, "your little sister Bill Ciphers only daughter is going to be forced to marry a total stranger demon, probably older" Julius laughed. "James wouldn't do that, he wants to kill us" Jeremy tutted getting angry. "Why would James want to kill you after wanting to capture you all for ages, he wants to control and ruin your life's. He's not just going to get rid of you" Julius explained rolling his eyes. "Maybe I'll pay him lots so I can let you rot down here" Julius smiled. "Well what's the point of selling me to him to then just bye me back?" Jeremy asked confused, "don't you dear question me Cipher!" He levitated him up again and dropped him, "ow!" Jeremy said in pain hugging himself. "Right I need a meeting with James, even though I can't stand the cocky idiot he is" he Julius stormed outside.

About a minute later Jeremy Hurd foot steps once again, "hey" someone called Jeremy quietly, Jeremy ignored him, "do you know a girl named Mia?" The person talking was Julius tree the 3rd. "What's it to you?" Jeremy looked up, "I'm keeping her safe" Julius answered. "Right, so you're keeping her safe and not controlling her or anything?" Jeremy shot him a look. "What? I don't think so. I'm just making sure my dad or James find her. I might be a bit though on her but you've met my dad" Julius supported himself, "ok but she's still my cousin" Jeremy did want an argument or for Mia to get hurt, Jeremy didn't really trust this guy. "I can tell her your here" Julius said, "your dads gone for a meeting with James, can she come down here?" Jeremy asked. Julius thought for a second "ok fine, but there's no way I'm freeing you, even if I wanted to I can't it's out of my power" Julius wanted to make clear.

Julius ran up stairs whilst Jeremy waited for his cousin to come down, which she finally did, "so much running" she breathed heavily. "Look over there" Julius pointed, "Jeremy!" She ran over to the dungeon he was in, "Mia" Jeremy said happy to see her. "Jeremy you're badly hurt what happened?" Mia changed her voice to worried. "Don't worry about it Mia. Do you know where anyone else is?" Jeremy asked her, she shook her head. "Julius you can get him out right? Get him out" she demanded Julius shown his head "sorry" he said sadly. "Why not?" Mia said panicky "I just can't I don't have the physical power to" he explained. "It's ok Mia. Hey What power do you have?" Jeremy asked him. "The power of the elements but my strength is water" he told him, "wait can you fit through that window?" Julius asked him. The dungeon was mostly underground but there was a window near the top that led to grass. "I think so" Jeremy said, "stand back and to the side, I'm gunner blast it with water" Julius explained sighing. He held out his hands and powerful jets of water sharply and one by one each bar of the window broke off. "Mia do you wanna leave? You're really good with a sword, if Jeremy was it? Goes through the window and I'll take you to him and you can both leave" Julius asked her sadly. "You're letting me leave already?" Mia asked confused, "I'm dead I can't help you any more" Julius told her. "What?" Jeremy said, "my dads gunner kill me like seriously" Julius explained, "but he's your dad" Mia said confused, "he doesn't care about that, come on you need to go now" Julius said grabbing her hand and running away Jeremy climbed through the window and crawled out onto the grass.

They soon met up, "thanks good luck with your dad" Jeremy told him. "Thank you Julius, for everything Julius" Emilia said a little sad to leave him. " it was nice knowing you and don't forget what a taught you Mia. Stay here and I'l, get your stuff" Julius ran. "What did he teach you?" Jeremy asked, "sword fighting he's really good! And demon biology" She smiled but was still a little sad. "Demon biology?" Jeremy said confused, "yeah I know something Jeremy you and Rowan dunno finally" She smiled a little. "Oh right, but I can read your mind so you know" Jeremy smiled. "You could but I'm not thinking about it" she smirked. Then Julius ran up to them with Emilia's stuff "I found this is it yours?" He asked holding up the freeze sword "yeah thanks" Jeremy said as Julius past it over. "Julius Tree the 3rd I don't like love you or anything but take this, to remember me and as a thank you" Emilia said nervously giving him a neckless, Julius smiled "oh thank you Mia, you staying alive is all I need though" he said as she past him the neckless to him. "I know how to get to James so you can find your sister" Julius explained, "well Julius was it? You can ever stay here and die or come with us" Jeremy wagered "yeah come with us" Emilia said excited. He thought for a second "ok I'll go with you. But from now on call me Tree" he explained. "That's his second name" Emilia told Jeremy, "led the way tree" Jeremy smiled.

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