The Other Man

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"Everyone, please go to your rooms now," you stated, hand pressed against your torso preventing your insides from becoming outsides while your body self healed.

"But (Y/N)," Mutsuki replied worriedly, "we can't just leave you."

"I'll be fine," you turned to them and smiled, "I just need all of you out of this mess. This... Is between me and an old friend."

The fact that you could smile like the pain was nothing made everyone have a new form of respect for you, so they listened to you and left for their rooms.

"Thank you." Urie muttered as he walked away.

"(Y/N)," Haise grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face him. "What's going on?"

"Nothing serious, it's just a grudge someone has against me," a numbing feeling engulfed your heart, "go to your room, okay?" You laughed at how odd that sounded. Haise nodded before retreating.

Once everyone was gone, you left the house, "alright, Ayato," you mumbled, "you can hurt me but if you touch anyone in my team, I will hurt you."
He sat there motionless, shocked that what just happened. Why did you protect the asshole?! Wasn't he being mean to you? Ayato felt the same old guilt washing over him once again, he hurt you again.

His fingers gripped his hair and tears of frustration beaded his eyes, why couldn't he just leave you alone?

"Ayato!" Your voice shocked him out of his self-loathing, "what are you doing here?" He turned around and looked at you, unaware of the longing present in his gaze. You felt yourself soften a little bit still held your ground, you broke off with him for his own good, it's too late to have any regrets.

"You lied didn't you?" He said, you choked on your breath, a dribble of blood emerged from the corner of your lip. "There was no 'other guy'." He smirked sadly, "just tell me if I'm right or not and I'll leave you alone from now on."

"You're right." The lack of hesitance in your reply worried him, did you really wanted him gone so bad? "But I don't want you to leave me alone. But I don't want you in danger either." Your eyes burned as tears forced their way out, the taste of your own blood still fresh in your mouth.

"I'm not that weak." Ayato grinned, and swore that for a second he saw the human girl he met all those years ago, smiling at him.
"Do you think we'll die if she finds out?"

"Nah, she won't find out, we're so well hidden after all."

"Well hidden my foot, she can totally see us from there."

"Shhh, I'm busy watching."

"What do we do? We're her team, I don't think we should be destroying any trust between us and report this."

"Then we won't, she's our leader, after all."

"What are you guys doing?" Haise asked, he'd been watching the Qs squat by the window in Mutsuki's room for the past fifteen minutes. He'd been watching you at the same time, too, a strong sense of jealousy gripping his heart.


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