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Three weeks later.

Nothing had really changed in the friendship, or bond of Calum and Emily. This only meaning that they were still friends even though the chemistry project had ended and they no longer sat next to each other in the lesson. They were only friends. They didn't hang out together but they did send the odd insult or remark to one another as they passed in the hall way or in class. Everyone thought it was weird, why was Calum Hood friends with someone like Emily Jones. If Emily with honest she didn't understand either but she liked it.

It was last period on a Friday, Emily was sat in maths with Holly and Abi who were talking about some party that was happening tonight.

"Are you guys even invited to this?" Emily asked looking up from her work and over at her two best friends who stopped talking to stare at her.

"We thought you got invited" Abi said with raised eyebrows looking at her hopeful. Emily sat back in her chair.

"No I didn't even know that this party was happening" Emil said smiling slightly as both her best friends groaned.

"You've got to be kidding me" Holly said putting her head in her hands.

"Why did you think I got you invited?" Emily asked.

"Because you're friends with Calum Hood" The guy next to Emily said who had no involvement in this conversation. All three girls looked at him. "What you've become really popular since you and Calum became friends all the guys think you're hot"

"Is that including you?" Holly smirked as Emily shot her a look. The three girls watched as he turned red and awkwardly looked back down at his work. The three girls sniggered slightly.

"Hey Em" Came from behind them from Calum.

"What? Emily asked frowning at him slightly.

Calum mouthed 'phone' to her. She rolled her eyes and got out her phone from under the desk.

From: Hood

You going tonight?

Emily quickly typed a reply before putting her phone in her bag.

Calum checked his phone as soon as it buzzed.

From: Em


Calum frowned and texted Ashton, the host telling him to invite her and her friends to the party.

The bell rang signaling that class was over. Emily walked slightly in front of her friends through the busy halls. People pushed and shoved their way through the crowd desperate to get home.

Emily shoved all of her books from her locker into her bag and slammed it shut to be faced with an Ashton.

"Jesus" She hissed in surprise, Ashton smirked at her amused. "Can I help you?" Emily asked after Ashton stared at her for a go few seconds.

Ashton handed her a piece of paper "Sorry, I seemed to have missed you off the list" Ashton said. Emily had never properly heard Ashton speak and if she was honest she didn't expect it to be so attractive. Emily took the piece of paper, which was an invite for his party "Bring your followers" Ashton said nodding to the girls behind Emily.

"They aren't my followers" Emily rolled her eyes at him.

"Whatever love" Ashton smiled "See you later Em" He called walking off to his group of friends.

Emily turned to her friend who were smiling at her making her sigh "You can't be serious?"

"Yes we want to go to Ashton Irwins party" Abi said grabbing Emily's arm and walking with her out of school. Poppy and Holly followed them closely. They all planned that they would come to Emily's in half and hour to get ready and then they would stay over at hers. Emily's mum was the mum who was okay with them drinking and coming home late, as long as none of them were in danger.

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now