Back in Charming

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It has been 2 days and nothing! We thought it was the Irish, but it wasn't. They were shocked to learn that we were still all alive and we took care of them. I had to vent my anger somehow, killing the Irish seemed to have helped a little. I was covered in blood and dirt and sweat, I really needed to go home and have a shower but I couldn't stand going back to my place. Knowing her blood was still all over the floor and I couldn't bring myself to pick up her clothes. I had been staying at Jax's house, it was a distraction I helped with the kids and Tara helped me through the worst hours. 
We all rode to Gemma's and sat around the table for chapel. 
"Received this today" Clay spoke up and pushed the brown paper bag toward me.  It was delivered to TM, Gemma found it at the gate. 
I peered in and saw a CD.  I didn't want to think about what was on it, but we had to watch it.  Clay hit the play button and we all gathered around the laptop to see it.  And there she was, my Belle! Alive! But barely recognisable.  I clenched my fists and tried to fight back the tears again.  I heard Tig gasp and Jax turned away.  Then a man stepped into view, no one knew who he was, this wasn't club related. 
"This girl is mine! Don't you dare come looking for her, or she will end up looking way worse than this!" The man threatened us.  He must be her ex.  This psycho didn't know who he was messing with now. 
"We have to find her" Jax had spoken up after pressing stop on the video.  "No one treats family like this" I looked at Jax, shocked, he said she was family.  I hugged him.  "Thank you  brother."
"I'll get juice to track this son of a bitch down, think it's time he met SAMCRO."
Juice tracked down Tyler pretty quickly and once we realised he was still in Charming thanks to a purchase he made with his credit card, we were off.  We rode through town and turned off onto his street.   We pulled up a few houses down and walked down to his drive way. 
"Juice, Jax and Tig, you guys go round back! Chibs and I will go through the front door." Clay said and took his gun out of his kutte.  I did the same and the others took off round the back.  I stepped up and knocked on the front door.  Tyler not being so bright answered without even seeing who it was.  I pushed my way through and Clay grabbed Tyler. 
"Who the fuck are you!?" Tyler spat.  "We are the people you told not to try and find Belle!" And as Tyler's jaw dropped I fired my gun straight into his chest. 
Clay didn't say a word, he just dropped Tyler on the floor.  I probably shouldn't have shot Tyler, but what he did to Belle, the man didn't deserve to survive, not even behind bars. 
I ran through the house to find Belle only to be met by the others, and then I saw that Jax was carrying a body.  Jax must have seen the look on my face "it's ok man, she is alive but only just." I walked closer and pushed back the blanket and stood there horrified.  Tig put his hand on my shoulder and lowered his head.  She wasn't wearing any clothes and she was barely conscious. 
"Let's get her to the hospital" Jax said and walked towards the front door carefully.  I followed silently. I watched as Jax sat with her in the van, gently stroking her face. In that moment I knew nothing would ever happen to her again.
I followed the van on my bike and when we got to the hospital Tara was outside waiting for us with a gurney. Jax placed her down and Belle was rushed inside. All I could do was sit down on the side walk. Lost.

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