A Ring To Keep Until The Day Comes

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who's read and supports the Haise X Reader fanfic! I'm still brainstorming ideas for that fanfic and I will not update it as often as this story as, to be fair, I started this first. But anyways, I may even consider it a hiatus but only for me to figure out how I want that story to go!
Word of your short-lived relationship spread through the CCG like a wildfire; Saiko had some how found out and messaged it to all the Investigators she was friends with, like: all the Qs, Kuramoto, Tsume and also some of your own friends whom you have no idea how she got their numbers, such as: Kisumi and Miyako.

Many messages poured in afterwards and you were genuinely surprised at how extremely fast news could spread; it was immensely annoying, thus you switched off your notifications.
Since it was the Qs week off for recovery from the auction raid, you decided to go out and window shop with Mutsuki.

"(Y/N), I have to tell you something," Mutsuki suddenly said while the two of you were having some cake at a cafe; "you know how my room is the nearest to yours and, I don't know how to say this but," he laughed awkwardly, "I heard... sexual noises coming from there last night."

Your body froze. Were we that loud?!

"Umm," you scratched the back of your head, your eyes looking at the menu board which suddenly became so interesting, your cheeks flushed. "Yeah, about that..."

"I'm alright with whatever I heard but was it Sasaki-san or that other guy?" He asked quickly, visibly uncomfortable with the subject, just as you were.

"The other... guy," you replied, smiling shyly. Mutsuki sighed with relief.

"I thought it was Sasaki-san for a second."

"Why not?" You realised how wrong it sounded and quickly continued, "I mean, it's a possibility, don't you think?"

"Yes, I know but my room is kind is near his, too and last night he was listening to sad music so I knew he couldn't have been with you; and I freaked out a little."

"I see..." A moment of silence passed and you both burst out laughing; you didn't know why, it wasn't particularly funny but it just seemed like something you would laugh at.

"Excuse me, Miss?" A waitress of the cafe walked over, "a boy instructed me to hand this to you," and placed a nicely folded napkin on your table, before she walked away, she gave you a smile.

"Ooh," Mutsuki's eyes widened, "what'd you think is inside?"

You shrugged before opening it, your heart swelled with joy when you realised what it was: a ring.

Inside the napkin wrote in Ayato's handwriting:

I told you I'll get you a ring. But this isn't a proposal, you hear me? I'm not going to propose like this, this ring is just a promise; a promise that I'll love you, and that I'll propose to you one day and become your husband.


Tears sprung at your eyes as you slipped the ring onto your right hand's ring finger and gazed at it lovingly.

"May I?" Mutsuki asked as he reached for the napkin, you nodded; you could trust him.

A smile spread across his face as he read the note, once he was done, he folded it neatly and handed it back to you.
"You should get a box," Mutsuki suggested as you walked through the shopping centre together, "to put all the stuff he gave you and all your treasures."

That's what you did, and when you returned home, you collected everything from Ayato, and all the other objects and photos that you kept close to your heart and placed them in the box. There was the ring box, the paper which he wrote his number on, and a shard of his kagune. You didn't put the ring in since you decided you were going to wear it on a daily basis.
Nighttime came and you say on your bed, putting on your sleep socks when your window opened. You turned around and saw him sitting on the windowsill, mask on and purple scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Did you get the ring?"

To answer his question, you simply held out your right hand. You couldn't see his expression but you could tell he was happy.

"Good, I thought that woman might've taken it for herself... Anyways," he took off his mask and placed it on your desk as he hopped off the windowsill and strode towards you, "I messaged you, but you didn't respond."

"Oh! I turned off my notifications because people kept messaging me about Haise," you said, cringing when you realised you shouldn't have mentioned his name as Ayato's demeanour immediately turned sour.

"What about him?" He knelt in front of you while you stayed sitting on the edge of your bed.

"About how our relationship ended." You replied meekly.

"Why don't you want to see their messages and reply them? After all, they're right, aren't they? You're not his anymore," he leaned forward and captured your lips in his, "you're mine."

At that moment, your door opened, "hey, (Y/N), can we talk-" said Haise.

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