Goodbye, once again

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24 more hours before the CCG was about to raid Anteiku, all the investigators involved were preparing themselves, cleaning their Quinques and working on their combat skills; the several others who were more inexperienced looked extremely worried; as much as you wanted to care about them, you were dealing with your own inner feelings. The only thing distracting you from possibly watching your foster family die the following day was the assessment you were about to have to decide what rating you were to get as a ghoul.


After the 1 hour assessment, it was decided that you were rated SS, a success for the CCG as it was a rather high rating; however, that also meant that if you were to betray them, you would become a difficult ghoul to handle. And thus, the higher-ups decided to do a little background check, a more detailed one than the usual, just to make sure you were forever on their side...


"(Y/N)!" Akira called out, "Let's have lunch together, shall we?"

The cafe was nice, quiet and smelled like fresh coffee. It reminded you of Anteiku and brought a wave of emotions washing over you.

"(Y/N), I know your past." Akira said calmly, your heart jumped as your eyes met hers, hoping for her to be talking about something else about your past, the ghoul-less one. "I know who brought you up and I know that the boy you live with is a ghoul."

"How?" You asked, shock numbing your entire being.

"The higher-ups did some digging and now all the high-ranking investigators know; I am telling you this, (Y/N), because I have come to love you like my very own so listen to everything I am about to say very carefully:

The CCG treasures you very much right now so I'm sure they won't lay a finger on you but they do plan to do a 'surprise check' on your apartment tonight at 9pm sharp so by  then you have to make sure that boy you're living with has left and make sure you cover up all his traces, make the CCG lose interest in him as someone who has a connection to you. This goes against all my morals as an investigator but it goes against my conscience not to warn you of what is about to happen."

You sat there, just listening in pure shock. It was all too much to take in one setting but you still made sure you heard everything correctly, you didn't want Ayato to get killed just because of your stupid mistake.

"One last thing, (Y/N)," Akira whispered, her face looking more grim than before, "If the CCG manages to catch the ghoul in your home later on, and either one of you resists," she took a deep breath, "both of you will be eliminated on the spot."


You sat on the couch, fiddling your thumbs nervously, it was 8pm already, where was he?! Maybe he's not coming home tonight, you thought and hoped since you weren't able to communicate with him over the phone, afraid that the CCG might have tapped your phone lines. The door opened, "I'm home."

"You have to leave right now."


In 10 minutes you managed to explain the entire situation to him, making sure he understood that you were doing it for the good of your relationship.

"I'm not leaving." He decided, taking a seat on the couch, arms crossed rebelliously. Your heart stopped, it was 8:30.

"Why not?!"

"I've been waiting so long to live with you and now I have to leave? I'm not weak, I can fight a few investigators."

"If you fight them, we'll both be wanted!"

"Not like they can hunt me down."

"They can and will see your face, Ayato! And they know mine! They'll find me within days."

"But if you come with me, we'll be under the protection of Aogiri, which they have never been able to find."

You felt like screaming! Why are you so stubborn?! A plan popped up in your head, it was a dumb and ridiculous one but you had no choice. It was 8:50.

"Fine... I'll tell you the truth, Ayato." You hung your head, your hear blocked your face from his.

"What're you saying, (Y/N)? What truth?" There was already a hint of anger in his voice.

I'm sorry.

"I... found someone else... and I... I don't love you anymore..."

"Tell me you're joking, (Y/N)," he snarled, standing up from his seat on the sofa.

"He's an investigator, too and I... really love him and I want to live with him instead... I-"

Blood poured out from the fresh wound in your stomach, your attacker stood with his hand covered i your warm blood.

"No words can describe how much I absolutely despise you right now, (Y/N)." He growled, his kakugans staring at you maliciously. Fear coursed through your veins, it was 8:59.

"Aya-kun you have to leave now!"

"Don't call me that, you fuck," He put on his mask before declaring, "from now on, we are just investigator and ghoul. The next time I see you, you're dead." His words stung more than the gaping hole in your body but you needed his overwhelming anger t blind him into leaving. This was the only way.

Before anymore words could be exchanged, the door flew open and several investigators stormed in, the scene in front of them could only mean one thing.

"Eliminate the ghoul and protect (Y/N) at all costs!"

They couldn't catch him and for several years that was the last time you saw his face ever again.

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