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Emily met Holly, Poppy and Abi - with Abi's tag along who Emily had know idea who he was but whatever, at the playing field entrance. 

"Ah so the disappearing act returns" Holly announces making Emily frown at her slightly. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emily questioned as she held Holly's hand. 

"You disappeared after fourth period" Holly said reminding Emily that she ditched the rest of the school day after her and Calum over ran their.. needs? 

"We thought you'd gone to lunch with Calum" Poppy shrugged joining the other side of Emily. 

"But then you weren't in fifth or last period" Holly said looking over at her best friend. 

"So Em where did you go?" Poppy questioned. 

"I left with Calum" Emily said simply. 

"Yeah to have Calum for lunch" Holly commented earning a slap in the stomach from Emily as she giggled.

"Oh my god you're giggling!" Poppy screamed "You ditched school to go and have sex" 

Emily blushed a little but smirked at her best friends "Now now ladies lets not make this a huge deal"

"Could you not have waited a few hours?" Holly chuckled 

"It was only supposed to be during lunch but ya know" Emily shrugged. They were directed to the bleachers.

"Please don't get pregnant" Holly sighed 

"You'll come with me to the abortion clinic thought right?" Emily asked looking at Holly with wide eyes. 

"No" Holly said even thought they both knew that if Emily did get pregnant, or Holly, the other would be right at the others side. That's just how it was. 

"So I'm going to assume that Calum's sex is as dreamy as him" Poppy said changing the subject as they sat down. Emily looked over at her and couldn't help but laugh. 

"Urm sure" 

"I bet he's really good" Holly said. Abi joined in the conversation adding 

"He was the best sex of my life" 

Emily screwed her nose up and looked away. Her and Abi got on, but they weren't exactly best friends they had a lot of tension between them. Emily didn't like the idea of Abi having sex with Calum but it happened before she was even friends with Calum so what could she do. 

"Em" Holly nudged her waiting for Emily's input. 

"I'd rather not describe how my boyfriend is in bed" Emily mumbled making Holly look at her in confusion at her sudden change of tune. 

"He was kind rough" Abi said making all the girls look at her "But his climax moan. I can still hear it sometimes" 

"That's disgusting" Emily said as she pulled out her phone asking where Calum was. The conversation was making her incredibly uncomfortable and she was convinced that Abi had a thing for Calum which was just awkward. 


"What do you mean you can't?" Michael asked Calum. Calum sighed down the phone at his best friend as he put on his shoes. 

"I can't come over tonight Michael" Calum said again.

"But you always come over on Tuesdays, it's like a tradition" Michael whined like a child "Calum please I've already ordered the pizza" 

"I know but I can't tonight" 

"But this is just the start of you not coming over" Michael sighed as he spun himself on his desk chair. Calum let out  a sigh as she grabbed his car keys. 

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now