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Later that afternoon I was standing outside of the boxing ring with Tig's arm draped over my
Shoulders and Happy was in the ring warming up.  Tig was trying to give me pointers, he was not keen at all on me learning to fight, especially with Happy as a teacher, but I trusted Happy. 
"Stop psyching her out Tig!"
Chibs had come up behind us and hit Tig up the back of the head playfully.
"I'm not keen on this brother, I mean we can protect her, she doesn't need to fight"
"Tig, it'll be fine!" I said kissing him on the cheek and then climbing into the ring.
Happy and I trained for an hour! And I am definitely going to need a little more practice .. ok a lot more practice. I left the ring with quite a few bruises. When Chibs saw me, his eyes flashed with anger and then concern.
"What the hell happened Belle? HAPPY GET OVER HERE NOW!" He roared. Happy casually walked over and smiled at me. "Do kit smile at her! You were supposed to be teaching her not actually hitting her!"
"Chibs calm down" I said placing my hand on his arm. " I told him not to go easy on me and it turns out I'm a little clumsy! Most of this is just from falling over and stumbling about" Chibs' face softened and he brushed a strand of hair out of my face." Besides Happy said I did really well" I looked up at Happy and he nodded and smiled at me. " I'm sorry I got so upset brother"
"It's ok bro, I'd hate to see my girl beat up to". Chibs nodded and Happy just walked away. 
" are you sure you're ok love?"
"I'm fine Chibs! I wanted this remember"
Chibs pulled me into a hug and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead and then grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
"Come on then, let's get you some ice for your face"

We were sitting outside enjoying the sun while I kept the ice on my face in hope that the swelling would go down.  I was so proud of myself, I felt like I could take on anyone. 
" When are you going to teach me how to use a gun?" I turned to Chibs smiling.
"easy love, one thing at a time! I don't want you to handle a gun just yet, let's just get your fists under control!" He laughed and gave my thigh a squeeze.
"Well how about we do some more exercise?" I looked up at him and gave him my best innocent eyes as I bit my lip and ran my hand up his thigh.
"Aye, love I think we can do that" he winked and then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me off to his dorm room.

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