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Emily walked with Holly along the side of the football pitch. It was busy with students walking to get seats or with them being social. Not only students but parents also had come to watch the game. 

"So you guys finally had sex" Holly said smiling at her best friend. 

"What do you mean finally we've only been dating 6 weeks?" Emily asked but smiled a little at Holly. 

"Yeah but you are dating Calum Hood" Holly said with a raised eyebrow "Was he good?" 

Emily smirked but shock her head "That for me to know and you never to find out" 

"Emily!" Suddenly came from someone in front of them Emily looked up to see Joy standing there.

"Oh hello" Emily smiled as they stopped in front of Joy. 

"How have you been'?" Joy asked 

"Yeah really good thank you, how about you?" 

"Oh I've been alright. This is your first time watching him, right?" Joy asked making Emily smile a little.

"Yeah pretty much, I've been a few times before" 

Three more women came up behind Joy. 

"Well i'm sure it won't be your last" Joys smiled. 

"Is this Emily?" One of the women asked. Joy smiled at Emily before back to the woman who said it.

"Yes Karen"

"Oh wow Calum did do well" Another said making Emily blush with embarrassment. 

"Anyway we'll leave you be, see you soon" Joy said as they walked passed them. 

Holly turned to Emily "Sounds like you're the talk of the mums" Emily slapped her arm before giggling a little. 

Holly and Emily found Poppy and Abi sitting with two boys so they awkwardly sat on the end of the row. The game began and Emily watched as Calum played. He had so much talent it was unreal. It wasn't long before the game was over and the school's team had won thanks to Calum's four goals and one from Michael. Everyone poured down onto the pitch to mingle with each other. Emily grabbed Holly's hand as they walked through the crowded pitch. Eventually Emily found Calum talking to some guys that looked familiar but didn't know. 

"Hey" Calum smiled as he saw Emily. 

"Hey" Emily said as he hugged her before wiggling out of his grip "You're so sweaty" Emily screwed her face up. 

"Hey Em Matt is picking me up at the gate" Holly said as she looked up from her phone.

"Okay babe" Emily said as they hugged "Be safe and don't get pregnant"

"Whatever" Holly laughed pushing Emily off her "Don't you go getting pregnant either" Holly said asking Calum look over at them with slight confusion. 

"Text me how it goes" Emily smiled at Holly 

"Yeah and If i need to get out of there you're still down for crying?" Holly asked

"I'm always down for crying" Emily winked before Holly turned to walked away. 

Calum turned to Emily "Okay so we could go to a party or we could go back to mine" Calum said looking down at Emily. Emily thought for a second. Was she dressed for a party? No. Did she want to be social? No. 

"Yours" Emily said looking up at Calum who smiled at her.

"I thought you'd say that" Calum took Emily's hand in his an laced their fingers together. They walked through the field.

"OI Cal you coming Party?" Luke shouted at Calum who turned to see him. 

"Nah bro" 

Michael starred at him with a raised eyebrow and then at Emily. Michael didn't want to lose his best friend to a girl, him and Calum were  the boys known for getting the girls and for intimidating everyone. They were the ones who were popular at 15. They were the guys in a band and the star players on the football team. Michael and Calum came as a pair. Michael didn't want Calum to get mature and start turning down parties for night in with Emily. Michael didn't want to get replaced.

Michael walked over to Calum "You still on for tomorrow night?" Michael asked completely blanking Emily. 

"Of course" Calum said slightly confused "I'll pick you up at 8"

"Okay" Michael shrugged before walking off. 

Emily didn't question what Calum was doing tomorrow night because she wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the answer. She knew at Michael and Calum did drugs together a lot which Emily wasn't happy about but she felt like it wasn't her place to tell him not to do it. He probably wouldn't listen anyway and it would just end up in them arguing or something. 

Emily and Calum walked hand in hand back to Calum's house where his mum and her friend had just gotten back them selves. 

"Oh I thought you two would be going to the party" Joy said as she looked out of the kitchen doorway. 

"Nah" Calum said before walking up the stairs. Emily followed him up to his room. Calum shut his bedroom door before taking off his shirt making Emily raise her eyebrows at him. 

"Stop looking Jones" Calum said chucking his shirt at Emily who caught it. Emily chucked his shirt back at him. Before turning to plug her phone in to his charger. Calum walked up behind her as Emily turned back around she found their bodies very close. Emily looked up at Calum who was smirking down at her. He put his hand on her hips and brought her closer. 

"Don't touch what you can't afford, Hood" Emily said pushing Calum away from her. Calum chuckled slightly before stepping back over to her and kiss her too which Emily kissed back. Calum held her hips as he lightly pushed her back on to the bed. He straddled her as the kiss was never broken. 

"Calum" Emily said pulling away from him "Your mum is downstairs" 

Calum looked down at her and smirked "Then you'll have to be quiet" he said making Emily bit her lip and smiling at him before he reconnected their lips. 


This was a filler chapter but yeah yeah yeah. 

I hope you're enjoying it sooo far, I have so much planned for this book and i'm super excited to write it! 


Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now