Would you?

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"Addison go to your room now and take Filip with you please" I said as calmly as I could

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"Addison go to your room now and take Filip with you please" I said as calmly as I could.  I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts.  I hadn't seen who was at the door,  but I had a pretty good feeling as to who it was.  The nerves ran through me, I thought I was going to throw up, was it just him or did he bring everyone with him.  I walked round the corner and there he was standing in the doorway, Jax Teller. 

"What are you doing here!?" I said as cold as I could. But the nerves I was feeling betrayed me when I spoke, causing me to stutter a little. 

"I saw you earlier, I'm sorry for following you but it's been 9 years Belle and you left without saying goodbye! I just want to talk to you"

I thought Jax would be more angry than that and we were clearly ignoring what he really wanted to talk about and I was thankful for that.  I felt so bad for leaving Chibs and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about him and he knew I could give Filip and Addy a better life and I will Be forever grateful for him letting me just leave. 

"I'm sorry too Jax, but it has been 9 years and I don't really have anything to say to you anymore, we have a good life now and I think you should leave".

"He isn't good Belle"

With those words the defensive wall I had put up crumbled as my breath hitched and butterflies shot to my stomach and I froze.  Jax didn't even mention his name and I still felt a million feelings.  Tears welled up in my eyes and I stared at Jax not knowing what to say.   I just did the one thing I never thought I'd do .. I invited him inside. 

After getting us both some drinks I sat down next to Jax on the sofa.  "you're making sure he's ok? Right!" I said to Jax knowing that Jax would always be there for Chibs, I was just worried because club business always came first. 

"yeah I'm keeping an eye on him darlin' don't worry"

Jax looked at the ground and I could tell he was struggling to help Chibs. 

"How are the kids?" Jax asked. 

"They are great Jax, they were too young to remember him and I haven't mentioned him since, so please don't say anything to them"

Jax looked down and just nodded his head.

"I guess begging won't work then?" And he smiled, which made me smile.

"No Jax, I can't"

"Would you ever?"

"Maybe one day"

There was a long silence between us and then Jax held out his phone.

"Put your number in, I know you've changed it, I want to keep in touch, I won't tell Chibs until you are ready, and call me if you ever need anything"

I put my number in and handed Jax back the phone, I trusted him not to tell Chibs and it was nice to have my best friend back.

We said our goodbyes and Jax left and I walked down the corridor towards the kids room. I had a story to tell them ...

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