Be My One and Only

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"With this hand,
I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty,
For I will be your wine.
With this candle,
I will light your way in darkness.
With this ring,
I ask you to be mine."
- The Corpse Bride
You were woken up by someone opening your room door, it was 2am and a while ago you'd just finished packing for your temporary move to the Tsukiyama Mansion the next day.

You groaned and rubbed your eyes before your vision cleared and you saw who it was.

"Ayato?" He stood there quiet and motionless, he looked like he was holding something as well. After a second, he walked towards you and sat cross-legged on the opposite side of your bed, facing you. "What are you-" you stopped when he lifted his hand, in it held a red box, the kind people put rings in. And slotted in between the soft cushion in the box was a silver ring. For a moment you thought that was the one you'd lost but this one was different, this one had something engraved in it's inner-walls.

"Marry me, (Y/N)." Ayato asked as your heart swelled with love and tears sprung at your eyes. He looked on anxiously and relaxed when you nodded, too emotional to speak. He smiled as he pulled the ring out and slipped it on your right ring finger.

"Where's yours?" You whispered after taking a moment to relish in how beautiful the ring looked. Ayato smirked and held out his hand to you, he was already wearing his.

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