Where are they?

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Bill and Isla returned home "boys, Jeremy Dylan?" Bill yelled, no reply. "They should be well home by now" Bill said confused "Isla check the garden" Bill instructed "no there not they there" isla said. Bill checked the time "they might be in the forest still just mucking around i guess there like that" Isla said, "yeah probably" Bill sat down. "Dad" Isla said, "yeah?" Bill replied, "are you gunner trust some random demon on the street who you don't even know?" Isla asked him, "he didn't give me a reason not to trust him so yeah i guess i am" He replied to his daughter. Isla shrugged sighed and went to her room. 

At the Pines house 

"What the heck are you reading?" Emila asked Rowan "oh gave me like a code thing to type in the laptop so you can read about caje demon stuff Bill never used it he didnt understand it he said he found it fustrating" rowan explained. "Hmm looks lame, nerd" Emilia opened a bag of popcorn and jumped on the sofa "wanna quit that boring research and watch a movie?" Emilia smiled at him. "Meh sure why not" he turned of the laptop and sat on the floor leaning his back on the sofa "Anna were watching a movie!" Emilia called up. Evanna came down to were they were "oh ok sure" she sat down next to her sister. "Popcorn?" Emilia asked "do i have to remind you that I'm on a diet" she answered "oh yeah i forgot sorry" Emilia said a jokey way. "What flavour are they any way, sweet or savoury?" Evanna asked looking at it "both" Emilia smiled. "Ew what the hell that should be banned" Evanna pulled a face. "Yeah thats pretty disgusting Emilia" rowan agreed. "Fine more for me then" Emilia laughed. "Emilia if you eat those don't touch the sofa please" Pacifica said walking in the living room to get something. "Yes i know i know" Emilia said slowly in a sort of mocking type tone. "Well you  know last time" Pacifica pointed out. "Yeah but now we get to use my super cute throw that i made, its got a kitten on it" Emilia beamed in an excited voice. "Yeah ok next time i go shopping I'm getting a plain brown one to match the room" Pacifica smiled. "But its got a kitten on it!" Dippers voice chimed in from the kitchen. 

Meanwhile dundundun

"Oh my god dude what happened?" Jeremy ran over to his brother "i fell out a tree" Dylan laid on the floor and winced in pain. "Ugh it hurts. Real bad!" He rolled around a little, he was crying a little. "Theres no reception in here dude, not even emergency call. Oh man this is bad, this is real bad"Jeremy got up and started walking around on the spot. "I know i will run to Rowans he lives nearer to here then our house k,just don't move" Jeremy said in a panicked voice "i can't move Jeremy ow" Dylan said struggling to talk. "Wait i can help you" came a voice with a strange accent, i have a wheelbarrow we can wheel him home" he explained with a sweet laugh at the end. Both the boys looked at him, "thanks stranger but Dylan cant fit in a comically small wheel barrow, what even is the point in that thing?" Jeremy said, looking a fat man with a tiny little wheel barrow like a child's toy. "I find it cute and charming" the man said. "We can carry him between us, come on you and me buddy what other choice do you have boy?" The man said sounding a lot less sweet. "You could carry me in you hair" Dylan made a joke then laughed then got in more pain "ow ow" , "stop trying to talk"  Jeremy rolled his eyes at his immature brother. The mans hair was rather high up and quite big. "K dude you carry this arm and i will do the other" Jeremy said pointing, Jeremy didn't really like the look of thus guys but he didn't really have any options. So they carrid him out if the forrest it was a long walk.  They set him down on a tree stump and jeremy grabbed his phone to call his dad or mum "what no battery what even" Jeremy shoved gis phone back in his pocket. "Use mine" Dylan struggled to say. "Its smashed" the Man pointed out. "Well we will have to walk to Uncle Dippers he can do something" Jerey explained. "I'm sorry sir but can you help me carry my brother again?" Jeremy asked politely, "well you do seem like you need my help" the man grined. So they got up and walked to Dippers house. 

While this was happing

" im putting mean girls on it has something for everyone me  devon bostick and the gay guy i lke him a lot hes funny, for Anna people you can relate to and for Rowan girls to perve on" Emila said not really waiting for the others to complain or any thing. More into the moive. " this is so werid i am watching mean girls with my younger sisters what is wrong with me?" Rowan realised. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Dipper went to answer it and he was very much shocked "what duh? GIDEION WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY NEPHEW?" Dipper said angry. "Oh hi dipper long time no see" dund und dun twos gideion (it was pretty obvious sorry about that). "No he helped us" Jeremy said slightly  confused." What the heck happened?" Dipper said worrid but still annoyed and loudly "Dylan fell out a tree" jeremy said, "he did what?" Dipper said "fell out a tree whats with the inverview, my phone died and this dude helped us thank you by the way" Jeremy said getting kinda impatient. "No this 'dude' probably was the one who pushed him off the tree. You can leave now Gideon. Pacifica come d and help me" Dipper called out. Pacifica came down followed by Evanna and Emilia who heard some of what they were saying. Gideon had gone but nobody saw him leave "girls go to the kitchen to get ice please thank you" Dipper said a little panicked. "Oh my gosh Dylan you ok baby boy?" Pacifica said  as she saw him in all his glory (or should i say gory haha😏) "Jeremy go through to the living room and call 911 and your parents please" Pacifica said quickly taking Jeremy place of holding up Dylan.

"Jeremy what you doing here?" Rowan asked, "Dylan hurt his leg in the forest hard to explain" Jeremy said dialling the number. "Oh" Rowan said still wacthing mean girls like no bodies Business. "Watch out Dylans coming through" Dipper said him and Pacifica carrying him in. "Dipper be careful" Pacifca said tutting. They got in the living room and laid him on the couch "now stay here till the amblance comes" Dipper explained. Emilia and Evanna came in and put the ice on his leg then walked out leaveing the 3 boys in the room wacthing mean girls. "Rowan what are you watching?" Jeremy asked. "Mia and anna put mean girls on" Rowan said."wow she hot" Dylan said looking at the tv, "girls arnt hot there beautiful, here you go handsome boy" Pacifica put a glass on water on the floor with an extra long straw and gave him some pain killers  "thanks" he replied, then she walked out. The boys were mesmerised watching mean girls they especially liked the christmas dance haha. Then the ambalance came.

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