Mias trapped.

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Phoebe wondered what to do she couldn't turn back i to a human because she wouldn't have clothes on. She thought about running back down to Jeremy to tell him but her bag was pulling on her neck with her clothes in it.

"Mia promise me something" Julius said, "yeah?" She asked. "Don't ever come back here when i let you go" he looked down. "Oh is it because I'm annoying?" She asked him. "No its not that Mia don't be an idiot, but seriously once you leave forget about his place as a safe place to be" he told her. "I don't understand, why?" She asked him, "you don't need to understand why" he snapped. "Fine" she said simple and Julius sighed. "When will you let me go?" Emilia said seriously, "I don't know yet" he replied. "Right" she commented. After Phoebe heard this she knew she had to tell Jeremy, so she quickly ran back down to the dungeon. "Jeremy, Jeremy" she called out to him, "Phoebe what are you still doing here you need to leave" Jeremy told her. "Mia's here" she said, "what?" Jeremy said shocked, "yeah some demon guy has her, I'm pretty sure it's this guys son. She's in the room upstairs" she explained. "Is she ok?" He asked her. "Yeah for now but I think the guys unstable and controlling" she said, "ok, OK thanks Phoebe you need to leave now" he explained to which Phoebe nodded and headed back up.

Mean while.

"James please kindly leave my house" Mabel asked him, "I just wanna talk to Bill in privet and then I'll leave. So please kindly leave the room" he said mimicking her saying please kindly leave. "Why in privet?" Dipper asked, "because I don't need to explain myself to you" he explained. "Do you know what fine, you two go upstairs and we'll stay in here" Mabel demanded. "K boss come on Bill" James said heading upstairs leading the way, Bill rolled his eyes and shot a look at Mabel as he followed James.

"Might as well call Isla, now he's not there" Mabel said getting the magical phone thing and passing it to Dipper who knew the number. "Isla, it's your mum , Dipper and Pacifica. James is upstairs. Are you safe?" Mabel asked her. "Hello, some other person, sorry demon is suppose to be guarding me but he left a minute ago because he was called other by person I mean demon. Maybe he went to see Anna or something" she explained. "Isla honey is anyone else there?" Pacifica asked, "no, no ones here, Anna's in a different room" she said. "I have a bruise on my arm but that's about it, it's alright though I'm alright. You should really call the others I'm safe whilst I'm here" she said calmly. "Hey blondy who are you talking to?" Some said heading back I to he room where Isla was "he's back" Isla said. "Wait don't hang up" Dipper said. "I wasn't talking"  Isla lied, "yes you were. Was it a fairy?" he said sternly. "A fairy? er sure yeah it was" Isla answered. "Where is it?" The demon asked. "Erm I dunno it flew through the door as you were walking in" she told him pointing. "Right" the demon said heading out the door. Mabel hung up "I think she'll be ok for now. Il try Phoebe since she's with Jeremy somewhere" Dipper said typing in a number. "Phoebe hello?" Dipper said, "no this is Jeremy, Phoebes gone but I can explain" he said. "Yeah explain" Pacifica told him.

"So this your room?" James asked Bill looking around it "yes Mine and Mabel's, James what do you want?" Bill asked annoyed. "I want lots of things. So you and Mabel share this bed we're currently sitting on?" James asked, "James" Bill simply said. "Do you ever like hit each other in the face?" James laughed, " yeah sometimes, James seriously what do you want?" Sighed angrily. "Yeah ok fine, what's marriage like?" James asked, "are you serious?" Bill asked shutting his eyes in frustration. "Well if that what's what really here for then let's make a deal you stop this whole thing with you and my children dippers children and Wendy's and I will tell you everything about marriage" Bill told him, "woah Bill still see you got your humour" James said. "Well it's different for everyone there that's your answer no two marriages are the same. There you go" Bill answered his question. "Right" James answered. "Why do you ask James? Oh well if it's what I think then I feel sorry for you" Bill smiled at the end. "What?" James asked him now he looked annoyed. "Wendy will never love you" Bill felt happy saying the words, "well we have a child together" James smirked. "That doesn't count you were in Lees body, she had no idea it was you" Bill states. "il just Kill Lee" James explained, "oh and you think she'll like that?' Bill said disgusted. "Any way it's not even Wendy" James rolled he's eyes.

