The One-Eyed Ghoul

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Needless to say, after the incident with the ghoul in the car, the Manager banned you from going such trips ever again. Of course you weren't upset with this decision but yet you wanted something like that to happen again, maybe so that you could ask Ayato one more question...
"(Y/N), this is Kaneki Ken, he'll be working here from today onwards," Touka said in a monotonous voice as she gestured to the boy wearing an eyepatch. You didn't know much about him except for the fact that he and his friend almost got killed by Nishiki Nishio. "Kaneki, (Y/N). (Y/N), Kaneki." You gave him a kind smile and shook his hand. Touka was about to leave when she stopped in her tracks, "oh and Kaneki?"

"What is it, Touka-chan?" He seemed a little bit fearful.

"(Y/N)'s human, so she may seem tempting sometimes... But even try to lick her and I'll slice your head off." She grinned in a sadistic manner before heading back upstairs to her room.

Kaneki gave a loud and obviously nervous gulp in response.
Night had fallen and Kaneki had already told you his story; he'd begun from the day he went on a "date" with Rize to the point when he and his friend Hide almost got mauled by previously-mentioned ghoul, Nishiki.

"... And Hide's probably going to return home tomorrow morning but I don't feel safe with him going home himself. I don't even feel safe going out myself..." He mumbled at the end of his story-telling-session.

An aching sensation bloomed in your chest when you realised how much Hide meant to Kaneki so you offered walking Hide home the next day since you knew the area well enough. "R-really?" The half-ghoul's eyes (eye) lit up and he pulled you into a hug before letting go when he heard Touka coughing from behind the counter. "Thank you, (Y/N)-chan!"
Ayato had mixed feelings about his life currently; he was glad that he joined Aogiri since they seemed like a relatively strong group but he was also raging with an indescribable anger burning inside of him when he saw the new guy in Anteiku chatting with you animatedly from evening to night and now the asshat was hugging you. Great. The worse part was, he could sense something up with the dude, like he was part-ghoul of some sort... But whatever it was, whatever friendship that was blooming between you and the strange half-ghoul, Ayato swore he was going to crush it.

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