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It had been a few weeks since the run in with the crow eater and little
I sat on the edge of the pool table nerves begging to hit me like a train, this was my first tattoo and it meant so much to Chibs, I knew I was doing the right thing. 

"Ready?" Happy said in his raspy voice.  The guy really didn't talk much, but he was such a softie deep ... deep down and I loved him all the same.  "Ready as I'll ever be happy! I'm just glad we are covering up these scars" we had decided to put it on my arm to cover up the past and commemorate the future we have together. 

Chibs squeezed my hands as Happy started to work.  "How were the kids this morning?" I asked trying to distract myself from the pain.  "They were fine love, little Filip was happy to be going to Gemma's because in his words I get sweets!" I laughed as Chibs shook his head but smiled a little "and Addy, well she just did not want to wake up this morning, but at the mention of sweets she was running out the door!"  I laughed again as I just knew that those two were going to come back from Gemma's on a sugar high! "Well we are going to have our work cut out for us when they get home I smiled! "Aye" Chibs said as he leaned down to kiss me.  "I get the night off tonight, Tig is going on the run instead of me, I owe him, I just want to spend some more time with you and the little ones".  I smiled at Chibs, I knew this wasn't going to last long, I knew they were planning something big, church was always running longer than usual and there seemed to be more of it, but I never asked about it.

An hour later Happy was done with my tattoo and I was completely in love with it! "Thanks Hap! Same time next week then?" I winked at him "caught the tattoo bug then" he said as he smiled and gave me a hug "yep!" I said with a grin
"Good!" He said and walked away.

"Do you like it?" I asked Chibs as he kissed my forehead "aye, I love it and I love you"

"Hey prospect, 2 shots of Jack!" I yelled to the prospect behind the bar, I felt eyes burning into the back of my head "one drink isn't going to hurt!" I turn to Chibs again as I knew exactly what he was thinking!

"Make that three!" I heard Tig yell from the doorway.  "Yay!" I squealed and jumped off the pool table and ran over to hug him.  "Got to have one with my best girl before I leave" he winked.  We downed the shots and Tig said goodbye to Chibs.  "Be careful out there Tiggy!" I yelled as he walked back out the door.  "Love you!!" He yelled back.

Later that afternoon Gemma brought the kids back and just as I had suspected they were on the biggest sugar high!
"Thanks Gemma!" I said sarcastically as I smiled at her. "You're welcome baby girl" and she winked at me. "They should be ready to crash anytime soon though"

"Mum!!!!!!!" I heard Addy squeal "tell Filip to stop chasing me!" As she ran around the pool table with a feral little filip close behind her.
"Filip and Addy why don't you two go and find dad and uncle Happy I think they wanted to see you" I laughed knowing that Happy and Chibs wouldn't be pleased!

I turned to Gemma when the kids ran off still squealing. "Do you know what the guys are planning?" I felt bad for asking but I knew that Gemma knew everything that was going on and she would tell me.
"Yeah I do, and it has everything to do with Diosa and getting into the porn business instead of running guns"
My eyes widened and I started to feel sick.
"You don't need to worry sweetheart, it's for business not pleasure!"
But as I nodded my head showing her that I understood, I couldn't help but feel like I was completely lost again. Why didn't Chibs tell me about it.

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