Untitled Part 31

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"Hello mr Pines" Rachel yawned, " Rachel wheres my daughter?" Dipper crossed his arms, "hey! Is Eva in here?!" She yelled to a bunch of teenagers in the house, she looked at Dipper and shrugged her shoulders. " nice Pyjamas Sir" Rachel mentioned with a laugh, then a girl holding a mug came to the door  "Eva got at taxie a On her own becuase she felt I'll sir, i even saw her go into the taxie, she was really drunk" she explained. "Shit, thanks Christina. Wait are you sure?" Dipper said changing his tone. "Yeah i didn't drink last night im allergic to something in alcohole, but its strange because after the taxie came a. Other taxie came after" Christina shrugged. "Right thanks and bye" Dipper said quickly getting into his car and over to his sisters house, ringing there house phone. "Hello?" Isla said in her high voice "Isla can you give this to your dad its really important" Dipper said whilst driving badly. "Yes yes" she said passing it over to Bill, "hello?" He said in the same way that Isla did, "he's got Anna, he has my daughter!" He shouted quickly. "What!?how?!" Bill yelled shocked, "she went to some party and he pretended to be a taxie driver" Dipper explained panicking. "What am i gunner tell Pacifica? whats gunner happen to Anna?" He got very frustrated. "Come over" Bill said, "i am" Dipper said. "Kids go up stairs, Dylan I'll help you in a minuet!" Bill yelled holding the phone to his chest. "How far are you?" Bill asked him, "I'm like around the corner" he answered. Dipper was there soon enough and Bill got Dylan upstairs.

"Mabel's at work, the kids are up stairs" Bill said. Bill looked at him surpirced becuase dipper was in his pyjamas. "Were gunner have to prepear the kids and take them to where James is" Bill explained. "Yeah i thought you were gunner say that and we have to tell Mabel and Pacifica" Dipper said. "We'll send the kids then tell them" Bill said, "ok fine" Dipper said. "Kids come down here!" Bill yelled still looking at Dipper. They all came down stairs and Bill levitated Dylan down the stairs. "Right ok ignor the fact that Dippers wearing pajamiers" Bill said. "James has taken Anna, not important why but were gunner train you a bit then send you to the other demention" Bill explained, "well thats normal" Dylan didn't know what to say. "Ok i have weapons for you all that i didn't tell you about,sorry" Bill said not really saying sorry. "Were sending you, Rowan, Mia and Phoebe" Dipper said. "And were starting now get in the car all of you" Bill finished and they all headed to the yellow camp a van. "Honey Anna's in the car and shes hungover, shes in big trouble but shes ok" Dipper said quickly and used hand gestures to get Rowan and Emilia. "James has Anna were training and then were going to get her back and theres no time to figure out riddles" Bill said. Then They went over to Wendy's and picked up Phoebe and they explained it to her and she got her axe. "Ok so were going to go in a week, he wont hurt Anna until your all there" Bill explained. They got out the car and headed to a part of the forest  that had less trees. "Now remeber you cant kill a demon but you can get rid of them. Well Jeremy you have a sord becuase i think you can close up and not get hurt and also its magic as soon as a demon touches the blade they will freeze and not be able to move for about 3 mineuts, not you don't tocuch either becuase you're a demon and you will freeze yourself. Dylan you have a spoke ball on a chain just becuase you're very strong and you can knock down everything in you way and. Isla you have a bow and arrows becuase its light and you can stay at a safe distance and you also have string so you can tie it up and trip demons over like in the movies. Emilia you get two sords to but there thiner, they cross on your back. Phoebe you have you axe and other stuff you can use. Rowan you're good with maths so you know about angles becuase your good with maths so you get a gun but use it carefully becuase its loud and you have limited bullets,mi know you're not a demon but this kinda magic is something that still works" Bill explained everything as he past them there stuff . "Also theres a grappling hook but it belongs to Mabel" he said. They put on there weapons on and held them "Islas needs to be tightened" Jeremy said, "come here Isla" Dipper said, "no i can do it thanks" Isla said making the bag strap loser  and the bag full of the arrows fell on the floor "oops" she said. "No, no you cant do it. There its on the tightest one" Bill did it for her then put it over her shoulder. After that Isla got the bow without using arrows just pining the string and then putting that over her shoulder.

