Waking up

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I woke up, the sun was streaming into the room and what had happened last night had come flooding back to me.  I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I suddenly remembered where I was, I was in chibs' apartment! I looked over and he wasn't in the bed anymore. I listened carefully and could hear him down the hall in the kitchen. Treading quietly I made my way down the hall and peeked through the door into the open kitchen, there he was looking as casual as ever cooking breakfast and making coffee. I smiled to myself, this man made me so damn happy. I snuck through and stood in the middle of the room, I was only wearing one of his t-shirts and just underwear. He finally looked up and almost spilt the coffee everywhere causing me to smile even more.
"Good morning princess" he grinned and held out a cup to me. 
I sat down at the kitchen table and continued to watch Chibs make breakfast.   He placed a plate in front of me and sat down opposite me.  We ate in silence for a while and I couldn't help but feel a little bad.  He needed to be out there helping the club, but yet he was sitting here looking after me.
"You should probably be out there helping the club" I said between bites.
"Aye, we are meeting at Gemma's this morning to discuss what we are going to do next... but I have to tell you love, these Irish they aren't going to stop until they get what they want and if it means hurting the people we care about then that's what they'll do"
I stared at him for a moment, not really wanting to understand what he meant.
"Does this mean that I'm in danger?"
"Aye, love. But I won't let anything happen to you, I'll have a prospect stay keep an eye on you when I'm not here and you will not leave the house without the prospect"
I nodded slowly trying to let it all sink in.
The incredibly fast rate at which this was all happening was making me dizzy. Thrown into this world of violence and being in this new amazing relationship with this sweet strong man. It was certainly a nice change compared to my last relationship even with the violence. I knew Chibs would protect me.
"Are you ok with all of this love?"
He must have seen the worried look in my eyes.
"I'm fine, I trust you guys with my life. All of this doesn't seem as bad as my last relationship, if it wasn't for you I'd still be sleeping in my car."
I gave him a weak smile. He got up and walked around to me and lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes.
"Belle, I promise I will not let anything happen to you. You are mine now."
I felt my heart beat faster, and if I was standing my legs would have given out. This man barely knew me but was willing to do everything he could to protect me, I'd often wonder why.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, I did not want this kiss to end.
I sat on the couch while Chibs was with the guys at Gemma's. It felt quite weird being here alone and I was a little afraid, I wasn't sure who was after the club and I wasn't sure why but I believed Chibs when he said he would protect me, so sitting here worrying wasn't going to help. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I jumped up now cursing to myself that I had no weapon of any kind to protect myself, but it was probably just the prospect coming to babysit me.
I opened the door a little to catch a glimpse at who was there when suddenly the door was violently pushed back and smacked me in the face knocking me down and unconscious.

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