Charming at first sight

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Authors note:
Hello, this is my very first time writing fanfiction. This story is going to start out slow and I am sorry about that, but it would be amazing if you could leave a comment if you would like me to continue to write this story.

I couldn't quite see where I was going, it was snowing, and I wasn't even sure where I was going to stay, but I kept driving as if I had a purpose, through the small town of Charming.  It was about 11pm when i decided to pull over and take a break, who was I kidding I had no
Idea where I was going and every motel I drive past looked like a crime scene, the car had to be  safer to sleep in.  I grabbed my blanket from the passenger seat and climbed over the back and stretched out, it took only seconds for sleep to drag me away.  Suddenly I was brought back by the sound of banging someone was banging on my car window, I jumped and hit my head on the roof of the car, I was trying to wake myself up more and trying to peer through the glass to see who was out there, that was when I heard him. 
" are you alright in there miss?"
All I could do was just stare at him I was completely frozen to the spot.  He must have saw the complete terror in my eyes and he slowly raised his hands.
"Hey, it's ok! I'm not going to hurt you! I can just leave you alone if you want?"
I don't know why but something told me that I could trust him.  Carefully I rolled down the window and shuffled back on the seat a little so that he couldn't grab me, it wouldn't be the first time I thought I could trust someone and turned out to be completely wrong.  The stranger peered in through the window.  He had warm brown eyes but they looked tired.  He smiled a little and I felt myself relax and I wasn't sure why considering the situation I was in.
"Are you lost, lass?"
It was the first time I had noticed that he had an accent Scottish I think.
"I'm not lost," I said with a shaky voice.
"Then why are you sleeping in your car? It's not safe here."
"I have nowhere else to go" I admitted shyly.  It wasn't my proudest moment, I never thought I would end up here, in my car. 
"Why are you going around tapping on strangers cars anyway?" I couldn't read this guy, why would he just walk up to my car.
"Well I saw you pull up, I was outside of TM, and when your car didn't move away again I thought I better check it out."
I looked down, I had to look away from his eyes I had to make sure he wasn't clouding my judgement, they just made me feel safe and I wasn't sure why.  I could feel him looking at me and I still felt relaxed, I looked back up at him.
" I was just going to rest for a couple of hours, my car felt safer than those motels looked."
"Aye, you have a point." He laughed.
I smiled a little. 
"I know you just met me and all, but I would like to offer you a safe place to stay. It's just across the road."
I stared at him, who is this guy? And why is he being so nice to a complete stranger and why do I already trust him so much?

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