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One month later...

Emily sat in Poppy's room waiting for Holly to arrive. They were having a bit of girl time before the party tonight. Emily had just got back from England, she has a college interview but still didn't know if she had got it.

"Why is she so late?" Poppy asked glancing at her phone.

"She was at Matt's last night so" Emily shrugged as she picked a grape of the bunch they had sat between them.

"So were there lots of hot boys in England?" Poppy asked with a smirk

"I didn't really see anyone" Emily said with a shrug

"That's disappointing" Poppy mumbled "Was it nice?"

"Apart from the rain, It was really nice" Emily smiled as they door to the bedroom opened and shut.

"Hey guys" Holly said placing her bag down and making her way on to the bed.

"Hey" Emily smiled at her.

"How was England?" Holly asked

"It was good"

"And the interview?"

"I think it went okay, they seemed interested" Emily nodded "But I'm not going to jinx it"

"You'll be fine" Holly said with a smile.

"So Holls why are you nearly an hour late?" Poppy questioned making Holly press her lips together.

"What the hell is that on the side of your face?" Emily asked with wide eyes. Holly's hand went to her cheek and wiped the small white substance off her face

"Please don't tell me that is-" Emily started but by Holly's facial expression it was exactly what she thought it was.

"You're late because you were having sex" Poppy said laughing a little

"Look, Matt has been really you know..." Holly trailed off

"Is he good at it?" Poppy questioned making Holly smirk

"He is extremely good at it. My body is in bliss" Holly said making Emily screw her nose up at her.

"Why are you screwing your nose up?" Holly asked "We all know you used to skip lesson to fuck Calum"

"That was once" Emily said laughing a little.

"So you've been having sex all the time?" Poppy asked

"Yeah. Sometimes twice a day" Holly said shrugging

"Jesus Christ " Emily laughed making Poppy laugh a little.

"Whatever, like you haven't done it with Calum often" Holly mumbled eating a grape. Emily raised her eyebrow challengeingly making Holly look at her in surprise.

"When was the last time you had sex?" Holly asked making Emily look away from her a little.

"Like a few weeks ago" Emily mumbled

"Even I've had sex since then and I'm single" Poppy commented

"It isn't that bad" Emily protested

"Dude" Holly said looking at her with disbelief "What is going on with your relationship?"

Emily stayed quiet as she thought back to the last time she spoke to Calum. It wasn't wven speaking it was arguing, like the time before that and the time before that. It was the least to say that Emily's and Calum's relationship was on the rocks

"I don't know" Emily mumbled with a small shrug

"What happened?" Poppy asked

"They had a fight before she left for England" Holly said looking over at Poppy.

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now