The gravity falls dance thing

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"I cant believe your wearing a crop top" jeremy said to his dad, "nice tights" Bill replied that was what Dylan had said to him also. "Right were all ready lets go" Mabel said, "wow shooting starr you look beautiful" Bill said, "aw thanks Bill" Mabel said smiling. "Isla were leaveing" Jeremy called up. "Ok coming" she replied coming down the stairs. "Lets go" Mabel said with keys in her hand, "excelent" Bill said, Mabel gigled a little but there kids didnt understand the joke. They all got in the car Dylan took his wheel chair. "Wait i dont get it so me, Jeremy and Isla are matching. Mum and Pacifica are matching and you and Uncle Dipper are matching?" Jeremy asked. "Well yeah me and your dad were gunner go matching but he and Dipper planed this a time ago" Mabel explained. "Haha dad likes uncel dipper better than you" Dylan mocked and laughed. 

"Pacifica you look amazing" Dipper said putting his hand on Pacifica thigh whilst they were all in the car. "Thanks babe, you look most excellent" Pacifica and Dipper both laughed at the reference."ew stop i know your married an all but its still disgusting" Evanna pulled a face. 

At the party thing

"Ok lets just wait here for Mabel and Bill i guess" Dipper said to Pacifica standing inside the hall. "Yeah ok, you kids can go look around if you want but come back in a bit because you cousins will be here"Pacifica  informed. All three of Dippers children looked at each other then shrugged as if to say yeah ok we'll look around. So there did "ooo theres a chocolate fountain" Emilia's eyes lit up, "your gunner mess up you lip stick already?" Evanna raised an eyebrow at her sister. "Yeah thats true" Emilia said with a sigh. "Hey dudes, mini Dipper, Mini Pacifica and mini Girl Dipper. Because your not Mabel's  daughter" it was the loveable Soos, he said the second sentence in a whisper. Soos was dressed up like Fred Flintstone and melody was of corse standing next to him in a Wilma Flintstone costume. "Hey Soos hey Melody" Rowan said, "hi" Emilia said Evanna just smiled. "Hello you guys all look so grate" Melody said. "Thanks" they all replied. "So do you two" Emilia said still smiling at them.  "We better go and see your parents and say hi, see you little dudes later" Soos said then they both went off.10 minutes later "Oh darn i have to go back to mum i just realised something"Emilia said gasping a little, "k don't faint" Evanna rolled her eyes a little. So they did so did Rowan.

"Hey you guys look amazing, the kids have gone somewhere they'll be back in a minute" Dipper explained. "We totally need to take a tone of pictures tonight" Mabel smiled, "well of course" Pacifica said.  "Mom?" Emilia said running a little towards her Evanna walking slowly behind on her phone. "Emilia your family's here" Pacifica said, Emilia turned around looking a little embarrassed about something that no one even knows about. "Hi, oh my god aunt Mabel you look wow" Emilia smiled. "So do you Mia" Mabel said. "Uncle Bill i have no idea who you are" Emilia looked confused, "I'm Bill" He smirked Emilia just looked him real confused like. "I'm Bill and your dad is Ted from the Bill and ted movies" Bill cleared up "the films were old even when we were young" Dipper said. (Those films doe). "Wait i think i might have my camera in here" Pacifica realised, she opened her bag to check, "huh? Emilia" she sighed she found something in her bag that was Emilia's. Bill laughed a little "hey i didn't  give you permission to read my mind" Emilia told Bill. After that Jeremy clocked on to what was going on because he could sort of read minds. "Dylan i need to bedazzle your cast" Emilia explained a little excited. "Wait I'll make a deal with you" Dylan offered, laughing at what Emilia said. "Sounds just like his dad" Dipper said. "Go on you kids run alone so we can talk about you" Bill said fanning his hands in there direction, "Emilia take this with you no wonder my bag was so heavy" Pacifica said taking the bedazzle gun out her bag . "Look out shes got a gun" Dylan said, Evanna gave a sarcastic laugh. Then the kids all went off. 

