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Gemma came in moments later "what's up sweetheart?" "Um Gemma I think I'm pregnant!" I need to go to the pharmacy, I didn't know how to tell Chibs

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Gemma came in moments later "what's up sweetheart?"
"Um Gemma I think I'm pregnant!" I need to go to the pharmacy, I didn't know how to tell Chibs... does he even want kids?"
"Oh baby, of course he does! If you are then it will be so exciting! This is what the club needs right now some happiness! And I want to be a grandmother again!"
I smiled, I'm so glad Gemma seem to think this was a good thing!
" and Able will be so happy to have a friend to play with!"
"Thanks Gemma, I don't know what I would do without you!"
She smiled at me and held out her hand.  "Come on sweetheart let's get you to the pharmacy"
We drove to the pharmacy in Charming and Gemma made me wait in the car. None of the guys knew that we had left and if they found out then we would be in trouble! Gemma quickly hurried back to the car and sped back to the garage.

It was the longest 3 minutes of my life! I paced the bathroom as Gemma sat on the edge of the bath smoking a cigarette. Suddenly my phone timer went off and I jumped. "Want me to look at it sweetheart?" Gemma asked. "No I need to do this" I grabbed the test and peered down at it .. and there it was, positive.
"No way!" Gemma said excitedly! I'm going to be a grandma again! I couldn't help but smile and I gave her a hug.
"Now, lets go announce to the guys!" I said and I was actually feeling excited myself!

Gemma and I walked into the bar area and I I had the test in my hand. I walked straight over to Chibs and told him to hold his hand out. I was so nervous though but I thought I just had to do it and get it over with. Chibs held out his hand and I gently placed it down and as he looked down his eyes went wide and he actually smiled as he saw the two pink lines.
"Are you serious??" He said as his smile grew wider. "I'm going to be a dad?" I nodded and he threw his arms around me and hugged me tighter than he ever has before. Then he climbed up onto the bar "HEY EVERYONE!!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!" Everyone erupted into cheers and there was a lot of yelling.  The croweater behind the bar poured a shot for everyone and I had a water.  Chibs stayed close to me all night.  When everyone started getting too drunk I excused myself and headed outside to get some air.  As I was sitting on the picnic table staring up at the sky i felt someone sit down beside me.  I looked over and Jax was staring at me.  "You ok darlin'?" Jax had become like my protective older brother always asking me how I was. 
"I'm fine I just needed some air" I said and gave him a smile.  "You are going to be a great mum" he said and placed a hand on my knee.  "You think so?" I said hesitantly.  "I know so" he said "you make Chibs so happy and you look after us lot and if you can do that, you can definitely bring a child into this life" he laughed.  Jax made me feel better and I rested my head on his shoulder, I didn't tell him what was really going on in my mind but I knew he would always be there for me. 
Chibs came stumbling out of the clubhouse and over to us "how's my beautiful old lady doing" he said with a smile "well I'm just fine my love, but I think it's time we get you to bed"
I led Chibs down the hall and he as soon as he hit the bed he passed out. I sighed as I changed out of my jeans and top and threw on one of Chibs black shirts and climbed in next to him. For once I fell asleep happy, no nightmares just peace.

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