"So basically Phoebe could fit through the bars so I told her to leave and get help you know do something. It took a lot of convincing but she finally left" he explained. "Smart thinking" Dipper told him. "Oh by the way and don't ring her Mia is here to but not with me, Phoebe told me she came back then left" He explained. "What where, why can't we ring her?" Pacifica said surprised, "she's with this demon boy upstairs and Phoebe said he was unstable and controlling so if you ring her he could brake the devise or something "he explained. " my daughters with a demon boy? A demon" Dipper panicked a little. "Yes she is, said the half demon" Jeremy answered, "oh sorry no offence to you Jeremy" Dipper said forgetting Jeremy was a half demon.

"Just to let you know Tree has Butterfly, well his son" James said, ( Tree is the demon who has Jeremy and is Julius dad) "stop reading there minds down stairs" Bill demanded. "The marriage isn't for me, it's for someone else" James laughed a little. "What who?" Bill asked him angrily, "demons are willing to pay good money for there sons to marry Bill Ciphers daughter you know" James smiled. Bills heart dropped "you wouldn't dear" Bill said. "Oh come on I'll give you 10 no 15% of the money" James smiled. "You're really not joking are you? you dear sell my daughter Everblack" Bill was really angry. "I don't need your permission Cipher I'm gunner do it and you know I will. And if Trees son likes Butterfly he can have her if he pays that is" James laughed. "That's disgusting James I can't believe you, I was evil but I knew my limits" Bill said.

"Well bye Jeremy were gunner try Rowan" Pacifica said disconnecting the call, "really Dipper? You had to say that whilst Jeremy was on call" Mabel rolled her eyes at him, "yeah demons are people to" Pacifica added. "Ok one I'm sorry that was wrong but in my defence that is my daughter and she's with a the son of an evil demon and secondly demons are not people to, there demons" Dipper defended himself ringing Rowan. "Rowan it's your mum and your dad and Mabel" Pacifica told her. "Guess what happened" Rowan said happily, Evanna was confused. "What?" Dipper asked. "We bumped into Anna" he said happy. "Oh my god like are you for real? pass her the ear piece" Pacifica said shocked. "Anna put this over your ear and talk it's a device that allows are parents to contact us" Rowan gave a very quick small explanation of it. "Erm hello?" Evanna said. "Anna? We thought James had you" Dipper said really confused. "Yeah he did but I got away. Yeah any ways can you book me a hair appointment I really need one" Evanna changed the subject. "What you got away from a demon? that's cray" Mabel smiled. "How the hell did you do that?" Dipper asked her shocked.

"James? What happen you just kinda zoned out" Bill asked him confused, James stood up and made his way downstairs Bill followed him into the room where Mabel and that were. "Anna are you hurt at all?" Mabel asked her, James and Bill just stood back and listened without the rest knowing. "No but I had to cut like literally all my hair I have like a bob and is probably really uneven and gross" Evanna complained. "So you don't have Anna James?" Bill chimed in. "You let Evanna get away? Could of just given her a magazine she hasn't read and she would of just stayed there" Dipper smiled. "What no I wouldn't dad" Evanna tutted. "Hey Rose" James said, "ugh that's not even my names" Evanna said. "Yes I know it's your symbol kid, just to let you know there are lodes of demons after you especially" he explained, "k" she replied "and when you get back to me I'm going to make your life onwards a living hell" he explained. "K cool I'm gunner take the ear piece out you're boring me, button" she sighed. "Button?" James asked "it's your symbol keep up" she mocked. "Wow James she seems really scared of you, what did you do leave the cage door open?" Bill laughed. "Your all laughing now, just you wait. remember what we talked about Cipher" James expressed. "I'm literally so terrified" Anna said sarcastically. "Be careful Anna" Dipper said kinda worried about her being so carefree about the situation. "Right I'm leaving" James vanished. "were actually heading to James right now and we're kinda close" Evanna explained. "What? Are you an idiot he's a powerful demon" Dipper argued. "We're getting Isla back, it shouldn't be too hard" She explained. "Yes it will" Dipper told her, "oh my god I think you should know now to maybe stop undermining me, I cut off my hair and slept in a tree. I really don't need this right now. I'm gunner stop responding" Evanna changed her tone to negative. "Just hang up she won't listen, she's stubborn. She's too much like me" Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Next time James arrives here, we need to keep him here as long as we can" Bill said, "are we gunner tell Wendy and Lee about Phoebe being on her own?" Dipper asked them. "Are you kidding Lee just found out about Phoebe not being his biological daughter" Pacifica stated, "yeah that's true" Mabel agreed.

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