Would You Be Happier?

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It was almost Christmas! As well as your birthday, so your spirits were up, thinking 'what could possibly go wrong?'

"We should get Urie some new headphones," you suggested, leaning against Haise as his arm wraps around your waist loosely, not in a romantic manner, no, just keeping you warm since you kept complaining earlier.

"Yeah, we should," Haise replied, "let's get some lunch first, I'm starving."

The two of you headed to a care where he ordered a simple black coffee and you ordered a hot mocha and a slice of cookie cheese cake.
"I have to pee." You declared before standing up and walking to the restroom,
leaving Haise stifling his giggles behind you thanks to your rather blunt declaration.

The toilet was so far away, the one in the cafe was under maintenance, so you looked for one the in the shopping mall across the street in stead, before you could even walk through the automatic sliding doors, however, a hand grabbed yours and pulled you away.

"Hey-" you looked at the person carefully, it was pretty dark in the alley he led you to but you'd recognise his face anywhere, "Ayato!" You lunged into his embrace, your arms wrapping around him firmly. You were worried when he didn't hug back.

"(Y/N)," he said monotonously, you pulled away and looked at him, a grim expression on his face, "would you be happier if we saw other people?"

Your heart stopped. "W-what? Ayato, what're you suggesting?" You held his arms gently, trying to get him to look at you in the eye, but he avoided your burning gaze. "Why? What-"

"Because I would be." You felt a pang in your chest.

"What?" You couldn't believe your ears, you wanted this nightmare to end! But it wasn't a nightmare, you were wide awake.

"I found another girl. And I don't feel right leaving you in the dark like this," he continued, struggling to keep his voice firm, "we're still friends, (Y/N), but," your body was numb and your frame shook as tears cascaded down your cheeks; you didn't want him to continue, you didn't want to hear what he was going to say.

"I don't love you like I did before."

And he left; leaving you heartbroken and unaware of how familiar this all sounded.
Ayato felt like an asshole. His own tears beaded his eyes as he ran away, leaving you alone. He hadn't seen you in a long while face-to-face, but he'd been watching over you, day and night; whenever he could. And he'd seen how happier and how much safer you were with Haise and your team.

He witnessed how Haise'd kept you out of the fight with Nishiki. Ayato doubted that he would've done exactly the same.

Every night he'd have flashbacks about the time he'd hurt you; physically and emotionally. He wasn't one for romance, he'd know this all his life, he was wrong to make you an exception.

Ayato loved you, he really did and he knew it but if you being with Haise meant that you would be safer, he would let you go without battling an eyelid.

You better keep her safe, Kaneki Ken.

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