Oh there more.

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"Well thats was strange" Rowan commented, "you should have seen him when he was a floating shape" Isla said casually. "Floating shape? What like in that the picture with all our signs? Well that makes sense" Rowan said. "Wait what about Phoebe? Becuase well if he wanted to tell us that wierd crap poem,then  wouldn't he want to tell Phoebe since shes a sign and stuff" Jeremy commented, "its too early and I'm hungry can i have an Appel?" Dylan asking not really realising the problem. "Whats that?" Evanna pointed out. "Its a note, i think" Emilia answered picking up a folded piece of paper from the floor. "It says. Oops i never got to finish what i was saying because i was totally improvisingeven though its all true. So heres the rest of what i have to say; friends can become enemies as can the good, them types of situations can blow you away. And also those born into the world are apparently with those who we think our or parents when they are not. Beautiful and oblivious bye" Emilia read out very confused. "Hey Mia let me see that a second" Rowan took it and inspected it, "demons are smart right?" Rowan asked Bill, "yes very intelligent". "Huh in that case he should be able to spell with no trouble however he spelt apparently; A, double P, A, R, E, T, L, E, E. So he spelt the last part Lee instead of ly" Rowan said confused. Suddenly Mabel walked in, "guys grate news Wendy and Lee are having an other baby" she grinned. "Aw thats grate" Mia smiled. Rowan and Jeremy looked at each other for they have both discover a theory that has to do what was said.also Jeremy can read minds.

Later that day, they invited Phoebe over and explained everything to her. "Ok so i wrote down all of what James said and i have some minor theory's about them but i cannot be sure. So listen" Rowan sighed bringing out a white bored with what James said on it. "Ok so the first thing he said was 'those who have something they don't use may obsess and or become Ill. Some obliviously use it and it isn't obvious'. Ok so i thought this could mean like a weapon of something" Rowan explained. "Yeah like when Dylan defended me with the bedazzle gun thing" Phoebe supported him. "Yeah or it could mean like becoming desperate for something, or it could ver well mean jealously" Rowan continued. " how coukd it mean jealously?" Evanna asked, "well its like you really want something that someone else has and that person is oblivious that they have it" Isla explained, "exactly" Rowan said. "I dunno it all sounds a bit far fetched" Jeremy commented. "Well Do you have anything?" Rowan asked him, "well no and by reading your mind you don't either. Well for this bit any way" Jeremy commented back smartly. "Wait I'm still confused at the weapon part are we gunner have to fight this guy with weapons and stuff?" Mia asked smiling, "sure whatever" Rowan answered sighing. "Right then in note it said; friends can become enemies as can the good, them types of situations can blow you away. Now this could mean that he's gunner turn us against each other or something or brain wash us and use his powers" Rowan said slightly improvising. "K stop Rowan you're stressing yourself out its only been like what three hours you'll come up with other stuff. I think we should stop talking about these theory's for now" he said shifting his eyes towards Phoebe but still looking at Rowan to indicate to stop talking or they may upset her about something they may have discovered.

Ooo interesting. Anyone else got any theory's? Or do think that Rowan is already correct? All will be reviled soonish. Hi guys how are we all? If anyone wants to do a fan art or anything along those line please inbox me and i ill give you my Instagram :).

Theres a big revel in the next chapter by the way!!!

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