An other baby

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"Come on we shouldn't be sitting your dad will swing it open soon" Wendy said stroking the hairs out of Phoebes eyes. So they both got up, "il go make some pasta yeah?" Wendy sniffed then smiled. "No i got this i can make it, you just sit" Phoebe said. "Oh ok fine, this is a change" Wendy laughed a little and a shif. Wendy coughed and whiped her tears away and went to wash her face in the bathroom. Whilst Phoebe was making pasta. "Ok so I'm gunner be a big sister" she told herself, "well i better learn how to cook now shouldn't i?" She said to herslef. 'So you put water in here and then put it on the stove and wait till starts going crazy then put in pasta. Wait! How much pasta do i put in? Better put in a lot too juch is better then too little then we can put the rest in the frige for some other time' she thought to herslef doing what she said as she went along. "Ok pasta is in. A little salt a little pepper dunno if that dose anything but I'm doing it any way" she said, she was teying to cheer herslef up and acting in a way that when she dose has a baby brother or sister this is how she would act seound them. Quite sweet to be honest. She was sniffing inbertween what she was doing and using her fourth finger to wipe exes tears away, but she powered through it.

 "I'm home!" Lee came through the door calling loudly. "Hi dad" Phoebe called, "hi honey" Wendy said smiling. "Wendy whats up?" Lee said concerned looking at Wendy. "Nothing I'm fine Lee" she said trying to walk away, but Lee grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug and started swaying. "Weny i know theres something wrong, what is it? Tell me hun" he Said looking at the back of her head that was resting on his shoulder. Wendy pulled away and pulsed "ok". She sighed "ok, ok" she cleared her throat, "Lee Don't be mad but I'm pregant again" she started to tear up a little again. Lee looked shocked for a second "really?" His shocked face turned into a big smile "Wendy this is grate news. I'm not mad" Lee lughted with joy hugging her again. "Lee how is this good?" Wendy asked him. "Look" he said sitting down "sit down honey" he told wendy, who then put her head on his chest and her strocked her hair. "When was the last time we did this?" He asked Wendy refuring to how they were sitting and him strocking her hair. "A long time ago, i loved it as well it was real comforting" she smiled. "Yeah and this is all becuase of the baby coming, our baby coming" he smiled. "Remeber when we had Phoebe. She brought us so close togerher, fuck yeah it was hard but we still managed and it was all so worth it" he told Wendy. "When we use to sit in her room together watching her sleep just to make sure that she was breathing. All the support we got from the guys even Robbie. Those times were the gratest. When nate had the video camera, he bought it just becuase of Phoebe" Lee said laughing at memorys. Wendy smiled and sat up and looked into Lees eyes and they kissed, "yeah i remeber the shopping was grate fun" Wendy smiled. "But Lee, this baby is gunner cost lodes" Wendy looked sad again. "Problem sloved we still have all of Phoebes stuff, her basket, crib, clothes and her favourite dvds and toys. Honey this is a good thing. Even if its a boy a lot of her stuff was blue any way" Lee held Wendys hands. "But lee were like old people now" Wendy looked down at the floor. "Says who? Like i care. This was meant to happen Wendy ever hear that saying. Everything happens for a reason. Will it be easy? No will it be be worth it? Fuck yes. Look how phoebe turned out an amazing talented fun beautiful young women" Lee smiled and laughed. Wendy playfully hit him. "You big goof" she laughed "you always know what to say" she smiled and they kissed onse more. 

"Becuase you're with child and stuff I'm gunner go out and by ice cream, come on Phoebe" he called out to Phoebes. "Um no dad, actually I'm making pasta by myself" she mocked her self a little by pointing at herself. "Really the house is still standing?" He laughed a little, Lee was in a very good mood."oh come on" Phoebe replied.  "Well then i will go by a 2 no 3 tubs of ice cream for later don't worry i know your favourites" he walked out the door. Phoebe and Wendy looked at each other with a confused smile face. Then the door opened "and an other thing, lets hope this baby doesn't have my nose" he laughed and left. "I guess i will pit his pasta in the fridge" phoebe walked into the kitchen. 

I wanted to make Lee a real sweet heart. What did you think guys?

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