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Emily sat in chemistry class waiting for it too start. She swung her legs as she doodled on her note pad. Doodling had use been a habit of hers, most of her school books has flowers drawn around the outside of the pages. There were a few other people in the class room but not anyone that she spoke too. So she sat enjoying her own company, until Calum sat down next to her. Emily looked up at him in shock, because he was early and he didn't smell of smoke. She gave him a suspicious look as he took off his jacket and began to get things out of his bag.

"Well what did I do to be blessed with your presence early?" Emily asked looking back down to her doodle. Calum chuckled a lightly and look over at her as she sat with her hair tucked behind her ear showing off her helix piercing.

"Well you know me, can't keep a girl waiting" Calum replies making Emily smile but she doesn't look at him. Calum smiled at her smiling before he ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't get away with saying things like that to other girls.

The relaxed atmosphere changed when Hannah walked into the room. Everyone in the room stopped talking, mainly because Hannah was never seen in the chemistry classrooms. If this was a American high school film, Hannah would be the mean girl, the bitch, the popular cheerleader. She was a tall girl with a dark blonde hair which always was perfectly straight and hung around her lower back. Her two friends waited by the door was Hannah walked towards Calum. Everyone knew that Calum and Hannah hooked up, it was stereotypical of them but they did. A lot of people always wondered why they weren't dating.

Hannah stopped in front of the desk making Emily look up at her before glancing at Calum. She then went back to her doodling because she didn't really care for Hannah or her shit personality.

"You left this at mine, I thought you should have it back" Hannah as she smiled down at him. She rummaged in her bag before dropping a t shirt on the desk. Calum frowned slightly before grabbing the shirt and screwing it up into ball.

"Thank you" Calum replied, in a slight mumbled. He put the shirt into his rucksack.

"Also do you need me to cover up that" Hannah asked gesturing towards a hickey on Calums's neck. Calum smirked at her and sighed slightly.

"No because now people know who I was with last night" Calum said smoothly making Hannah blush a little but she played it off with a smirk. Emily pushed her lips together to stop a laugh from escaping, even though she desperately want to laugh at Calum's words

"Thanks for last night" Hannah whispered, but loud enough for Emily to hear.

"Any time beautiful" Calum replied

"See you later then" Hannah said, Emily didn't know if she meant see him later as in - they were hooking up or see him later as they eat lunch together. Either way it wasn't her business.

"See you later" Calum nodded making Hannah turn and out of the classroom.

"Wow" Emily breathed, laughing as she turned to look at him. A frown of confusion on her face, but she also looked amused.

"What?" Calum asked smiling a little as she laughed.

"That's how you get girls to your bed?" Emily asked. Calum pouted smugly and shrugged.

"Hannah is different from others" Calum says shaking his head a little, she was they had been hooking up a long time. She was the only consistent girl in Calum's life.

"Then why aren't you dating her?" Emily asked with a raised brow she lent onto the desk and placed her chin in her hand. Calum shook his head slightly and chuckled.

"I don't date" Calum stated glancing around the room before back to Emily. Emily rolled her eyes at his answer because that was such a guy thing to say.

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now