I hate this

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To say telling my kids about my past life went well

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To say telling my kids about my past life went well ...would be a lie. It was their life too that I took them away from. Filip was the most upset of course, he didn't even know that i wasn't his real mother, I just told him that he looked more like his father, which wasn't a lie but I still felt bad that I took him away from it all. Addison was upset, but understood, she was still young but she had an old soul and was wise beyond her years and I loved her even more for that.

It was a few days later and Filip had stopped blaring loud music in his room all day and started to calm down. But he was suspiciously calm, I could tell he was up to something, sometimes I wish I had help with them, having a 13 year old boy was a handful and I thought about what it would be like to have Chibs here helping. I was pulled out of my daydream when Addison came running into the room.

"Mum! Fil is gone!!"

I sighed, I knew he had a plan and I was annoyed that I didn't catch on quick enough.

"It's ok Addy, I think I know where he went. Do you want to go on a little road trip with me?"

Addy didn't look so keen on the idea as she thought about it, i was dreading this day also and the nerves started to build up inside me, but I tried not to let it show.

"Am I going to see dad?" Addy finally spoke.

"Not if you don't want to sweetheart. I'm just going to get Filip back and then we will come home".

I was good at lying now, Addy nodded her head and believed what I said. But I knew that when we got there Chibs was never going to let us leave again.

*Filips pov*

I couldn't believe that I had made it to Charming, I knew Mum was going to be so mad at me, but I had to meet him.

I took out my map for the 100th time and realised that I wasn't far from where I was supposed to be going. I walked for a while longer and rounded the corner and saw the sign, Teller Morrow garage. I stepped through the gates and stood there staring at the surroundings, there was a line of motorcycles and cars everywhere and people walking in and out of a building and no one even noticed me. Before the nerves kicked in too much I started walking forward to the building where everyone seemed to be coming from and that's when I heard it.

"Oi where do you think you're goin!?"

A thick Scottish accent rang out through the garage, something told me that I knew that voice and it was so familiar, I spun round and faced the direction it came from and I think at the same time he realised at the same time I did that we definitely knew each other.


I said almost silently


Dad had said a little louder.

By this time we had captured the attention of the whole garage and I recognised Jax from when he came over to our place, and of course I listened in on that conversation.

Dad had started to cross the garage and didn't have time to think the nerves hit me, I didn't know what to do, do I hug him? Handshake? Nothing? But dad had already made up my mind for me as he got closer his arms were outstretched and he hugged me .. tight. I was shocked this is not how I thought this was going to after all these years. Everyone had disappeared at this stage and dad wasn't about to let go anytime soon so I gave into the hug.

"Hey" I said awkwardly as we finally broke apart.

"Hey" dad said back just as awkward.

"Does your mother know you are here?"

This made me laugh of course he has to go all parent mode on me in the first 5 seconds.

But I shook my head anyway, no use lying about it Mum was no doubt on her way out here anyway by now.

"No, but she only just told me about you, i Swear if I had of known I would have come put here sooner"

"It's ok son, but I am going to need to call her"

"She's probably already on her way dad"

He laughed at this "aye, you're probably right"

Dad put his arm around me and guided me back across the garage and towards the building that everyone had gone into.

"Everyone" Chibs announced as we walked through the door "this here is my son as some of you might remember"

Everyone cheered and I looked around the room it did seem familiar but I was still too young to remember it all.

Jax was the first person to come over to me and shake my hand. "Glad you came out here Filip" he said and walked away.

"Come on son lets go and talk somewhere"

Dad lead me into a room which had just a table and chairs, but their was a reaper carved into the table and i was curious as to what my dad was a part of.

"I really hate this" my dad said straight up. I wasn't expecting this kind of honesty or emotion from him, I imagined yelling and fighting and me leaving.

"I hate this too" I said, not being able to think of anything else to say.

"You can't hate your mother for this Filip, she did this for a reason and I have a feeling she hasn't told you the whole truth".

"I know dad, but maybe it can be different now that I know ... surely whatever happened in the past between you and Mum.. it has to be different now!"

I stopped talking before too much emotion took over my voice.

"Son, my life was too much for your mother, you can't get your hopes up here, but I can promise you this I am going to be here for you now no matter what"

Just as I opened my mouth to answer, there was a knock at the door and Jax walked in

"Ah Chibs we have a situation outside"

And as if that were the cue I heard mums voice.

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