My sweet Charming

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I was finally allowed to go home. I had been in hospital for a week and it was nice to be outside in the sunshine. Once again I had the whole of SAMCRO around me. I was beginning to think this totally unnecessary, but they insisted. Jax wouldn't leave my side and Chibs always had my back. Chibs lead me into the house and set me up on the couch.
" I'll fix you something to eat." He said and went off to the kitchen. I hadn't noticed that Jax and Tig had entered the house.   Tig walked over and sat down next to me on the couch.  His eyes were sad, he looked at me and gently touched my face.
"I'm so sorry baby girl"

"It's ok tiggy, I'm ok"

Jax shook his head and I looked up at him.

"Guys it's ok, really! You saved me. I owe you everything."

"You owe us nothing darlin'"
I looked back down at Tig's hands in mine. 

"Want to watch a movie with me Tiggy?"
Tig's smile was so wide that it made me giggle and me smiling caused him to smile even more.
Jax gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked into the kitchen to talk to Chibs.  Tig got comfy on the couch as he carefully pulled me closer and put his arm around me.  I felt like he was making up for the first time I had met him and he wasn't all that nice.  He needed this. He didn't get to see his daughters and I felt like I was the stand in, but that was fine by me.
Chib's answered the door a little while later and paid the pizza guy,  I laughed, I should have known he wasn't going to cook.  He sat in the armchair and watched the movie with us.  He was my protector and I loved him.  I hadn't really gotten to be much of an old lady to him, but I had promised myself I was going to be the best.  He deserved it. 

Sorry this is such a short chapter guys! Been so busy! But I wanted to give you something! ❤️ x

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