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"Red or Black?" Holly asked again looking at Emily who was sitting on her bed looking at her best friend bored out of her mind.

"Red" Emily nodded.

"But it's a little see through at the boobs" Holly said making Emily groan.

"Fine then Black"

"But I always wear black and I wore it to Ashton's"

Emily put her head in her hands and let out a sigh.

"Can I borrow your red dress?" Holly asked making Emily look up at her.

"Yes but if you ruin it you're buying me a new one" Emily threaten before getting up and walking over to her wardrobe. Emily rummaged around in her wardrobe before she found the red dress. She chucked the dress at Holly who mumbled a 'thanks' before sitting on her bed.

Emily put on a black sleeveless dress, which Holly has convinced her to wear. Emily curled her hair and applied make up. Holly put on the red dress which Emily thought Holly pulled off way better than her, straightened her hair but put it up in a ponytail and applied make up.

Abi and Poppy waited outside Emily's house for them to go to the party. Emily and Holly linked arms as they walked a few streets down to Jack's party. As they entered they got a few wolf whistles to which they rolled their eyes at. The four girls got themselves some drinks and stood looking around the living room at the drunken people.

Calum sat outside smoking with Luke and Michael as well as the odd other person that Calum wasn't really friends with.

"So you and Emily are official?" Luke asked to which Calum nodded as he blew out his smoke. The boys were put into silence except from the loud music playing in the background of the party.

"You know who is looking really hot tonight?" Calum heard a guy say from the side of him "Emily Jones" Calum looked over at the boy he didn't recognize him. Calum dropped his cigarette and stepped on it before walking into the house to fine Emily.

"Hey Calum" A drunken girl giggled and held on to his arm to which Calum shock off. He scanned the crowded living room. He couldn't see her. Calum began to walk around when he heard a familiar laugh. He looked over to see Emily standing with Holly and some other guy. Calum froze as he took in Emily, she did look hot tonight. Calum walked over to her. He saw Holly nod in his direction and Emily turn to face him.

"Hey" Emily smiled as he stopped in front of her. Calum scanned her up and down before smiling slightly.

"You look nice" Calum said making Emily blush slightly. Calum took her hand and a bottle of alcohol from the table and walked into the back garden. People saw. People whispered. People talked. They shrugged it off. Calum led Emily to a corner of the garden where it was a little dark.

"Where are we going?" Emily giggled.

"Too get soo drunk"

Calum sat down and Emily stood over him "You're kidding"

Calum shook his head before unscrewing the bottle and pouring some into his mouth. Emily sat down facing him as he handed her the bottle.

Once the bottle was empty they were both pretty drunk. Calum stood up and helped Emily up before they headed back hand in hand back into the party. Calum got them some shots which they downed. Emily stood next to Calum with his arm wrapped around her waist as he talked to some of his friends. Emily heard 'golddigger' by Kanye west and instantly looked around for Holly. This was their song.

Holly heard golddigger and looked around for Emily who she found a few seconds into the song. Emily ran to Holly and then into the dance crowd. They danced and sung the lyrics to each other. They bounced to the beat and slut dropped on the 'get down girl'. They didn't notice the amount of people watching them. Guys watched them as they sipped their beer. Once the song finished the two girls giggled and fell onto each other a little. They went to go get a drink when Emily felt a hand on arm. She turned to look at the person. She knew him instantly. Sam. Sam wasn't a guy that anyone wanted to mess with more importantly Sam was Calum's biggest hater.

"Can I help you?" Emily asked trying to get out of his grip. He got pretty close to her face and smiled making her smell the strong amount of alcohol on his breath.

"That was a pretty good performance, wanna give me a private show"

Emily screwed her nose up at him "Sorry I don't do those"

"Shame. Well that's fine we can skip that part and go straight to the part where I gave you the best fuck of your life" Sam said as he began to walk with Emily still in his grip.

"I'm alright thanks" Emily said as she struggled to get out of his grip. He pulled her towards the stairs. Why was no one noticing this? Emily stopped at the bottom of the stairs making Sam look round at her.

"Princess, come on now. I'll make you feel good" He said as he went in to kiss her she avoided him. Sam pushed Emily up against the wall in anger. Emily closed her eyes but nothing came. Emily felt Sam being pulled off her. She opened her eyes to see Michael with Sam pretty much pinned against the wall.

"You wouldn't want Calum knowing this" Michael hissed in face. People started to notice a scene and a crowd formed. Emily zoned out on what was happening and tried to stop a panic attack from happening.

Calum came to the scene and saw Michael with Sam pinned against the wall. He didn't notice Emily struggling to breath on the steps. Emily stood and ran for the door which she had to push past people to get to. Emily lent against the wall and took some deep breaths trying to steady her breathing.

"Em?" Poppy asked standing in front of Emily who was on the floor. Emily didn't respond. "Emily?" Poppy said again kneeling in front of her. "Em" She said slightly worrying.

"Can you go get Holly please?" Emily heard Poppy say.

Holly was watching the scene between Sam, Michael and Calum. She didn't know what exactly happened but she was enjoying seeing three hot guys go at each other.

"Excuse me are you Holly?" A unfamiliar guy said to Holly.

"Yeah why?"

"Poppy sent me, something is wrong with Emily"

Holly's eye widened and she shoved her drink into the guys hand before running outside. She saw Poppy kneeling in front of Emily.

"What happened?" Holly asked.

"I don't know" Poppy said worried looking at her best friend. Holly sat down next to Poppy which is when she noticed marks on Emily's arms. She pointed at them to Poppy who frowned at Holly who looked like she just had a shocking thought.

"Em you need to breath" Holly whispered "You aren't there anymore"

"WAIT UNTIL I'M FUCKING FINISHED WITH YOU" Calum shouted as he chucked Sam out of the house with Michael and Ashton behind him. This made Emily jump and her breathing increase slightly.

"Em" Holly warn "Slow down them breaths"

Emily couldn't control her breathing or her thoughts the memories.

"Emily you aren't there. You're here" Holly said again, slightly louder. Calum heard this and looked around the corner to see the girls and Emily looking a mess. Suddenly worried he walked over to them.

"What's wrong?" He questions making Holly look at him.

"Panic attack"

Calum sighed and sat down next to Emily. Emily's breathing eventually slowed down and she wiped her eyes from tears and looked up at Holly.

"I want to go" She whispered to which Holly nodded. Holly helped Emily up and Emily looked down at Calum.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow" She said quietly. Calum nodded and stood up. He hugged Emily and kissed her forehead before her and Holly left. Calum lent against the wall and looked at Poppy.

"What was that about?" He asked. Poppy raised an eyebrow at him.

"She hasn't told you?" Poppy asked slightly shocked.

"Told me what?"

"I'm not being the one to tell you. She'll tell you when she's ready. Just be careful with her, she's vulnerable" Poppy said before walking off leaving Calum very confused and slightly worried.


It is slightly confusing but the next chapter it will all make sense although I would love to know any theories you have as to why Emily was so effected by this event.

Comment what you think!

Chemistry ~ Calum Hood #book 1Where stories live. Discover now