When shes's gone

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I woke up in a cell. It was dark and damp and it smelt so bad I almost vomited. I raised my hands to my face to feel the damage, It didn't feel good at all, my nose was definitely broken and I had a lump above my eye.  My ankles were still tied together and I couldn't get the rope undone.
I couldn't cry, I couldn't feel anything really I was numb.   All I knew was that he would find me.. he had to, it was the only thing that kept me from going insane, knowing he would save me.


I just wanted to get home and see her.  See my Belle.  I downed the shot of whiskey Jax had made me do and walked out of Gemma's house and went to jump on my bike.  I didn't notice that the prospect had just pulled up and was scrambling to get off his bike.  "Hey!!" Shouted half sack "Chibs wait!" I lowered my helmet and glared at him.  "Why aren't you at my place boy!" I didn't realise I was yelling so loudly as Tig and Jax emerged from the house.  Half sack looked nervous and I felt my heart speed up. 
"I went there ... and ...  um ... she wasn't there, looked like someone broke in ... there was blood."
My stomach dropped and Jax and Tig ran over to me, Jax had his hand on my shoulder and I all of a sudden couldn't hear anything, I felt an anger boil up inside of me.  All of a sudden I was off speeding down the road back home.  How could she be gone!? Who would want to take her?
I parked the bike and ran towards the house, the door was still open and I could see the blood trail leading down the path.  I slowly pushed the front door wide open and I dropped to my knees, tears threatening to fall.  I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Tig he had managed to keep up with me. 
"Who would do this to her"
Tig shook his head, and remained silent.  I had noticed he had suddenly looked very pale and I followed his line of sight and my heart stopped,  I saw Belles clothes laying on the floor covered in blood.  The anger suddenly returned and I stood up and punched the wall. All I could think of was that she was dead and it was all my fault.  The tears that were threatening to fall ... fell. 

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