Bill and Dipper let them practice on there own a bit as long as they don't kill each other, Bill and Dipper went to to Bills home to discus things. "This is really cool" Emilia said with her two swords crossed on her back. "Guys we need to focus, were on a mission to find and get Anna back" Rowan said. "I feel like Merida or Robin Hood" Isla smiled, "you just look small" Dylan commented. "Ow" Emilia said covering her face she back up into Rowan who knocked into Jeremy which caused his sword to hit his leg. "Oh no Jeremy can you move?" Phoebe asked Jeremy who stood dead still, "mia what happened?" Rowan asked her  "i dunno something blew into my eye, it still in there and it hurts" Emilia said covering her eye in pain. "Don't rub it Mia, let me see it" Isla said walking over to her, "its gone, its ok" Emilia said blinking. "Well we need to wait until Jeremy's back" Phoebe said.


"Brains and Fox figured out one of the riddles and there coming after you" James told Evanna not looking up at her, she was plating her already curly long blonde hair bored. "I really couldn't care less" she said flicking through a magazine that was in her bag. "You're a lot like your mother" He commented, "well she is my mother" she rolled her eyes at him. There was a knock at James door the door automatically opened "one of them has a paralysing sword" he said, James laughed "well i know for a fact that he doesn't have a permanent one any way whoever has it, Brian I'm assuming will end up freezing himself" James smiled walking out of the room leaving the door wide open. Evanna got out the knife she took from the party  and sliced off her long plait that she made in her hair and heavily sprayed the top with hair spray , her hair was ver thick and long. Now she had short hair just above her shoulders, she sighed as she threw the plait upward so it hoops through one of the bars above her in the square shaped cage . She was now swinging upside down hold onto he thick long plate. She poked her leg throw the bars and kicked the hook it was hanging on hard she kicked it so hard that it eventually fell down "all those years of going gymnastics and cheerleading finally paid off" she said under her breath. She was still in the cage and she took the hair band that was thing her plait together and she flicked it until it hit a button that opened the cage. "Well that was easier then i though" she sighed. She took her bag and ran out the room. After about 5 minutes later James and his mate stared walking back to his house "you should talk to her shes really funny, her attitude is terrible its hilarious" James laughed talking about Evanna and he walked i to his house shocked, "what the fuck?" He yelled "shes gone fuck!" He said getting really angry. "Find her. I cant spy on her whilst shes in this dimension!" He yelled.

"Wait what Graffiti art of Phoebe?" She said confused looking at a piece of street art of a girl who looked like Phoebe wearing  big poofy grand ball gown, "no Phoebe would never wear that" she said walking away not really realising.  "Yep no service" she said under her breath putting her phone back in her bag. "What the fuck is that" she hid behind a tree "a floating shape? A demon" she gasped, as it went past not paying attention to her. This dimension was really weird for Evanna. "Hey who are you?ive never seen you around here before. Are you a half demon?" A demon boy in human form went up to her "no I'm a human and why do you care?" She asked him, "a human eh? I've never met one before. Well hello" he said as Evanna was walking he walked next to her. "I'm Grey by the way" he told her, "like the colour? Ugh to be honest i don't care sorry" she sighed. "Yeah lie the colour my mum wasn't creative so she named me after my colour in my demon shape form" he explained, "wait you should be scared of me I'm a demon and you're powerless" he told her. "Oh please my uncles a demon and my cousins a half demon, what are you gunner do levitate me?" She said rolling her eyes asking a rhetorical question. "Oh so thats why you're here, your uncle" Gray came to the conclusion "yeah you could say that" Evanna said. "Can i ask you a question?" Evanna asked Grey "yeah" he said. "You know that piece of art of the ginger girl who is she?" Evanna asked interested. "Rossalina Everblack Shes half demon but she famous because of her dad and her power. She lives on earthand goes   by a different name i cant quit remember it" he explained she gasped "Phoebe Les Tarson?" She said. "Yep that it" he nodded. "Well shit" evanna said shocked.

"Being frozen is a really werid feeling " Jeremy said shaking his arms around.

Hello everyone hope you like this chapter.

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