Blowing up Charming

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It was 7pm when I heard the familiar sound of the Harley's make their way back into TM. I was laying on Chibs' bed, it was comforting and it smelt like him and I then in that moment realised how much I had missed him. I had been laying there for the past three hours reliving the kiss. How it felt, how he tasted and the smile that was on his face as he left. I jumped up knowing that I was about to see that face again. I didn't have to go very far when the door burst open and there stood Chibs. He wasn't smiling, I had also lost mine. His eyes were far away from the present.
"Are you ok?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah it was just a long day, better now that I have seen you."
He walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I breathed him in, he smelt of stale cigarettes, leather and cologne.
"I have church at 8pm tonight" he talked into my hair and kissed the top of my head.
"I'll wait for you in here then" I said quietly.
He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head and put his lips to mine softly. Then he was gone. I raised my hand to my lips and smiled and fell back onto the bed. How quickly this was moving and how fast my life was changing.. For the better.
My eyes flew open, it was if everything had slowed down, at first I heard the screaming and people running and then I heard people screaming my name.
Jax and Chibs burst into the room and Chibs ran over and picked me up and carried me out of the room Jax ran ahead checking the other rooms.
"What's going on!?" I yelled.
We ran outside and all of a sudden there was the sound of the clubhouse being blown up behind us. Chibs threw me onto the ground and crouched over me. Jax was next to me laying on the ground I crawled out from Chibs and over to Jax
"Are you ok?" My voice broke and tears were rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm fine darlin'" I could see tears well up in his eyes to.
I looked around and the entire club was just staring at the flames.
I reached out for Chibs and he grabbed my hand.
"Are you ok?" He said as he brushed a tear away.
"I'm fine, why would someone do this?"
"The Irish aren't happy with us."
I couldn't accept this answer, I was sick of being left in the dark.
"Why won't you tell me anything!" I hadn't realised I was screaming. I started to cry uncontrollably. Tig had come over and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Baby, it's not Chibs' fault, if you aren't an old lady we can't tell you anything."
I looked up at Chibs, I could see he was hurting. "If I had of lost you." I started to sob again, and fell to my knees. Chibs was there kneeling beside me he brushed the hair out of my face. "You didn't lose me" he whispered. "Tig is right. I also want to protect you, you would hate me if you knew."
He lifted me up. I felt ashamed. They had just lost their clubhouse.
"I'm sorry" I said and I don't know why but I just started to walk away.
"Bella!!" I heard them call after me but I didn't turn around I kept walking.

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