"How is our daughter so much like you, like she is basically you" Dipper said referring to Emilia being lodes like Mabel. "Which daughter?" Bill asked sarcastically, "Evanna" Pacifica said sarcastically. "Non of my kids are like me" Mabel pointed out, "no i think Dylan is and Isla they just look like Bill" Dipper said, "Isla was exactly like you when she was like a toddler" Dipper added. "Yeah but Jeremy takes after his dad" Pacifica added. "Evanna takes after her mum most definitely, theres no Mabel or Dipper just plain Pacifica" Bill explained with a little laugh at the end. "Really i hadn't noticed that yet?" Pacifica said being sarcastic. "Anna's got an attitude problem" dipper sighed, "nah shes just a teenager it will pass"  Mabel said. "And Rowan is all Dipper" Pacifica laughed. "And pheebs  is all Wendy, remember when we use to baby sit her and she climbed up everything" Bill said with a laugh. "I wish Wendy had more babies" Mabel said. "Well thank god phoebe didn't end up with Lees nose" Pacifica said even though she really liked Lee. "Pacifica" Mabel gasped then laughed. "Oh yeah Pacifica   Who did your kids make up it looks so realistic" Mabel asked. "That would be me, hi dudes" Phoebe just got the end of the conversation she only Heard that one question she had only just arrived. "Phoebe" they all said happliy in unison, "we were just talking about you when you were little" Pacifica said. "Oh yeah haha you like looked after me lodes of times" Phoebe said. "You look grate phoebe" Mabel said. "Thanks you to, you all do. Your Bill and Ted right?" Phoebe asked. "Yeah you've seen the films?" Dipper asked, "yeah i use to watch them with my dad and stuff, i havent seen them in ages" Phoebe replied. "What up dudes" Wendy chimded in, She was stanindg there with Lee. Wendy was Kim possible and Lee was Ron becuase it just makes sense. "Haha you guys look halrious, in a good way" Wendy said. Bill kinda jumped a little and coughed  for no reason "wow had something suck in throat there" he said with a little neverous laugh. "Thanks so do you both" Mabel said. "Really i feel kinda fat in this" Wendy replied. "Im gunner go find people see you guys later" Phoebe went off. "Im gunner go get drinks for me Mabel and the kids anyone wanna come?" Bill asked tugging dipper a little so no one would really notice "apparently i want to come, Pacifica what do you want?" Dipper asked giving Bill a confused look. "White wine please" Pacifica replied. "Oh Lee could you get me a gin and tonic please? I need tell these guys something" she asked smiling. "Yeah sure let me just say hi to the people other there and i will get right on it" Lee replied. "Thanks" Wendy said. And the Lee left. 

"K dude what was that about?" Dipper asked. "Oh Wendy, yeah shes kinda pregnant i can sense it" Bill said carrying lodes of drinks. "What? Why is she drinking gin and tonic?" Dipper asked confused, "because she doesn't know,thats why" Bill cleared up. "Oh" Dipper said, "I'm gunner drop all this" Dipper said. "Just shove them on that table and we can claim that as ours then i will get everyone else other" Bill explained. "Oh yeah i can just levitate stuff" Bill said suddenly all the glasses floated to the table which made dipper jump "dude" he said "sorry" bill replied. 

"Ok so tell me this deal" Emilia said crossing her arms "ok so you can only bedazzle me 3 times and in return i will carry the thing in my lap for the rest of the night" Dylan said. "Hmm 5 times and we gotta deal Cipher" Emilia raised an eye brow. "Fine 5" Dylan didn't bother arguing. "Should have stuck with 3 dude, she would have agreed to it sooner or later" Jeremy laughed. "Well I'm a nice guy" Dylan complemented  himself "that's an opinion" Evanna rolled her eyes. "Wow" Jeremy said under his breth, "what?" Thye all asked. He pointed to Phoebe who was walking around trying to find people. Phoebe was dressed up as poisen ivy buy not too sexy. "Phoebe over here look its us!" Emilia waved her arms "oh there you are i couldnt find you dudes. Your mums look so pretty dressed like Marilyn Monro and Audrey Hepburn" Phoebe smiled. "Phoebe you look so cool" Emilia commented, "thanks i made it myself" Phoebe laughed. "Erm I'm pretty sure that i heard your parents talking about getting drinks so do you wanna go get them?" Phoebe asked, "yeah sure sounds good" they all agreed. 

"Ok so we got coke for the kids and we got white for Marilyn, there now i don't have to remember you name. Red for Shooting star, white for Dipper and a beer for myself" Bill explained he said Dippers in a weird  voice to mock him a little "what? Beer is disgusting and bitter" Dipper explained. "Thank you" Pacifica and Mabel said. "How will the kids know whose who?" Mabel asked, "maybe we could get Emilia to bedazzle the cups" Dipper joked. "Hey dudes Tambry Robbie and all them lot are running late there gunner be ages probably so can me and Lee stay here with you until they arrive?" Wendy asked them , Bill thought this was perfect because then he could stop Wendy from drinking any kind of alcohol. "Yeah sure Wendy" Bill said. 

Next part will be updated soon.

What gender do you want the baby to be? If it happens.

What about a name? 

Whose your favourite child of the mains?  

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