Getting to know Charming

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I rode with Chibs on the back of his bike to his place.  I was a little nervous, I hugged him tight, I felt him tense a little. I was probably hurting him. We pulled up outside his place and he helped me off the bike.
"Have you never ridden before lass!?"
I blushed, so I was holding on too tight.
"No, I haven't."
He laughed and shook his head.
"I thought you were going to break all my ribs!"
He smiled and grabbed me and pulled me into his arms and he kissed me again. My legs turned to jelly and my heart melted completely.    He led me through the front door and i looked around, it needed a clean was my first thought! There empty Jameson bottles and old cigarettes and dirty clothes laying about.  He must have seen the look on my face
"I don't get much time to clean and it's never high on my to do list!" He winked at me.  I sighed.
" well it's lucky you have me now." I smiled up at him.
"Let me show you my favourite room" he said with another wink.
Of course he led me to the bedroom! But I wasn't going to complain.
"What do you think?" He said with a smile on his perfect face.
I giggled, "it looks just like your dorm room!" He chuckled and put his arm around me. You could feel the tension in the air, I wanted to kiss him so bad. He must have felt the same,
All of a sudden his lips were on mine his tongue exploring my mouth. He pushed me up against the wall his body pressed against mine, I could feel him growing hard and it turned me on completely. I pushed him over to the bed and pushed him down onto the mattress. I started taking off my top and I felt hands pull at my jeans, he skilfully undid the button and pulled them down almost in one swift movement. Then it was my turn, I stood in between his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed, I grabbed his kutte and slid it off, I started to unbutton his shirt taking my time as I looked into his dark eyes. His hands had found the tiny amount of material that was my panties and he slid those off without breaking eye contact. I ran my hands over his now bare chest, making my way down to his belt. As soon as his jeans were off I was on top of him I pinned him to the bed, he placed his hands on my hips and then traced their way down and suddenly his finger slipped inside of me. I let out a small gasp and leaned back as his thumb massaged my clit. I was moaning as he was bringing me over the edge "Chibs" I cried as I felt his hardness throbbing in between my legs he removed his fingers and sat up to kiss me I hooked my legs around his back.
"What do you want my love?" He whispered in my ear and the gently kissed my neck.
I moaned softly grinding against him and he tensed and let out a small moan himself.
"I want you inside me."
And without hesitation I felt him enter me. I cried out in pleasure as I tightened around him. He was big! I stared into his eyes as he rolled me over onto my back with him hard as a rock inside me. He began to thrust slowly never breaking eye contact with me.
"Harder!" I cried as I was just moments away from ecstasy.
"Bella" he cried as we both came hard.
He pulled out of me and fell down next to me, we both laid there in silence as we caught our breath. Once I had composed myself with legs still shaking I rolled over into his arms and within moments I was asleep. It was quite possibly the best sleep I had ever had.

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