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*1 month later*

I looked down at my abs in the mirror, this whole training to fight thing was great, I have never had this much energy and this many muscles before! I felt great!
I was training twice a day and when the guys were out on a run I would go for a run around Charming.
I was out for my usual morning run when I suddenly became dizzy and weak, I almost fell over and managed to stumble onto a bench, I quickly reach into my pocket and find Chibs' number. After the second ring Chibs picks up.
"What's wrong love"
I never called Chibs when he was out on a run.
"I .. I think I need to go to the hospital" I stuttered.
"What happened" Chibs voice was full of concern.
"I don't know, I was out on my run and I just felt dizzy and weak and I can't get off this seat"
Tears were welling up in my eyes and Chibs was silent on the other end of the phone and I heard him talking to someone else. 
"Love are you there?"
"I'm getting Juice to come and get you! I'll meet you at the hospital ok?"
"Ok" I say and hang up the phone. By the time Juice got there I was feeling better, he handed me a bottle of water and I had a few sips.
"I don't need to go to the hospital anymore Juice"
"Bells I don't think that's a good idea, Chibs wants you to go and he would kill me if I don't take you!"
I shook my head "I'm fine juice just take me back to the clubhouse and let Chibs know thats where we are"
Juice honestly looked scared, but he nodded and helped me to the van.

I was laying in bed in Chibs' dorm room and I heard the bikes pull up. But it was a good 20 minutes before Chibs came looking for me, I hope Juice wasn't in trouble. I heard the door handle turn and I braced myself.
"What were you thinking Bella! You could be sick! Why wouldn't you go to the hospital!?"
Chibs was trying not to yell at me and I stayed quiet until he had finished.
"I feel fine now! I think I have just been working out too much and I haven't eaten much today"
Chibs looked exhausted and at a loss for words, I did feel really bad I shouldn't put him through that much stress. 
"I'm sorry" I said quietly. 
But before he could speak again I was running to the bathroom to throw up. 
Chibs quickly followed me and held back my
"Are you ok love? Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"
"I'm fine I said wiping my mouth, can you send Gemma in please"
Chibs nodded looking confused but walked out of the room to find Gemma and I crawled back in to bed and waited.

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