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The band had just finished their set and it was their best gig so far. The crowd was incredible and were singing back the lyrics. Emily stood backstage waiting for Calum. She lent against the wall as the boys walked down the steps fist bumping each other. 

"So do we wanna to celebrate?" Michael asked making all the boys nod. Emily smiled a little as she opened a text from Holly, asking how sweaty Ashton was. 

"Emily" Michael sung making Emily look over at them as they starred at her. 

"Michael?" Emily questioned 

"Are you coming?" Michael asked like it was the most obvious thing in a world. 

"No I thought I'd stay here all night, me and this wall have a connection" Emily replied making all four boys chuckle a little. 

"Okay cool" Michael nodded. Calum gestured with his head for Emily to walk over making her pushed herself off the wall.

"I'm not going anywhere if you guys don't go back and change" Emily said as they started to walk out of the back door "You all smell really bad" 

"Work hard play hard" Luke said quoting the rap lyric making Emily raiseher eyebrows that them. They got into the provided car and drove to the hotel. They were staying in the center of Sydney because the drive home would take a while. 

"Okay so we meet back in half an hour" Ashton said as they walked along to their rooms in the large hotel. 

"No sex you two" Michael said wiggling his finger at Calum and Emily. 

"It takes longer than half an hour" Calum commented making Emily frown at him. 

"Well you don't" She commented making Michael and Luke burst into a laughing fit. Calum tried not to smile at her as he poked his tongue into the side of his mouth. Calum turned and put the key into the door opening it. 

"See you in half an hour" He mumbled to the others making Emily look at Michael and Luke laughing a little before she followed Calum into the hotel room and closing the door behind her. 

"Calum" Emily asked laughing a little Calum looked at her before returning back to his clothes "Awh Cal it was a joke" 

Calum shrugged walking over to her and stopping in front of her. He stared down at her before leaning down and kissing her. He pushed her back against the wall as her hands went his to hair. Calum placed his hands on her hips as he kissed her roughly. He kissed her jawline before moving to her neck making Emily let out a breathy moan before he pulled away and walked into the bathroom. 

"Dude" Emily said in a fluster. She groaned in annoyance before walking over to her small bag of clothes and pulled out a tight blue dress. she swapped her jeans and top for it before pulling out her make up bag and sitting at the small dressing table that was in the room and began to put on eyeliner.

Emily had just finished her make up when she heard the shower shut off. Emily walked to the bed and laid down scrolling through her phone as Calum came out with the towel hung around his waist. Emily glanced at him before going back to instagram. 

There was so much sexual tension it was a little unreal. 

Calum glanced over at Emily before he put on jeans and a white tee. 

"Are you ready?" Calum asked making Emily look over at him as he put on his leather jacket. 

"Can you pass me my black heels?" Emily asked making Calum nod and get her black heels out of the bag and placed them in front of her. She stood up and slipped them on before grabbing her leather jacket and walking towards the door. She could the other three boys talking outside. 

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now