5 months

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5 months was all it took to go from good to bad

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5 months was all it took to go from good to bad.  I cried as I stood out in the parking lot of Teller-Morrow the rain falling hard and I regretted coming back, the club was in more trouble than ever and i had witnessed more blood shed than anyone should ever see. 

The worst part was that my kids had changed so much.  They wanted this life.  Truly like their father and this was the breaking point for me.  I can't do this anymore. 

Chibs came running out from the club house yelling at me to get inside I was thanking God that the kids didn't have to see me like this.

"No chibs! I can't come back, I can't do it anymore!"

Things seem to happen in slow motion when it's all just about to go very very wrong, the last thing I see is Chibs running towards me his mouth moving but I couldn't hear and the rain just slowing down in front of me..  I didn't even feel it anymore.

I start falling ... I look down and the rain has turned red and then nothing ... I see nothing..


I heard the squeal of the tires and then I see the car round the corner into the parking lot, guns emerge from their windows and the worst sound I could ever hear, and Belle ... Her beautiful face didn't even change like she felt nothing .. collapse on the pavement, I couldn't get to her I had to run.

As quick as the car pulled up it had left.

I sat on the ground crying next to Belle as everyone came running out of the clubhouse

Jax knealing down beside me and I hear him on the phone .. she was so pale, so fragile and so broken .. I regretted in that moment seeing her first. 

*Authors note*
I could finish it here... I haven't updated in sooo long ! Should she be ok? Or should Belle rest peacefully now? Love to all who read this xx

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