Listen to Me

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Your wounds were almost completely healed when you ran over to the scene. The battle was a tough one with the Serpent ghoul having the upper hand.

"Just hold on, Haise, I'm almost ready," you mumbled, feeling your kakugan resurface as your eye burned slightly; you released your kagune as well, getting ready to join the battle.

"(Y/N)," Mutsuki grabbed your hand, "he doesn't want us to join. I think he takes this battle personally after what Serpent did to you."

"But I can't just let him do it on his own."

"We know, but he's not lost yet, has he?"
Haise lost. Not only that, he was going berserk, losing control of himself.

"Mutsuki, bring the rest of our team to somewhere safer, I'll take care of Haise." You ran forward when suddenly a voice called to you from your earpiece.

Investigator (Y/N), do not approach Haise. I repeat, do not approach Haise. He is out of control and extremely dangerous,

It was Akira.

I'm about to tranquillise him.

You pressed your earpiece to reply, "I know you're a brilliant sniper, Akira-chan, but he's moving around rather quickly, I'll hold him, you shoot."
Once you'd reached him, you tackled Haise from the back. "It's me," you groaned, "calm down!"

You yelped as he pushed you off of him roughly, you got up and tackled him again, this time from his front. Your arms wrapped around him, the side of your face pressed against his chest.

"Listen to me, Haise Sasaki." You retracted your kagune and you felt your kakugan fade away. "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I will not let you lose anymore control of yourself, you hear me?!"
Haise was having a nightmare. Strange memories invaded his mind, he couldn't make much sense of them and he couldn't wake up either. Help.

He was about to give up hope until he heard your voice, soft but clear at the same time. Listen to me, Haise Sasaki.

(Y/N)? His heart began to calm, his headache lessened.

I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I will not let you lose anymore control of yourself, you hear me?!

Your voice was pained and you sounded in pain. "(Y/N)?"
Everyone watched in awe as the previously rampaging Haise began to calm in your arms. "(Y/N)?"

"Yes, I'm here," you responded. His arm wrapped itself around you, his heart was still beating quickly, too quickly. "Just go to sleep, Haise, I'll see you when you wake up. Okay?"


You pressed a finger to your earpiece, "do it."

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