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As  Calum drove Emily out of the school the only sound was Blink-182 playing quietly in the background. Emily hummed the lyrics to the song as Calum drove them out of town. Emily stared out of the window at the surroundings. Calum glanced over at now and then making saw that she was okay. He was slightly confused that as to why she didn't want to be at school and why she wanted him with her.
"Where are we going?" Emily asked looking over at Calum who was concentrating on driving.
"The lake" Calum replied maybe a little bluntly "It's peaceful up there"
Emily nodded before looking back out the windows.
Yes this was the first time Emily had ditched school but she didn't feel bad at all. She texted her mum telling her that she had an anxiety attack and didn't want to stay at school so her mum would call her in sick. So she wouldn't get in to trouble for missing School. Calum ditches school on a regular bases. The school would inform his parents but they wouldn't do much, they've given up.

Calum pulled into a dusty carpark and parked the car. He looked over at Emily who looked ready to go out and explore the woods surrounding the lake.
"Ready?" Calum asked to which Emily nodded.

Calum led Emily into the woods where they walked in silence side by side.
"So how does it feel to be missing school?" Calum asked. Emily smiled before shrugging.
"It just feels like a normal day off"
Calum nodded in agreement. They walked in silence other than the crunching of already fallen leaves on the floor as Autumn was just around the corner. 
"So you wanted to spend the day with me?" Calum joked but maybe inside he was hoping for the answer to be yes. Calum didn't know was it was about Emily but he found himself almost craving her presence. He had missed hanging out with her a lot more than he thought. She brought him into a completely different place. She defiantly kept him grounded.
"I didn't wake up this morning thinking you know what I'm going to do today? I'm going to have a face off with Hannah and ditch school with Calum" Emily smiled over at Calum as he chuckled slightly.
"Well I'm glad we're ditching school because I hadn't study for that history test" Calum said as he stepped over a log. Emily stood on top of the log and looked at him as he looked up at her. 
"Of course you didn't" Emily shock her head at him slightly.
"Am I that predictable?" Calum asked as Emily jumped off the log and stumbled a little as she hit the floor. 

"Just a little" Emily replied before she carried on walking. They walked in silence through the wood. It was a comfortable silence and they were both enjoying the company of one another. 

Calum and Emily say an inch apart at the edge of the lake.
"I like it here" Emily said breaking the silence. Calum looked around him.
"It's a good thinking space" he agreed.
Emily looked over at him "what you thinking about?" She questioned.
Calum shrugged "life". That was an fair enough answer.
"What about life?" Emily pushed smiling a little when Calum looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Does it matter?" Calum asked smiling.
Calum rolled his eyes before looking out at the lake.
"I was just thinking about my life" Calum said quietly. Emily frowned slightly.
"What about it?"
"That maybe I don't appreciate my life enough"
"Woah" Emily chuckled "what do you mean?"
"Well you know I smoke and drink which is bad for my body but then I don't study which means I might not have a good job" Calum stopped and looked over at Emily "I don't appreciate my parents enough all they want is the best for me but all I do is screw things up for them and then all I do is fuck over girls constantly"
Emily bit her lip as she listened to Calum.
"You're living Calum" Emily said looking at him.
"But I'm going to fail School. I'm a fuck over" Calum said pulling out his cigarette packet. He took one last cigarette out. "Who is slowly killing himself".
Calum threw the packet into the lake but placed one between his lips and lit it. Emily stay silent knowing that he was probably going to carry on talking but also not really knowing what to say to him. "Everyone knows I'm going no where" Calum continued "Even you do" he said looking at Emily who sighed at him.
"I don't think that" Emily said dryly looking at him.
"Don't lie to me. You've got everything going for you I mean you're attractive, clever and you're personality is great but I don't have any of that shit"
"Calum shut up" Emily snapped making Calum look at her in slight surprise "okay you aren't good at school but not everyone is but you're so good at football and music. You have talent Calum and talent can get you to bigger placed that getting good grades"
Calum stared at her for a while as she awkwardly looked away.
"I'm not that good" Calum mumbled.
"I'm literally going to slap you" Emily said starring at him.
"Why are you trying to make me feel better when you spent over five years putting me down?" Calum asked. Emily thought for a second.
"I never put you down Calum" Emily sighed "the fact is that I've gotten to know you and I know that you aren't a fuck over. It really pisses me off when people put themselves down"
"You totally used to hate me"
"What do you mean used to?" Emily asked making Calum pout a little. "Also, as much as I am against smoking I'm also against littering so go pick that up" Emily said pointing toward the cigarette packet in the lake.
"You can't be serious" Calum said looking at Emily before back at the packet.
"I'm dead serious" she said pushing him up. Calum sighed as he walked towards the lake.
There was defiantly something about her.
When Calum Returned after fishing out a cigarette packet and putting in the bin Emily was texting Holly.
"Can I ask you something?" Emily asked a little quieter than normal.
Calum replied with a 'Hmm' and a look "What the actually reason you didn't kiss me?" Emily asked.
"I told you, you were drunk"
"And I said the real reason" Emily said.
"I don't know" Calum said "there was something stopping me"
"I knew you didn't want it" Calum shrugged looking away from her.
"But i asked"
"But you don't remember asking" Calum said looking back at her quickly before back to the lake.
Emily pressed her lips together before she did something she'd never done before. She moved a little closer to Calum.
"Drunk words are sober thoughts?" She said making Calum look at her in the eyes. She lent into his lips which he soon connected to her. There lips moved on sync with each other. It felt so right. Both of them knew this was the best kiss of there life. Which was cliche and they both hated romance. But it felt good, it felt right. 
Emily pulled away from Calum and blushed a little as she looked up at him. Calum looked taken back by what just happened and what he just felt because he hadn't felt in a long time. Even then it wasn't proper feelings. 
"That was my first sober kiss in a long time" Calum said "but that also felt very right"
Emily smiled slightly before pushing the back of his head towards her and catching his lips into a heated kiss again.

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now