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I was getting rather sick of the beeping noise, it was becoming all too familiar. As I opened my eyes I made a mental note to make sure I never had to set foot in another hospital again. As I sat up and looked around this time I wasn't alone, every member of SAMCRO was here and my sweet Chibs was right next to me, no one had noticed I had opened my eyes or even moved, so I cleared my throat.
"My love!" Chibs cried out "your awake!!"
I smiled and tears started to well up in my eyes. Everyone smiled at me and each took turns placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Good to see you awake .. and good to see your smile darlin'" Jax was sitting on the other side of my bed smiling at me, I smiled back at him and then looked over at Chibs who had tears in his eyes I reached for his hand and stroked the back of it.  " I'm ok" I said to him quietly and he just nodded and squeezed my hand.  I looked up as a woman entered the room, it was Gemma.  "How are you doing baby girl?" I was shocked at first I honestly thought Gemma didn't like me but I smiled at her and told her I was fine.  She then took Jax outside of the room to speak to him, club business I had assumed. 
"You can go home tomorrow baby" Chibs had broken the silence and I just looked at him and nodded. Gemma and Jax walked back into the room and Gemma had a big smile on her face and Jax was looking way too serious I couldn't tell what they were up to.
" I'm going to take you shopping when you get home baby girl" Gemma said it like I didn't have a choice.  " okay" I said shyly.  I don't know why Gemma had a sudden interest in me but I wasn't just about to argue with the Queen.  Chibs also looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and I smiled back.  I trusted him, he wouldn't let me do anything that would hurt me. 
" are you going to let me watch a movie with you again baby girl?" Tig had spoken up. 
"Of course Tiggy!" I'll let you pick this time!
He had the biggest smile and that always made my heart sing.  How could I ever say no to that face.
The day went quickly and before I knew it I was getting ready to go home.  Chibs insisted I was taken out to the van in a wheelchair that Happy insisted on pushing! I knew they were just helping but having this big of an entourage was slightly embarrassing! Happy drove the van to chibs' house and helped us inside.  I was surprised to see Tig already sitting on the couch so I snuggled up to him and he pressed play and that is where we stayed for the night.  It was about midnight when I felt arms pick me up and carry me down the hall, my eyes fluttered open but I heard Chibs tell me quietly to go back to sleep.
I woke up to arms wrapped around me and Chibs snoring in my ear, i giggled and pushed his arms off me and got up and went to the bathroom.  I took a moment to look in the mirror and assess the damage that was healing slowly, thankfully my face was less bruised and I could easily cover it up with some makeup.  I looked down at my stomach and I felt a pang of emptiness, that baby was mine and I still couldn't believe it was gone in a second, but I couldn't help but feel like my body had betrayed me for a reason.  I wanted a good life with Chibs, but he would have loved that baby no matter what.  My thoughts turned to thinking about if Chibs actually wanting children or even spending the rest of his life with me.  I was brought back to reality as I turned and saw Chibs standing in the doorway.  "You ok love?" He asked quietly. 
"yeah I was just going to take a shower" I said quickly as I turned on the water.  I didn't want him to think I was thinking about what happened. 
"Mind if I join you?" He said with a wink.

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