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A week later..

Calum pulled up outside of Emily's house. He was nervous. It was their first proper date, because the challenge didn't count as an actual date. They were going to a party after dinner, well Calum was but he hadn't told Emily that yet.

Calum sat in his car before getting out and walking to her front her. Calum was wearing a button up blue shirt, with his leather jacket over the top and his black skinny jeans. Calum smiled shyly when Emily opened the door because despite being half his size and one of the sweetest girls in school; the complete opposite of him, she makes him so god damn nervous because he doesn't want to mess this up.  Emily smiled at Calum before waving behind her and stepping out of the door. She was wearing a tight, above the knee, dress which was black and a denim jacket over the top. She had done cat wings, and a red lip with her hair in a sleek ponytail.

"Hey" Calum breathed.

"Hi" Emily giggled before following Calum too the car.

As Calum drove to the chosen  Chinese restaurant. Emily talked about some thing totally unimportant, because she was also nervous. Calum glanced over at her and smiled as she caught his eye.

"What?" she frowned but smirked slightly.

"Nothing" Calum shrugged but smiled slightly as he looked back at the road.

Once in the resturant and ordered the food they both relaxed a little in each others company.

"Ya know Hannah has been giving me glares all week" Emily said as she poured water out from the jug they got for free.

"Well at least she isn't trying to making your life a living hell" Calum shrugged making Emily glare at him.

"No not yet but my life is so close to hell  you can feel the heat" Emily joked.

"Is that why you're so hot?" Calum asked making Emily's jaw drop slightly before she let out a small laugh.

"I don't know if to say you're an idiot and that sucked or thank you"

Calum chuckled slightly as he brought his glass up too his lips.

The food came and the two talked about school mainly, a little about themselves.

"What is that?" Emily asked gesturing towards Calum's food "It looks so good"

"It's just chicken in sweet and sour with noddles" Calum said as he watched Emily smile innocently at him before he could say anything her fork was in his dish picking up a bit of chicken and noodles. Calum looked at her in shock before laughing slightly. "That was rude"

"Sharing is caring" Emily shrugged as she swallowed the food "And that is very good"

"I know that's why I ordered it"

Once they had both finished their food the waiter came over with the bill. To which they both got their money our for.

"What are you doing?" Calum asked looking at Emily's purse.


"No i'm paying" Calum said sternly making Emily surrender and let him pay.

"Thank you" She smiled as the waiter left.

Calum and Emily walked out of the Chinese hand in hand.

"Can we go for a walk?" Calum asked, he things to ask her but he wasn't sure how.

Emily nodded and they went for a walk through town. It was slightly cold but it was okay. The two had small talk until they got to a hill which looked over the town.

Calum lit a cigarette despite Emily's complaints.

"So" Calum said breathing out the smoke. Breaking the comfortable silence and making Emily look at him. "Where does this leave us?"

Emily coughed nervously before looking away. "I don't know"

"Well do you wanna become like official?" Calum asked a little awkwardly.

Emily was silent for a few seconds making Calum nervous. "I think so"

Calum looked at her "You think?"

"Well I don't know I guess I do I just" Emily rambled before stopping.

"You just what?"

"This is new to me it's kinda scary" Emily said barely audible.

Calum bit the inside of his lip and looked over at the city.

"You can't be afraid of relationships, You can't be afraid of love" Calum said after a long silence. Even though he himself was terrified of this whole situation. He didn't except this to happen. It wasn't supposed to happened. 

Emily chuckled slightly "Falling in love isn't my fear. Love is pretty constant. My fear is the people I fall in love with, people aren't constant. People change all the time. People get bored. People leave"

Calum stared at her in awe for a second as he remembered how many times Emily's home had be broken compared to him or many other people.

"I like you Emily" Calum said in a low voice making Emily look over at him "And that scares me a lot. So we either both jump in feet first and get rid of the scared and take things as they come or we just don't"

Emily stared at Calum. She did like him, a lot more than she ever thought.

"Are you willing to be in a relationship ya know you aren't exactly known for being a one girl guy"
Calum chuckled slightly "Of course that'll stop Em"
"You say it like it was obvious" Emily said laughing a little.
"Well I'm slightly offended you think I'd cheat" Calum smiled as Emily giggled slightly.
Emily rested her head on Calum's shoulder. They say in silence and looked over the city lights. Calum no longer wanted to go to the party. Emily felt like she was with a completely different person.
"Be my girlfriend" Calum said making Emily smile. She stayed silent for a few seconds.
"Meh I'm alright" Emily shrugged sitting up to look at him.
He pouted and looked at her before smiling.
"Fine then" Calum shrugged.
"Fine I'll be your girlfriend" Emily rolled her eyes.
"Honestly, you're living very girls dream" Calum said slightly cocky.
"Is that so?" Emily questioned.
"Yes" Calum said before kissing Emily.
As they pulled away from the kiss.
"Why do I feel like you're about to mess up my entire life?" Emily whispered as she flickered her eyes to Calum's.

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now