Not Family Anymore?

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'Shit!' He felt so stupid for not noticing sooner, 'I'm not going to make it unless... Unless I jump.' His thoughts were jumbled up in his head and his breathing sped up dramatically as his chest constricted in a painful manner. The bloodthirsty ghoul was getting closer to you now, the upper half his body was sticking inside the car from the broken window and Ayato could tell you were barely managing. He braced himself and jumped off the cliff, landing unsteadily on the ground.

"(Y/N)!" He heard Touka cry out as she, too, ran towards you, Kagune released.

'Oh no you're not, you're not going to be the one to save (Y/N)...' Ayato clenched his teeth as he ran at full-speed towards the asshole who was trying to kill you for a quick meal.
'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT. SHIT!' You were screaming for help, arms grabbing the car seat for support while your legs kicked at the ghoul whose arms were so close grabbing your knees.

"TOUKA-CHAN SAVE ME!" You yelled, barely managing to keep the monster away from you. "TOUKA-"

"(Y/N)!" A male voice called out. It wasn't Yomo-san's, nor did it resemble the Managers, but it sounded vaguely familiar. It sounded so much like home that your heart ached for and your tears began to form. At that moment, you didn't care if you died if it meant seeing the owner of that voice again...
Ayato could tell that you were weakening but you'd stopped shouting, and that scared him the most. 'Is (Y/N) dead? No no no no no, please no.' He prayed for the fourth time in his life, 'please don't die on me now, I'm so close...'

"(Y/N)!" Ayato called out before yanking the ghoul out of the car and splitting it's skull with his Kagune's crystals. 'Weak.' He thought before ferociously kicking the body away and yanking open the car door.
Touka was running as fast as she could, her lungs were burning and wild thoughts ran through her mind. 'No, please, (Y/N), this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you come with us, (Y/N), I should've-" she stopped so suddenly that she almost fell forward. 'Ayato?'

Touka couldn't believe her eyes. The ghoul that was going to kill you was dead on the ground a few feet away from where her estranged brother sat, directly opposite from your spot in the back car seat. "Ayato?" She whispered, too softly for him to hear but it wasn't meant for him anyways; Touka struggled to pull herself together. This was all too much for her to absorb quickly...
"Aya-kun?" You murmured, tears still streaming down your cheeks. "Are you Aya-kun?" You shifted forwards, hand outstretched to reach him.

"(Y/N)-chan," He couldn't bring himself to look at you, so he directed his eyes to the ground, inching away backwards from you. "Are you... Okay?" He tensed up when your fingers touched his face, cradling his cheek in your hand.

"Yes, I'm alright," you lifted his head up so that his eyes met yours. "Just scared. I'm always scared when you're not around."

His chest felt heavy and he furiously blinked away his tears before standing up and carrying you gently out of the car; his hand accidentally brushed against your shoulder blade in the process, it was there he felt a scar. He played off his sudden choke as a cough and proceeded to put you back on he ground, checking your body for any injuries.

"You seem fine; I'll be going now." The ghoul said quickly, then he turned around to leave before he could change his mind.

"W-wait! Aya-kun!" You cried out, not daring enough to run to him so you stayed out but your hand reached out. "I-I've been invited to join the CCG. And I-I don't know if I should. Can I a-ask for your opinion?" You felt dumb asking this question to a ghoul but he was important to you, always had been, so you wanted to know how he felt about it before you made your choice.

He stopped in his tracks and chuckled, "As a ghoul, I'd say 'no' because you're going to be the next Arima Kishou or something..." You relaxed at his calm answer but froze up once again when he continued, "... But as someone who once regarded you as family, I'd say go for it. It's your best chance to being safe against the ghouls in the future. Although you could possibly die from missions but at least... You'd know how to fight... My kind." He seemed like he needed to say more but ran off as soon as he ended.

'But as someone who once regarded you as family...' 'So I'm just a human to him now? I'm not... Family anymore?'

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